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Posts posted by Andrew

  1. This is making me want to go back and update this and fix all the mistakes and weird parts I somehow overlooked back then.


    Editing is for losers who can't get it right first time. If you want to be the kind of chump that spends his life looking back and living with regret, go ahead.


    I don't play it that way, which is why I always hand in the first draft of anything I've ever done.

    • Like 6

  2. I believe "Sean Hayes" is a legal fiction created by Sean and Hayes to get around SAG and WGA restrictions on the maximum amount of pay permitted in a single tax year.


    So S+H employ some dumbf**k nobody to act as their legal proxy - that way they can work on their sitcom and game night projects through "him" ("he" is technically a corporation), while also maxing out their own personal Annual Permitted Pay levels.


    I guess those are the kinds of loopholes you can exploit if you can afford to keep Power Lawyers LLP on retainer.

    • Like 3

  3. At first I didnt want to know you ever but this just makes me want to be your friend more and i would like to submit an application, so let me state my case. firstly, i am a great friend to have. I carry now & laters candies on my person at all times and always enough to share with my bros. I am relatively hygienic ...


    I carry now & laters candies on my person at all times and always ...






    • Like 4

  4. Ooh, June 10 is tricky for me... going out that night for my new girl's b-day (she wants to keep it hush-hush so no names, but let's just say she's turning 22 and just showed off her comedy chops in "The Other Woman" - oops, I might have said too much!)


    She would be piiiissssed if I went to Italy - unless I can bring her too? She hates the show, by the way, don't know if that will change your decision.

    • Like 2

  5. Mr Movak, you were on Punked. What is a good prank that I can play on my little sis?


    Also for Mr Novvak, your first book was described as a "fictional collection of "Woody Allen"-like stories"; frankly, I find it inappropriate that anyone would want to write or read about that kind of sick stuff. I suppose my question is, what's the appeal?



    Mr Thomas, you hold Canadian, British, and U.S. citizenship. Which is your favourite, and why is it British?


    Also, you were a copywriter at McCann Erickson in the '70s. Do you feel that Mad Men, and specifically the character of Don Draper, is modelled after your life story? Did you have a black secretary too?

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