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Everything posted by Andrew

  1. Andrew

    Happy Birthday, Hayes

    I didn't like my note, do me again. P.S. We have Spars here too, what a bond we share.
  2. Andrew

    Happy Birthday, Hayes

    too long, just skimmed
  3. Andrew

    Happy Birthday, Hayes

    If you want to embed a video, you have to post the link like [media]youtube link here[/media]
  4. First things first, I'm the realest.
  5. Andrew

    A forum on forums

    Hah, yes, moderation in all things
  6. Andrew

    A forum on forums

    Yes to everything Bruce said. I wouldn't worry too much about all the in-jokes and traditions, there really aren't that many besides calling a dad a "D". And if you want to acknowledge a post just "like" it, unless you really think a new post would add something good or funny. Maybe it's just me but for me, getting a lot of likes is just as good a sense of acknowledgement as getting a few replies. I feel weird because there aren't really any rules so you haven't done anything wrong, and any tips on "how to post" are just my opinion and I'm not any sort of Leader Of The Forum. That said, yeah maybe keep it low profile until the new thread by chiming in just a couple times a day being sincere and real. Already the posts about your cat, and putting up a real avatar, and all the genuine stuff has been really good. Clearly you like the show and are committed to the forum, so please do stick around and it'll all be cool by next week's thread.
  7. OK, this really quite annoyed me so I'm going to respond in a genuine way. The number of posters isn't that important, the issue is the tone and volume of the posts. The forum has kept a fairly consistent vibe for at least the year I've been here, but changed massively in the last two weeks. It was fun and friendly before, but now it doesn't feel the same way. I think this is for two reasons: 1. The 'old' forums/posters had a mix of dumb jokes and sincere chatting, whereas the 'new' forums/posters seem to be more about playing a character. Playing a character, or having a persona, or trying to be like Sean and Hayes when they're doing the whole "Hollywood mogul" stuff harms the forum. It can be funny in short doses, but it totally fails at creating a culture where we really get to know each other. If we were all playing a character, I don't think we would have got to this point where we share pictures of our family and have video chats together and post links to our cool band's cool album and so on. 2. The volume of posts by new posters sky-rocketed. You and ChandlerBing are responsible for about a third of the posts on this thread. Just two posters, 33% of the posts. Last thread, you single-handedly posted about a seventh of the entire thread. It drowns out all the 'old' voices and makes it seem like the 'new' voices have taken over. I don't think that as a single poster I have any more right than you to decide the tone of this place. But I do know that I enjoyed it before, and I don't now. I do know that I'm not the only poster who feels this way. And I don't think I should just "learn to accept" a clear degradation in the quality of this forum.
  8. You know when you're having a conversation with your friends, and you have some in-jokes and impressions and stuff, sure, but it isn't the main thing, the main thing is just a tone of goofy friendship,and new people slowly enter the conversation and through context and time they gradually get up to speed and get it and can join in the conversation without changing it? I love it when that happens.
  9. I also have no notes for this ep. I was kind of zoned out and then heard them say the name Andrew at one point, which was exciting.
  10. Hayes' D has a Wikipedia page and he doesn't, that's gotta sting. Still, my D doesn't even have a Wiktionary page so I can't talk.
  11. Someone should have made a "vape culture" joke, that would have been quite funny I think.
  12. And Jmonsterface, quit those likes! They used to be rationed out and getting one was special! Quit it! I'm putting you all on blast! I'm real ornery tonight (is that the right word? When you really wanna have sex?)
  13. Hey Diaper, you just cost us the big record in the Guinness Book of World Records for longest forum thread! We're disqualified because of foul play! Are you happy now?!
  14. No way. We have to be producing original content HOW DARE YOU, don't you know who you're talking to?!
  15. How can you be allergic to animals when you ARE animals? #sceince
  16. Teachers Without Borders podcast, we've all been getting super into it without you. Try to keep up.
  17. Really? My perception is that he's almost unknown in Britain. Wikipedia and his live stuff does make it seem like he's decently popular in Ireland though. How can anyone and not try to do big kissies onto his face? "'Til at last all around us was fastness/One vast glassy desert of arsenic white/And the waves that once lifted us/Sifted instead into drifts against Annabelle's sides". Makes me want to punch him for write words so good.
  18. Nic Jones' is not new but it is very cool and good if you're into English folk.Joe Pug just released a new album but it's .Josh Ritter also recently released a live album, there's nothing new but who cares because .
  19. No slowing down on the posts please, this thread has to beat the Dan Klein one.
  20. I don't understand, none of those faces are twenty-something white guys. Are you sure one of them is you?
  21. Are we gonna hit triple-hundo on a Wednesday?!
  22. I saw Chappie and I need to warn everyone that this is NOT A NICE MOVIE. Chappie is not a funny butler like I was expecting from the title, he is actually a METAL MAN that does CRIMES. Can you even imagine a robber guy (already getting serious chills) then make that robber guy made of STEEL? Also the whole God/creator theme is HEAVY-HANDED. I rate this movie five stars, meaning Seriously Terrifying And Really Scary.