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Posts posted by jeffullrich

  1. Jeff, do y'all have any plans at releasing any new shows any time soon? I'm loving the new ones you released so far this year and I can never get enough Earwolf!!!!!

    Thanks Memph! We're always working on new shows, some happen, some don't, it's hard to say. It's been especially hard with Scott working so hard on season 2 of CBB TV. Sorry, I wish I could be more informative.

  2. Howdy Jeff. Not a question per se but a thank you for giving the world Earwolf. You guys have almost totally replaced tv in my life. Unfortunately, modern technology does not yet allow us to hear nudity.


    I would also thank Scott Aukerman however he has never once selected a catchphrase submission of mine for CBB. Up yours, Scott! So I'll thank Paul F. Tompkins for his many CBB appearances instead. Thanks Paul.

    Thanks! It really means a lot when you guys say such kind things. There are dark days and this makes those easier to get through. And I couldn't agree more, PFT is a gift to all of podcasting!

    • Like 1

  3. Hey Jeff,


    Two things:


    1. I have always wondered how the Legal Zoom deal works out. How can 100 percent of what is spent at Legal Zoom come back to Earwolf? I don't understand how that works on Legal Zoom's end. So any business they pull in that was directed from Earwolf is negated because they give the amount of what the customer pays back to you guys? That is incredibly generous of them, I just don't see how that works for them. If you can't answer this I understand! I have always wanted to inquire.

    2. To me it looks like the patent that Personal Audio is using can apply to the ENTIRE internet. Not just podcasting. The patent states: “system for disseminating media content representing episodes in a serialized sequence,” in my opinion this can apply to writings/literature, and especially videos (Youtube, Hulu, Netflix, HBO, Showtime, NBC, ABC and any cable network provider that posts videos of their shows online), etc.

    Did I not read into the wording of the patent enough? Because to me it looks like they could view most of the internet as infringing on their patent. Why are they ONLY attacking podcasting? Is their logic to just stay away from the giants to avoid being squashed? Is there a scenario where a huge entity steps in preemptively to stamp this out before it comes their way?



    Thankyou for all the hard work that goes into Earwolf!

    1. Good question. This only applies to the ads that run in our archives. It's called CPA, or cost per action. It is very generous of them. The benefit to them is that they aren't paying us for the ads, they only pay us for the business that comes from the ads, so there is no risk on their part. Additionally, they don't pay us for any subsequent orders from the same customers, and they believe that people will keep coming back because their stuff is so great (it is).

    2. I don't have anything new to add to this conversation, not right now anyway. Sorry. I know, it's frustrating!


    Thanks for the kind words!

  4. The fans of Professor Blastoff really want to see Professor Blastoff on VPN. We are dying to see them on VPN. Jeff, what is it going to take to make that happen?

    Working on it!

    • Like 1

  5. How does making the podcast actually work? Is it a doctor's office where you schedule when to do it? Do all the podcasters and engineers have a key? I want to know the logistics.

    Google calendars. We have one calendar that everyone is shared on and the hosts book their times. If there is a conflict, one of the engineers or Lauren the studio manager will get involved to help out. But for the most part, it runs smoothly as most hosts are able to follow our studio guidelines (yes, we have a doc to cover all this) and make things easy-ish.

  6. I have one of the best podcast ideas to pitch to Earwolf. Who's garbage can should I throw my pitch directly into?

    Unfortunately Chase, we don't work that way. There is no shortage of great ideas; the shortage is in resources and artists who have the talent, passion and time to execute the ideas. Sorry!

  7. I doubt you want to spill the beans on any possibly upcoming guests, but are there any guests that you were shocked or pleasantly surprised that made it on the show?

    What show?

  8. Mental Illness Happy Hour is under the Ear Wolf Umbrella? Or maybe just like an Ear wolf ally? No worries, I will take all the surveys.

    Good catch! MIHH is not part of Earwolf, but is part of themidroll.com.


    Thanks for your help!

  9. Hey Jeff, I was wondering something about these Mid Roll surveys. Is it helpful for us to fill one out for every show we listen to? I heard the promo on Sklarbro County and did it, and thought it might just be something the Sklars were doing, but then they also had a promo on today's Hooch. Since none of the questions were show-specific, it seems kind of pointless to put in the same answers a half-dozen times, but maybe the point is at least in part to see if there are differences in the various shows' audiences?

    Yes! The more shows the better. This is really important. While the questions are all the same, the answers are only for each show and therefore they have their own results.


    We tried to make it easier for you guys by selecting multiple shows for one set of answers, but the survey software/our developers couldn't accommodate, which is a shame. I know not many people will do it for many shows. But if you are willing, we'd be very thankful. Here is the complete list to choose from:


    SHOTS FIRED: http://www.themidroll.com/survey/shots

    NERD POKER: http://www.themidroll.com/survey/nerdpoker

    NOCTURNAL EMOTIONS: http://www.themidroll.com/survey/nocturnal

    OWEN & TJ READ THE NEWS: http://www.themidroll.com/survey/owen

    TOTALLY MARRIED: http://www.themidroll.com/survey/married

    YOU MADE IT WEIRD: http://www.themidroll.com/survey/weird

    YO, IS THIS RACIST?: http://www.themidroll.com/survey/yo

    IMPROV4HUMANS: http://www.themidroll.com/survey/i4h

    PROFESSOR BLASTOFF: http://www.themidroll.com/survey/blastoff

    THE FOGELNEST FILES: http://www.themidroll.com/survey/fogelnest

    WHO CHARTED?: http://www.themidroll.com/survey/charted

    THE INDOOR KIDS: http://www.themidroll.com/survey/indoor

    TOTALLY LAIME: http://www.themidroll.com/survey/laime

    HOW DID THIS GET MADE?: http://www.themidroll.com/survey/hdtgm

    SKLARBRO COUNTRY: http://www.themidroll.com/survey/sklarbro

    BTW IN CONVERSATION WITH JEFF GARLIN: http://www.themidroll.com/survey/garlin

    THE REALITY SHOW SHOW: http://www.themidroll.com/survey/trss

    RAFFLECAST: http://www.themidroll.com/survey/rafflecast

    RONNA & BEVERLY: http://www.themidroll.com/survey/ronna

    MENTAL ILLNESS HAPPY HOUR: http://www.themidroll.com/survey/mentalpod

    COMEDY BANG BANG: http://www.themidroll.com/survey/cbb

  10. First of all Jeff, I'd like to give you a compliment. Here is said compliment: I think it's great that you take the time out to respond to so many questions from the fans on the forum, no matter how mundane they may be. It's swell that there's somebody making the effort to communicate with us and maintain a good relationship with us, it goes a long way and it shows that you care. It certainly reflects your attitude and professionalism, even when just answering which foods you like. End of compliment.


    I got a couple questions for you, and you're probably backed up enough as it is so no real hurry.


    For "By The Way" I know I heard that Garlin already had previously recorded these conversations, so is his podcast a "limited run" so to speak where the podcast ends after he posts all the conversations he's already had, or do you know of any plan to have more conversations to continue on?


    Also, forgive me if this is obvious because I just haven't done the research, but is there a physical address you can give out for the Earwolf studios? I'd like to write and send out some physical hand-written fan-mail to a couple folks. And to follow that up, would each person have a separate 'area' or address to specify, or could I just send something into the main office with the person's name on it and trust that it will get where it needs to be?


    Thank you for your time and keep up all the wonderful work at Earwolf.

    Thank you for the compliment. I hope the rest of you are paying attention!


    Re Garlin - He had 14 when we started and is recording #15 with Will Ferrell on Monday night. Jeff plans on doing them monthly for the foreseeable future. Our agreement was for 13 episodes, so we know those will come out bi-weekly. If we continue for another 13, we'll basically run out and would have to go to monthly in that case. But everyone is happy and we love the show so I'm hoping we continue indefinitely.


    Re Mailing Address - We have a PO Box and everything will get to the hosts eventually. The only problem is I don't know what it is :) Please email lauren at earwolf dot com and she'll send it to you. I'll try and remember to post here sometime soon too. Thanks!

  11. Who did the opening animation for the CBB on the VPN?

    I'm ashamed to say, I don't know. The logo itself and the animation of it for the IFC show was done by Paul Hornschemeier, who is awesome.

  12. Why did you decide to put the little earwolf logos in all the show logos. I guess it bugged me a bit for the first couple days in logos like the Fogelnest Files were it's a bit distracting but I got over it pretty quickly and think it looks fine now. Although I would still like to know for curiosities sake.

    Good question! The main goal was to increase our branding on other distribution platforms like iTunes and Stitcher. I thought a little thing that would visually identify Earwolf might help us stand out. I'm not sure that it does, everything is so small. We'll roll with it for now and see if it helps at all. Otherwise maybe we'll try something else.


    We often times have 20 or 25 percent of the top 25 shows in iTunes and I just wanted to make that more obvious to people browsing.

    • Like 1

  13. Patent trolls are pretty fucking awful, but moreso the patent system which allows this kind of shit. Hey gang, everybody better stop talking, cuz I hold the patent on arranging words in sequence as a means of expressing complex thoughts.

    Yeah, from what I do know about this, it seems curious that something like that would have surpassed the novelty hurdle. But a patent attorney I am not.

  14. I am curious if Jeff has heard about the patent lawsuit filed against Adam Carolla and what that means for all podcasting?

    I've definitely heard about it. Sadly, I don't really understand it or know whether it will impact us. I certainly hope not. We have more important things to worry about, like creating things.

  15. Wait, I have a real question now. When will Earwolf Radio play more than just the first episodes of all the Earwolf podcasts? Every time I tune in it's the premiere episode of one of the shows and never seems to get to a second one.

    Soon. We're working on the programming for that, which is why you haven't seen much in the way of promotion. We wanted to make sure it worked and now we'll try and make sure it's worth listening to. I'm open to programming suggestions! Maybe some fans can program their favorite eps?

  16. Will the Vancouver live episode be part of the Video Podcast Network? And if not will it be released as a regular episode or sold in the store?

    It won't be part of VPN. I'm not sure if it will be a regular ep or for sale. The hosts decided that and I haven't asked those guys what they are thinking. Sorry!

  17. Something I haven't seen clarified anywhere: Are the videos going to delivered as the regular weekly audio-only podcasts, or are they a separate entity altogether?


    Imagine if poor Andy Daly had to leap out of the first floor Earwolf window 7-10 times in a row for the sake of the viewing audience...

    This is tricky to answer because we don't really know. It will depend. We're trying to figure out how that stuff should work and we just don't have enough info yet to know what makes the most sense.


    Poor Andy Daly...

  18. Here's something I've been wondering about. I always stream the episodes straight from the Earwolf site. Is that bad, sponsor-wise? Would it be better if I downloaded each podcast episode from itunes in order that my listening to the podcast would show up in the actual numbers for number of downloads? Or is there some way to count the number of times each episode is streamed from the site as well?

    Thanks for caring! But you don't have to worry. We have one filed hosted and served from the same place regardless of where it is accessed. Anytime someone hits play or download, anywhere, it shows as a hit on the server against the file. So it's not something to worry about!

  19. The last season of Mr. Show was in 1998. Are there any plans for a 15 year anniversary episode on Comedy Bang Bang or Earwolf?

    The only plans we have are for the 25 year anniversary special. So soon :).
