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Posts posted by Andrew

  1. I went to New York last week and had to leave my 5 star hotel suite in Manhattan for two days to go a wedding in New Jersey. I swear I saw upwards of TEN BUGS! I honestly don't know how you flyover people can live like that. I guess when your jobs are just pushing dumpsters back and forth across parking lots you get used to it...


    I went to Arizona on holiday (too hot, please fix that) and I saw multiple lizards. On the ground, just scuttling around, and no-one seemed to care that these people lived among LIZARDS like that was a normal thing to see everyday.

    • Like 4


    Also noteworthy is:


    1) Andrew is British. He's really British. If he was American and faking it by using words like "bloody" and "wanker", he's be a cigarette (get that funny joke?).


    6) Hayes and Sean don't post here that much. I'm pretty sure they only occasionally even read it. They advertise on the show that you can talk to them here, but they're big-leaguing you. But you can't complain, because they're the alpha dogs and if you don't pay them 'spect then you're one of the dumpster people.


    First of all, I don't know how you worked out I'm bloody British, I think I've kept it a bleedin' secret you bloody Yank. Apples and pears, you havin' a larf? God Save The Queen, what what? How did you do it, trace my IP address or something?


    And I've seen HayzieBone pop up on the Online Users list way more often than you'd think, so I figure he's always here, silently watching.

    • Like 3

  3. I actually don't like ANY religions, and I thought that this forum was going to be a respite from all the Crazy Christians, and Organised Religion is actually such a SCAM I can't believe people FALL for it. More jokes:


    Judaism = Boo-daism

    Hinduism = Hin-don't-ism

    Jainism = Painism, in the butt-ism.


    Btw, does anyone know how much Bill Maher pays for jokes?

    • Like 4

  4. Hey guys I couldn't donate any money this month (just bought a sick jet ski cash only) so my donation is a song. I made you guys a song to play to explain the Popcorn Gallery to guests. I worked really hard on it so definitely please use it. And please not in post... Please use it live so the guest can hear it too I think it will actually SAVE us all time.




    EDIT: And before anyone asks... No I actually haven't been classically trained as a singer! My church just says I have a knack for being on key. Too much talent in one body! Thanks the Lord Jesus Christ for my blessings!


    Loooooovved the song, very Billy Joel-esque.

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