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Posts posted by jeffullrich

  1. Thanks everyone for listening the commenting. I wish I could respond to each of you, but our forum replies suck and it's too hard. Andres is trying to figure out a way to improve stuff like that. It'd be great to be able to reply to each comment individually like we used to be able to do with our Disqus comments.

  2. @Zombiebabies - Yeah, the sound quality is not desirable. But what happens is you get into the "is it so bad it's not worth doing?" stage and I decided that it was definitely worth doing. To solve the sound problem I could have had only LA-based shows come into the studio, but that would be boring and a scheduling nightmare. And boring. The other was to spend money we don't have on a show that isn't making any money to put in an ISDN line to our studio, the one we're moving out of in 3 weeks, and also require the contestants find their own expensive "radio line". So neither were doable or attractive, and I didn't want to not do the show...so here we are! Hope that explains it a bit. And thanks for listening!

  3. Shahruz is working on a fix, we'll be testing it today and depending on how testing goes and how long it takes Apple to approve, there should be a new app soon! With more features too!

  4. I get asked a lot about what people should read regarding business and new media. I'll post things here as I find them or remember them or read them or remember to find and read them. I hope you find these things as useful as I do!

  5. One one of The Wolf Den episodes I suggest that we have open source revenue generation. David emailed me and requested I create a forum topic for it. So here it is, post any and all ideas you have for how Earwolf can increase revenue (and profits). Have at it!

  6. This show was recorded about a month after the first one. I wasn't sure what to do next after episode one and it was the holidays and people were away. I came up with the angle to interview a few of the most popular guests from our shows about the impact podcasting had on them. I'm glad I did and I picked the perfect guys. Both Seth and Nick are friends at this point and they are friends with each other so it was a pretty relaxed second show for me. It was kind of cheating to take a couple big names who I knew would like me and put them on the show, but that's what I did! What do you think was the most important part of the discussion?

  7. I agree with Brendan completely. Well said. I would hate for this to become a 100% rose colored glasses Earwolf love fest. I just don't like the lazy negativity you sometimes see. Laura's comment was anything but. Thanks Brendan!

  8. Be nice to Laura, she is offering constructive criticism in a very appropriate way. I wish everyone was this considerate with their criticism!

    Having said that, I'm glad that many people do like the show. I'm sure the girls will take all comments to heart.

  9. I'm putting my money where my mouth is. I'm going to go to each of The Wolf Den episode forum pages and either start or join the conversation, starting now! I wonder how long it will take?

    This episode was scary. It was the first one and no one knew what they were doing, myself not only included but the key culprit. It just seemed like a great idea since we are never all together at once and we had just flew Caroline and Aaron in for the holiday party (It was very tight that night in our 1 bedroom apartment).

    I haven't listened to this since it came out and the longer I go, the more scared I am to hear it. I'm sure it was full of starts and stops, awkward pauses and general confusion. But I remember if was fun and that's really all the matters!

    What did YOU think of this inaugural episode?

  10. @Matt - Thanks for starting this thread!!!!

    The first step is the "On Tour" section of this website where you can at least find the shows that our guests are putting on in your area. We're working on trying to integrate meetups within those events so that people can not only go see a great show but can get together at a local bar or coffee shop afterwards to meet other Earwolf fans. We're working on that as soon as we solve some of our other problems :(
