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Foam Corner

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Everything posted by Foam Corner

  1. Foam Corner

    Can't find this great bit I remember

    I can't remember any specifics episodes, but if you just want to listen to the theme, it's by Andy Milonakis:
  2. Foam Corner

    Episode 35 — Let\'s Get Outta Here

    Scott Aukerman is so good with numbers. I've noticed it a couple of times on CBB, and now on this episode. When he was pretending to be Al Pacino in 1955, not only did he remember that The Godfather came out in 1972, but he quickly did the math and determined that it's 17 years between 1955 and 1972. What is he, some sort of Human Hot Sauce Calculator?!
  3. Foam Corner

    Episode 35 — Murder Sex

    Glitter in the Garbage should win an award for "Prettiest Female Guests." I always enjoy the pics on the front page. Well done, Drew.
  4. Foam Corner


    How 'bout a segment where you all rapid fire share some thoughts you had during the movie. Just random thoughts. You don't have to go into specifics and elaborate. Example: Paul: "How did that baby get a drivers license?" Jason: "Really? Bears are bulletproof now?!" June: "I don't need to see this many cloacas in a Disney movie." Brody Stevens: "This scene reminds me of the time I was an actor in the motion picture movie "The Hangover," which reminds me of the time I was in "The Hangover 2." A movie so nice they had to make it twice. 2 movies, 2 Hangovers, 2 Brody Stevens. Everyone gets their money's worth. Deal with it and love it!"
  5. Foam Corner

    Harris Wittels Needs His Own Podcast

    Eardrop should be his podcast. He needs to embrace that. Just re-name it "Harris's Foam Corner"
  6. Foam Corner

    Q&A w/ Paul Scheer Thread

    Will you ever do an episode about a movie that you, June or Jason have been in?
  7. Foam Corner

    Episode 35 — Let\'s Get Outta Here

    I love the bonus chart song. Not enough songs today mention Arvydas Sabonis. I salute Howard for that. He gives the kids what they want.
  8. Still don't like the idea of someone being eliminated because they don't have a recurring theme. If the challenge was to make up a recurring theme, that'd be much better. And it'd fit more into the concept of this being a reality show/elimination game where the contestants actually have to do something. The way it is now, you're just having them cut and paste parts of their old episodes to fit into a 2-minute theme-of-the-week. Hearing Matt Besser complain to the shows that their recurring theme isn't recurringy enough drives me crazy. It just feels like a cheap way to eliminate someone this early into the competition.
  9. I'd rather have a subaru.
  10. "Find out tomorrow with guest judges Paul Scheer and Matt Gourley."
  11. I'm wondering what the upcoming challenges will be. It seems weird that someone will get kicked off because they don't have a recurring segment, or at least a recurring segment as good as the other podcasts. It seems as the weeks go on, it'll be tougher to come up with challenges. I look forward to the challenge where everyone interviews Paul F. Tompkins for 2 minutes to show off their interviewing skills. (Which absolutely has to happen!)
  12. Foam Corner

    Episode 116 — When I Go To Queens...

    Yeah, I was just gonna say the same thing about Phil. Maybe if you had her on more often, she'd be able to remember that stuff! She also no longer seems to be the overachieving child genius that she was in her first episode. Doesn't matter. She is too awesome. Make her a permanent sidekick, please. Or give her her own podcast. (cool redirect on wompitup.com/wompupthejam)
  13. Foam Corner

    Episode 116 — When I Go To Queens...

    Thank you! Marissa is my favorite person ever.
  14. Foam Corner

    Episode 115 — The Plug-In Drug

    It gets confusing after the "fuck this" Scott: "Alright, Ken. Don't bail on this bit." (because he bailed on 2 previous bits) Paul: "Hold on, I'm not gonna bail. I gotta bring it back." Scott: "Alright, bring it back. Bring it back, Pau.."
  15. Foam Corner

    rip my ears off

    My money's on you in the upcoming Douchebag Challenge.
  16. Foam Corner

    Can't find this great bit I remember

    Not the Halloween episode (77)? That's the only freestyling that I remember. Other than that, Jerry Minor with "Poppin' Bottles" (18)? Do you remember any lines?
  17. Foam Corner

    Episode 115 — The Plug-In Drug

    You've credited Paul's freestyle to Ken. Unless I'm wrong? They sound too similar. But Scott calls him Paul before he starts over. And David calls him Paul when he's done and passes it off to Ken.
  18. Foam Corner

    Add Your Artwork!

  19. I think they were trying to say it's not better than Superego. Matt Besser jumped to that conclusion.
  20. Foam Corner

    Episode 115 — The Plug-In Drug

    Cody, I think you think Paul's freestyle was Ken. I thought the same thing at first. It gets a bit confusing because it seems like Paul is bailing and it's Ken's turn and Scott tells Ken not to bail on it like he's bailed on all the other bits and Paul says "I'm not gonna bail" and keeps going.
  21. Foam Corner

    Episode 115 — The Plug-In Drug

    Paul's freestyle was amazing.
  22. Foam Corner

    Episode 114 — Hats Off to Caruso

    Since CBB comes out on Monday and Curb comes out on Sunday, I would assume he meant he's on the July 24th episode.
  23. Foam Corner

    Any Guests You Want to Hear on the Show?

    I'd love to hear from Candy's husband Cheryl. Perhaps "he" can send a telegram. I'm not too familiar with 1943 celebrities. I was gonna suggest Roy Orbison, but he'd be 7 years old at the time. I'll suggest Andy Daly. He'd be great on this show.
  24. Foam Corner

    Great Starter Episodes

    Listening to Paul F. Tompkins on The Little Dum Dum Club (episode 24) Loving it. And Scott Aukerman is on episode 151 of Television Zombies.