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Everything posted by switz213

  1. This episode started off great! I'm glad Harris took the route that most phans take and played Scott some more "mainstream" Phish such as Sample. I wouldn't be the phan I am today had I not heard Farmhouse or Bouncing. That Bouncing from ALO (or anything outside of the YEM vocal jam) is perfect. Then Chalkdust Torture which is a classic opener arena rock song that is very accessible to non-phans. Trey's voice definitely grows on you as when I first heard it I hated it and now I wouldn't have it any other way. A lot of people like Character Zero, but I don't think I would have played it for Scott. I would have thrown him a Page ballad as I think Scott appreciates vocals and Page is far and away the best vocalist, just in a small range. Also, I would have thrown him some songs with less lyrics. Don't give him something to hate. Notice how he really enjoyed YEM in the first episode. Maybe a Divided Sky or Tweezer (which you did). 90% of Phish's music is instrumental. Pretty funny that he mentioned Brian Eno after Harris was oblivious earlier that Brian and Robert were written about [Eno and Fripp]. I think you did a good job Harris, but I think he needs more instrumentals/jams and I'm glad you acknowledge that you'll do it next episode. I'd also maybe show him some segues and how Phish melts songs together including teases and song-influenced jams (i.e. Manteca). Either way I can't wait until Episode 3. Thanks guys!