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Everything posted by Andrew

  1. "organ eyes", "organise" Maybe there's a joke there? Someone work on that, I'm not a writer.
  2. If anyone can post a picture of a cat alongside it's own cat daddy, that would be the holy grail for this forum. I will also accepts gifs of cat's doing the cat daddy.
  3. Ms Borstein, does Seth MacFarlane sing around the office? He seems like the kind of guy who would find any excuse to sing something.
  4. Ms Borstein, when you were in Workaholics did you really touch the tall one's peener or were you faking?
  6. BIG NEWS! 1. I went to Ikea today and bought a very reasonably priced chair and bedside table. Then I put them together myself without any help. I'd like to personally thank Freja for her culture's cheap furniture and plentiful Daim bars. 2. Tomorrow is my birthday, I bestow upon you my Facebook so you can "friend" me and I can "friend" you and we can all be "friends". You can leave nice birthday wishes if you like, as well as see MY TRUE FACE which has so far been hidden to you all. Please note that anything that makes me look uncool is actually an ironic joke that you didn't get.
  7. OK, so maybe this is sensitive, but based on the "Earworf" ad... can Sean read? He seems to be really struggling, and he mentioned that he hadn't had any traditional schooling... just wondering.
  8. And another thing, what's up with these guys putting their feet on the furniture? It's disrespectful!
  9. I think this is 'shopped. PFT would never let himself be photographed looking so casual.
  10. Mr Sinbad: 1. You got a good Dad or a bad Dad? 2. How much do you love and respect your Dad? 3. What's being a real-life Dad like? Edit: NIX DAD QUESTIONS, I GOOGLED AND THERE IS ONLY SAD DAD RESULTS. New question: [H+S, please fill in your own question and attribute it to me, I just like hearing my name read out]
  11. Hmmm. This intrigues me, so I'm not going to rule this out entirely. Which weeks?
  12. Deal. I'm in the Cotswolds, 2½ hours away from London, which seems very far away to me but is probably your daily commute or something. If you find yourself in Cheltenham I could stretch to buying you a pint and putting you up for a night in my parents' house.
  13. I feel like I haven't really posted much this week. Forum users, please step up your posting game to encourage my participation.
  14. Was ist das? (P.S. loved Andy on the p-cast, nice to see good things for happening for any "And"-based named people)
  15. I totally would say something about the movie Rushmore, you really nailed the essential Andrew-ness of me. And please reassure me that the "trying too hard" thing is directed at Wes Anderson, and not about me, because otherwise my feelings will be hurt.
  16. Can't believe the admins are letting this kind of racism stay on the forums tbh.
  17. It's past midnight here in the world's best timezone, so Happy Birthday America, you rebellious ingrates.
  18. My question for Arby Plaza is: you got a Dad? Follow up: What that Dad do?
  19. I'll field this one. Yes, legit Dad status confirmed by extensive Internet stalking. Keeps it very quiet though, probably some sort of real dark family pain there. It'll all come out in the inevitable WTF interview I guess.
  20. Weird, I can't see Chanson Snr in Chrome, but he's right there gripping that wood in IE and Firefox... I think Treese is sabotaging your dad pics, C-Dog. Edit: heh heh, C-Dog, because of boats. I didn't even plan that.
  21. Yeah Chanson, we wanna see that D. (Dad).
  22. Wait... if Agata's there... and SSB is there... then who took picture?
  23. Showshowbro, you got lucky this time but you need to consider your internet safety. Agata could have turned out to be a 40 year old man. Edit: I didn't mean "you got lucky" in that way! LOL! Oh my gosh you guys I didn't even mean it like that!
  24. If I could die anywhere it would be on top of the Four Corners Monument because I would probably be the first guy to do that and maybe I'd get some kind of reward. Also because I would love to die surrounded by turquoise jewellery.