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Posts posted by jeffullrich

  1. Hello everyone!


    I am just finding this now. At 2:17am after starting work at 7am (with a live CBB thrown in for fun, to be fair). It's hard to keep track of everything on the forums, but please know this thread was not an instance of ignoring. I'm not complaining, I love what I do and feel really luck to "work" at this all day, but we've outgrown our studio, staff, website...the list goes on and on. We're not as on top of things as I'd like, but we're all working to keep getting better. On to the explanation...


    The Tuesday overload...is an unfortunate confluence of things. Sklarbro County, which is fairly new, can't come out on Monday because it's usually recorded on Monday. And can't come out on Wednesday, it's too long after the weekend and too close to Sklarbro Country. So it's Tuesday.


    HDTGM has been around longer than PB and has always been on Tuesday. For no particular reason at the time other than it wasn't Monday when we had CBB.


    The Reality SHOW Show is the same deal as Sklarbro County - it's recorded on Saturday so that they get the full week of shows to discuss and edited on Monday. Released Tuesday.


    i4h's bonus - not ready for Monday, Wednesday is too close to Thursday's release.


    Fogelnest Files should probably be moved to another day, maybe Friday. I'll talk to Jake about that.


    I love everyone on this thread for caring so much...feel free to email me directly (jeff at) when there is a thread like this and I haven't weighed in on it yet...this stuff is important to me. But don't be mad if it takes me a few days to make it over here, there is way more work involved with keeping things humming and bringing out new shows than you'd think. We are fighting the good fight, I can promise you that.


    And stay tuned for a new show we're debuting on Thursday morning (not a normal midnight thing), it's the first ever Funny or Die podcast and it's amazing!

    • Like 2

  2. do you HAVE TO put the SAME intro clip on every episode? it's annoying. just put something that says, start at episode 1 to get an understanding of this podcast. thanks

    Not everyone starts from the beginning so it's important to reset each episode so people know what they're about to hear. All of our shows re-introduce themselves each episode, it's important. Sorry you find it annoying.

  3. Earwolf has been slacking getting their episodes on iTunes recently.

    I can assure you we aren't slacking. It's an iTunes thing that I emailed them about this morning. I went in and manually refreshed all our feeds, so we're good now, but hopefully they get it sorted on their end soon. I've seen other podcasts having the same problem.

    • Like 6

  4. I like this series. It can be a little tough to digest for me because I listen to earwolf while at work, but I find the info being given to be very useful to me even if I never end up trying to start my own business. I think learning how business functions in our world is an important skill for anyone, and the things Seth talks about help me understand the current company I work for even more which may help me down the line.


    I wish I could be one of the people asking questions, but I'm happy to get this content regardless.


    p.s. The length of the episodes is good. Don't make them any longer because there is too much to process as is.

    Thanks for the feedback Jeff! I'll keep the eps the same length, I agree, that works.

  5. Hey Guys,


    Just wanted to let you know that this podcast is coming crazily close to being my favorite Earwolf show. I'm a 25 year old gay guy who worked at Chuck E. Cheese's in Florida for three years through high school and college, all the while cementing a deep hatred of all things under the age of 12. That was about five years ago, but having grown a little and listening to (oddly enough) a lot of Louis CK and your guys' show, I've been thinking more and more that maybe I might want to have a kid someday. Despite all the obvious hardships to be had, I've been feeling like it might actually be much more fulfilling than the soul crushing and exhausting scenario I've envisioned. I was wondering, before you became dads, what were your feelings on fatherhood, and how have those feelings evolved or stayed the same since then? Awesome show!



    Thanks for the kind words Justin! We should discuss this on the show...so I won't say much here, but there is a lot to discuss on the subject. And I would certainly recommend becoming a father. I used to think people with kids just wanted company, but that was a narrow and stupid way to think. It really is great.


    One thing I wanted to jump on was your (Jeff's) point about wishing he could give voice mail without having a conversation. (If only there was some technology that allowed for Jeff to record his voice and send it to people...if only he had access to something like that...) I wonder how much our society is breaking down because of a desire to communicate at, and not communicate with. Be careful with this thought process because it translates to your communication with Arden (right?). We fall into a pattern of just assuming/knowing what we are saying is correct and easily understood by others and that THEY are the problem if they don't get it on the first shot. Having actual conversations allow for us to get that back and forth that the other person needs for clarity and that we need just to stay human.



    Hi Lukas! I actually agree with you completely. I guess my point wasn't very well made. I find that texts and emails are not "enough" a lot of the time when it comes to being clearly understood. So I was saying instead of sending an email, it would be great to send a voice message. Of course, actually talking in always preferred, but since that isn't always an option, it would be wonderful to improve the one-way communication. Engingeer Cody showed me an app after the show (Voxer) that let's you do exactly what I was talking about.

    • Like 1


    Last Wednesday a 10 year old girl walked three blocks from her house to where a group of kids was waiting to walk to school (like she does each day). Never made it. Last night they found a body in a park but are having trouble identifying it (I won't go into details why). The authorities have ruled out the family.




    Oh boy. Okay, thanks for letting me know. Sorry to hear that Lukas.

  8. OH! PPS: Can you please tackle how to get your kids to be thinking about safety and stranger danger without ruining their child hoods? Struggling with this today in light of what's happened out here this week. Thanks!


    What happened?

  9. Is Mike Detective ever coming back Jeff???

    I would definitely not say never, but it just hasn't happened. Scott is as busy as I am and Neil Campbell (the other writer) isn't exactly sitting around with nothing to do. I think the amazing thing is that it ever happened in the first place.


    I know they WANT to do another season, but I'm not sure if they can. I know, not a great answer.

  10. I'm so happy to have been able to work with Seth in bringing this valuable information to Earwolf (and non-Earwolf) listeners. I've been reading his books and blogs for 10 years and he has been THE main influence in how I've built Earwolf. I was able to attend a workshop of his in December that changed the way I think about my business and this new series continues that education for me.


    A lot of our listeners are freelancers, entrepreneurs and small business owners, so I know this series will be useful for those looking to build their business or start one. For freelancers, it will help you figure out if you should continue what you are doing or start something bigger.


    I'm excited to hear your thoughts, so please don't be shy. We're trying something different here with a non-entertainment show, but we're keeping with our values of producing high quality content with high quality people. It doesn't get much better than Seth Godin when it comes to business. I hope you enjoy.

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  11. Thanks for writing Jeff. I don't think Dave meant that they were the devil's work, just that there should be moderation, which seems to be what you are saying. I played video games too growing up, but spent more time with board games and puzzles, which I think are also important.


    Boy, I sure am old.
