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Gym Sockerman

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Posts posted by Gym Sockerman

  1. On the most recent Gams-cast the subject of women getting unfair treatment in the arts world was broached.


    I did some personal examining. I'd say that in my comedy world, women are just as numerous as men. My music world is dominated by them. But my literary world is very sparsely populated by women (I have some Margaret Atwood, Amy Hempel, and Flannery O'Connor [and JK Rowling, but I prefer more literary authors]).


    That fact doesn't sit well with me. So I'd like some suggestions for female authors that really really blow your minds.


    And I'd also like it if this thread became a place for other people to make requests to fill the lady-less voids in their artistic worlds.

    • Like 1

  2. Wait a minute...Tig saw...more movies? How has this bombshell been so glossed over?


    Another reason to abolish weddings: They are a huge waste of money and boring for almost every person involved in the ceremony.


    Loving the episode so far. Sascha's a fantastic guest for PB. Well-versed on the subject being discussed and still realizing that it's a comedy podcast. Perfect fit.

  3. Aww, Matt and Danielle look pretty adorable in that picture.

    And it's great how this show continues to evolve. The youtube stuff is a great addition.


    Edit: OH! Also, if you're not watching Matt's Inside the Master Class series you are really really missing out. It's one of the funniest things I've seen in a damn long time.

    • Like 1

  4. This is the first time I've ever heard someone try to use a Netflix viewing marathon as some sort of substitute accomplishment. "Sorry son, I know that I promised I wouldn't miss your softball game, but I did watch 10 episodes of Breaking Bad. Now I'm all caught up! So, how about letting me off the hook?"


    If he cant keep his word on this why should the fans expect him to keep his word on anything ever? Should I just take his word for it that the Have A Summah album isn't just a collection of differently titled .mp3's each containing 18 minutes of static? I don't think I can take that leap of faith anymore. Is the whole summah being great thing just another fib, just like this 12 movie summah debacle!? Also, I find it abhorrent that Howard is trying to use the Aurora tragedy as an excuse to go back on his word. If he goes through with this movie cop out, everything I thought I knew and respected about Howard Kremer will be called into serious question.


    If I might offer a slight criticism, I think this is a joke, but it's a bit too vitriolic to be certain.

    • Like 1

  5. Who Charted and all previous casts haven't worked for me this week.

    Feel like an asshole for complaining about a free app that provides free entertainment, but this is the internet, so, ya know.
