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Gym Sockerman

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Posts posted by Gym Sockerman

  1. Favorites...hmmm.


    Off Douche: The title track, The juggler, and of course, New Born Baby Colt


    Have a Summah: All of it. Great exercise tunes for the summah months.


    Misc: When I'm Done is probably the song that makes me laugh the most. Amazing concept.

  2. Disappointed this huckster and harmful deceiver gets 2 hours on what is an excellent podcast. Unlike Moore I will give a rational non-conspiracy theory explanation for myself:


    I live and work in Mainland China. Better yet, one of my friends out there works in one of those Apple factories. So let's establish something:

    Factory jobs are HARD WORK. Millions of Americans work in factories in the USA and factories (shocker) are often loud and dusty and very ugly looking. Oh dear they have like.. just steel and concrete floors and are totally scary looking!

    Actually a good many California factories are old, ugly, damp, filthy and horrible.


    But the ones in Mainland China are, on the whole, MORE MODERN, CLEANER AND BETTER THAN USA FACTORIES ON THE WHOLE,


    These are good jobs for Chinese workers.

    1. They are jobs.

    2. They are reasonably well paying entry-level factory jobs relative to their economy.

    3. Michael Moore and Jeff Garland have contributed to HURTING THESE CHINESE WORKERS.


    About the debunked lie of 'suicide nets'.

    They are NOT 'suicide nets'.

    If you still believe they are suicide nets then thats amazing since I've seen such nets and a 90 pound human being would break through them like they didn't exist.

    Did you see pictures?

    Yep. Counterfeiting and 'corporate spying' is big business in China. (so is employee theft in general) but in this case the nets are there for a purpose EVERYONE IN CHINA knows - to prevent 'flinging' small parts out windows.

    With 2,500 people on a shift - it's very easy to get 30 key components 'flicked' out a window into a parking lot where a cohort scoops them up.

    It's been said this technique has resulted in 'clone devices' being counterfeited within 48 hours!

    They are not 'suicide nets'.


    Now.. what HAS HURT Chinese workers making iPhones for the liberal-progressive Apple and its many Occupy Wall Street customers?

    Jeff and Michael spreading absolute false rumours about the factory.

    And it happened.

    You see, the typical iphone making Chinese person is probably a younger unskilled 'immigrant' from Chinas rural areas. These might be 3rd world conditions.

    (My wifes village still has no electricity, no internet outside cell phones and 1 toilet outside.. which is a hole in the ground).

    These 'immigrant workers' absolutely want these jobs! These jobs will dramatically improve their standard of living and give them an excellent start to a career.

    They go there as our gas and oil people go to 'camp'.

    They sign up 6-month or 10 month contracts which include dorms which look like every other dorm in China AND are better than their homes.

    The goal is to make and save as much cash possible. When they return home they will dramatically IMPROVE THEIR VILLAGE or home or family's economic conditions.

    The more over-time the better.

    The more hours the better.

    They WANT to earn their way up the ladder to 14 hour days.


    But you see.. a lot of Michael Moore types put so much shame and pressure on Apple that they ordered companies to REDUCE HOURS for the workers.

    Who were very offended and hurt by that.

    Who now have to stay longer to earn as much.

    Who were counting on those earnings to dramatically improve their savings.


    So that is how Moore spreads lies and deception and how that HURTS POOR PEOPLE.


    Oh and by the way - Roger (of Roger and Me) invited him to meet in-person TWO TIMES before the film was finished.

    2 times.


    You seem fun.

  3. For about a month now I've been unable to stream full episodes. If any of them happen to play at all, they'll freeze around the 30 minute mark and be unable to continue past that point. Manually moving the marker forward has no effect.


    I really dig this app as it saves me so much room on my iPhone.
