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Everything posted by DustinMartian

  1. Eli, can you please edit all of these with an external link? Soundcloud, mediafire etc thanks!
  2. DustinMartian

    She So Plugly

    Perfect length, great sound.
  3. DustinMartian

    Our plugs are taller than our souls

    So, so so great. Please enable download in soundcloud everybody! I'm really nervous about playing copyrighted stuff like this on the show but if you did something original I'd totally play it in a heart beat. This was great my friend, get me something original a.s.a.p! You can do it!
  4. DustinMartian

    Shut Up, I'm Talking

    Hey can you upload to soundcloud or another server for me and send us the link? Thanks!
  5. DustinMartian

    Shout out

    Hey man can you upload to soundcloud or another server and send me the link? Thanks!
  6. DustinMartian

    Episode 55 — Crack and Hookers

    Colin, you bastard. I just showed Ullrich and Cyrus your tattoo freaking out like it was real! You tricked me.
  7. DustinMartian

    Episode 136 — 2011 Holiday Spectacular

    I love reading props to the engineer. thank you guys! I knew you guys would love this, and am happy to report we had record download numbers for this episode. Thanks everyone!
  8. DustinMartian

    Episode 25.1 — Bonus Minisode

    The bonus minisode and episode are an Earwolf.com only exclusive! Enjoy
  9. DustinMartian

    2011 Earwolf Holiday Carol Contest Submissions

    Clay, you made my Christmas.
  10. DustinMartian

    Episode 135 — Scavenge and the Wisemen

    We're sorry Dan! We'll have it fixed shortly.
  11. DustinMartian

    Episode 4 — Desert Vacation

    Ben Hertz, Where? I don't see it.
  12. DustinMartian

    Episode 52 — One Year Anniversary!

    Thank you for helping my dreams become a reality Brian Whipple. Honestly.
  13. DustinMartian

    Episode 51 — Death of the Party

    We are the least corporate podcast network there is, German. Carolla, Nerdist, Maron have all been running their advertisements far more aggressively and for far longer. We've been running them for two weeks and trying to have fun with them. They have not affected any content nor will they. Ever. We can only hope we outrace the other podcasts into becoming the first evil corporate podcast network!!! And I hope Kyle Kinane's Ghostblunters is what does it! -D
  14. DustinMartian

    Episode 25 — Happy Thanksgiving!

    Happy Thanksgiving Apple Sisters fans!!!
  15. DustinMartian

    Episode 132 — Occupy Thanksgiving

    Point being, this show has always been about music! We're so lucky when people come together and want to make it in our studio! Thank you for the kind words everyone; our crew, the hosts and people who visit our site really benefit from your open support. I really enjoyed this episode too! Happy Thanksgiving! P.S Collin Denney is an incredible artist.
  16. DustinMartian

    Episode 132 — Occupy Thanksgiving

    That's a shame. You should really go back and listen to all those Reggie Watts performances you fast-forwarded through.
  17. DustinMartian

    Episode 132 — Occupy Thanksgiving

    Quickest way to embarrass yourself on our forums: Complain about our incredible, one of a kind musical performances.
  18. DustinMartian

    God Bless Hot Dog (Plugs Theme) by KC Trimble

    Soundcloud.com works best. and enable the download feature. dont give up!
  19. DustinMartian

    Episode 50 — DJ Robbi Scrab

    Charles H- Engineer Dustin here, I just move from Madison! Was stoked that Rob was a Wisconsinite, my first Saturday here I went to Channel 101. www.wisconsinology.blogspot.com - my friend's Uncle spent years compiling this awesome blog about the macabre, strange and occult history of Wisconsin... Much Love! -D
  20. DustinMartian

    Episode 29 — Atheism

    ::forehead slap:: the gap has been fixed. Sorry for the technical problems everybody.
  21. DustinMartian

    Episode 29 — Atheism

    Sorry for the noise leakage, that was our first double booked recording in our new studio and I did not properly anticipate when soundproofing, Cake Boss. On the last episode with Paul F. Tompkins, Tig even mentions it in the beginning but we decided to release them in a different sequence. I hope it didn't steal too much from the experience, I apologize again. - Dustin
  22. DustinMartian

    Episode 49 — Pop Quiz

    Thanks Jeff, that was a lot of fun. He was great. I have a new respect for Fred Norris. I don't know if I could keep up with him but I'd love to try! Craig, that song is Jay-Z & Kayne West - H*A*M (Bonus Track) Cheers, Dustin
  23. DustinMartian

    Episode 128 — Coach? Coach? Coach?

    J jj - The Alive Or Dead theme is Faith No More - Surprise! You're Dead! And I'm glad ya'll liked the timing of the Foam Corner Theme outro. - Duzz10
  24. DustinMartian

    Does it really have to be 40/kbps?

    Hey Allen, it's Engineer Dustin. I agree with you, for the most part. I assure you there are very specific reasons for our mp3 output, but I'd like to point out that it is very commonplace to have this output in podcasting. You are right about the file size issue but more importantly this mp3 output is specifically designed for people to stream on their phones and on mobile applications. Another thing is bandwidth. Very expensive bandwidth. Since we offer our shows for free and have such large numbers, we pay for our bandwidth and are a donation based service. I have some sample rates for the latest episodes of the following shows: Marc Maron WTF Bitrate: 40 kbps Adam Carolla Bitrate: 64 kbps Nerdist 96kbps SuperEgo: 142 kbps And the only reason Nerdist is 96kbps, is because they broadcast in stereo. If it was in mono like us and Carolla, it would be 40 kbps. I know the SuperEgo guys really try to have the highest quality possible and pretty much do, but as you can see this is nowhere near CD quality. We have a lot of shows, episodes and content going across the world to multiplatform equipment. Ultimately, we have a lot of bandwidth. When it comes to music, CBB in my opinion, has become a bit larger and more ambitious than the technology and current model it is in. I am sorry if you feel it is un-listenable, these are one of a kind rare performances we've captured. We try in our post-production to make the transition to 40kbps as smoothly as possible. Surely you'd listen to bootlegs of your favorite band? I remember listening to micro-cassette recordings of mp3s at 64 kbps to hear live Smashing Pumpkins bootlegs when I was a teenager because I loved the band THAT much. That was on Napster. Now look at how far along we've come since 10 years ago...imagine podcasting in 10 years! We are also very lucky to have artists share their work with us. That goes for comedians as well. Across record labels, managers and artists ownership of their own work; there is no way we are going to sell other people's works on our site unless through the proper channels. Sorry. Think of it like this; we are on the cusp of a new technology. This really is like the first radios on the 20th century. This comedy scene is no different than the roaring twenties. All the cool photographs of flapper girls and guys on giant wheeled bikes with handlebar mustaches; that's us. We may laugh over a beer at how we used to listen to podcasts at 40 kbps while our kids play in the backyard Allen. Don't rule us doing that out. You aren't being a dick, those are very reasonable concerns. I am an analog equipment snob, I hear you. I am positive as new media emerges and our company grows, we will have more options than what we currently offer. Chase, thank you for the compliment! Cheers, Dustin
  25. DustinMartian

    is it me or are earwolf shows really loud?

    Engineer Dustin here, "If it's too loud, turn it down." - Weezer We have a very specific formula for our post production. It's does require a lot of compression and a limiter. It takes the raw audio and pushes the volume up in stereo and then limits it before peaking. I am a fan turned engineer mind you, nothing is worse than a long car trip and a podcast that is too quiet! What our production does is keep the quiet conversation at the same volume as the loud conversation. All podcasts are different, just like all albums are different. Terrestrial radio goes through many different forms of compression. Not only is most music compressed into a master file, then into a digital file, THEN into an mp3 (don't get me started), terrestrial radio compresses it once more before broadcast! It's that tired "all music on the radio sounds the same" line, yet as the industry standard gets louder and louder it quite literally does all sound the same. We just have our formula, as other shows have theirs and we all have different equipment, set ups etc etc Thank you for all the compliments everyone! Just plan your volume ahead of time to avoid us blowing your ears out! - D