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Posts posted by Andrew

  1. Twenty posts in four hours, it can be done!


    I don't have any stories about those topics, though. I would make a poor improv4humans guest.


    We just have to reach out for sure thing stories, like so:


    Joe McGurl, have you had to kiss a lady in an acting? What was that like?


    SSB, what is the biggest fish you have fished?


    Tim, what screen resolution is your computer?


    BRR, what is your favourite kind of potato?

    • Like 2

  2. Whoa! Twelve pages. Well done, gang! That is some of the best forum posting that I've seen in a long time.


    It's good, but not enough! LET'S HIT 250.


    P.S. I saw Furry, it was OK but not great. Had a couple of gory bits that I guess were supposed to show the horror of war or w/e, but you can't play that card if you're also going to put in countless shots of Percy Jackson: The Lightning Thief mowing people down screaming "die Nazi motherfuckers".


    I also couldn't work out if Furry the Tank was supposed to be alive like Herbie, it's head (with the long gun tube bit) moved around like it was looking around but there was never a shot of Brad Pitt using controls so I think the director was deliberately ambiguous on that point.


    Overall, this movie is "tanks but no tanks" (but full disclosure there are tanks in this movie)

    • Like 3

  3. So imagine that your boyfriend and your dad have a Freaky Friday-style mind switch, and for some reason you have to do it with one of them. Do you pick the boyfriend-body/dad-mind, or dad-body/boyfriend-mind? (Please substitute for girlfriends, moms, etc as appropriate).


    I was pilloried by classmates for saying I would pick the mum-body/girlfriend-mind one, but that seems the moral choice, right?


    Please discuss.

    • Like 3

  4. I've stumbled upon an easy solution, and that is to be wildly inconsistent and occasionally make real stinker posts that nobody enjoys. Doing that bad in this new Like economy really grounds you and makes you appreciate each and every Like you get thereafter. Current mood: blessed -_-/>


    But where does that leave posters like me who can't help but lay down gold-standard posts every time?

    • Like 3

  5. Is it VB's birthday? Happy Birthday!!




    And you're welcome, TKS: https://www.scribd.c...ncer-Episode-01


    I don't have an ending for it, so if anyone wants to help me write an ending or punch it up, I would love that. Also, any formatting tips are welcome.


    I liked this because too often I'll open up one of these scripts, Ctrl+F for "Andrew", and 0 results. In this one, I'm the star that I always knew I should be.


    (Are we supposed to give real notes? I have a real note but I don't want to kill the mood.)

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