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Everything posted by Julia

  1. Julia

    Episode 32 — Power

    Just got my certificate in the mail today for sponsoring this episode! So cool. If you haven't donated yet listeners, you should. My certificate was signed by the Prof. Blastoff folks, as well as the Sklars, Scott Aukerman, Patton Oswalt and more! Thanks again! I really enjoyed this episode. I've had a fascination for strange dictators since reading the annual dictator rankings in Parade Magazine as a kid. (I'm a little ashamed to admit I read Parade.) Also, I fully support the Neil deGrasse Tyson Twitter campaign. It'd be amazing to get him on the show!
  2. Just when I thought this episode couldn't be any funnier, the pregnant daughter bit knocked it out of the park.
  3. I want a soundbite of Bob saying "Hey, ladies!" for my cell phone.
  4. Julia

    Episode 53 — Ace of Baritone

    Howard is the best game show host who's not actually a game show host. He should be a game show host!
  5. Aww, Foam Corner. We think alike. I'm not proud of how many times I've seen that movie. www.youtube.com/watch?v=mayCvk2P4f0
  6. Damn you, David Thomas! How dare you comment before me?! I'll have to get Jack O'Halloran on the case. This interview was fantastic. Jack needs to star in a biopic of his life; he sounds like the most interesting guy in the world. Kudos to the HDTGM crew for an awesome two-part live episode; I hope to hear more like them in the future! I already have some guesses about what the holiday movie may be. I can't wait to see if I'm right!
  7. Julia

    LMFAO Quiz Game

    Here's are my guesses. Let me know if I passed, and then I can post some more questions for the next person! 1. SkyBlu whale. 2. Redfoo Man. 3. Redfoo light district. 4. JetSkyBlu 5. Redfoo, White and SkyBlue
  8. What, no Eagles?! Well, I guess that's understandable.
  9. Julia

    Episode 27 — Buzz Hamburg

    Wowee! That may be my favorite outro yet.
  10. Julia

    Episode 134 — Bride of Chucky

    If this episode doesn't win an award for foley work, there's something wrong with the world.
  11. Julia

    Gelmania II

    This podcast is both the cause and cure of all my fears.
  12. Julia

    Episode 96 — TACOS!

    My friends and I used to sneak dinner into the movie theater. I think my biggest meal was a salad from Saladworks. I didn't even think about nachos and guac. Damn. And to answer Eli's question: people sneak these things into the theater using giant purses. - P.S. The bonus song is fantastic. Fellow listeners, Eli's Twitter feed and song podcast are hilarious; check 'em out!
  13. I had a chance to climb up Wayna Picchu when I was living in South America. (That's the mountain that you can see that overlooks the ruins.) The family I was staying with had a horrible fear of heights, so I had to run up and back to take a quick look before hiking back to Aguas Calientes. The view is amazing, though looking back I realize that I probably shouldn't have sprinted up so quickly considering I think it can be a little dangerous. Anyway, if you go back, I recommend checking out the vantage point from Wayna Picchu. There's an awesome rock at the top that you can lean over, Lion King-style. [attachment=11268,290]
  14. Earwolf is hosting a holiday carol contest. We want you to create original or parody songs inspired by Earwolf. A winner will be selected, and have their song featured on the Earwolf blog. You’ll also receive a prize from the Earwolf store, and (drumroll, please) your song will be featured on an upcoming episode of an Earwolf show! Get more information on the contest here: http://www.earwolf.com/2011/12/tis-the-season-earwolf-holiday-carol-contest/
  15. Wait, so I'm not supposed to go to funerals solely for the purpose of gloating? Uh, oh.
  16. Let's post our favorite quotes and questions uttered by the hilarious Howard Kremer on Who Charted? If possible, post the episode number it appears on as well, so people can find that specific quote if they like. I'll start... In today's new episode, Episode 27, Howard said, "College has been great. You call me Afrojack from now on!"
  17. Julia

    Episode 52 — One Year Anniversary!

    Sarah and Harris are fellow Frightened Rabbit fans? Awesome! I saw them live in Philly a year or two ago; they're fantastic.
  18. For those who don't know what a-wassailing means, I believe the definition is "turning into a toy soldier," so Seedy really knows her stuff!
  19. Will you be referring to the holiday show as the "Feast of the Seven Phishes?" (Sorry.)
  20. I couldn't help thinking how much Leslie's voice sounds like Larry Miller. Anyone else think that while listening?
  21. Julia

    Episode 43 — Earwolf Thanksgiving

    Thanks for the shout out! Hope you all had a lovely holiday weekend.
  22. Julia

    Episode 95 — Comic Books!

    There were so many fun moments in this episode! I loved the girly chats, and the fact that Andy was so eager to delve into them as well.
  23. Patton Oswalt is the MVP of Sklarbro Country. Solid episode, guys. I love Jason's interpretation of James Taylor.
  24. Julia

    Episode 51 — Death of the Party

    "What was that noise?! It's just my chips, man. I'm just opening my chips." [attachment=10853,279]
  25. Wow, that was some great belting on the Stuff Me Song, ladies! Loved it. Also, Andy Daly -- I mean Pres. FDR, was fantastic. - Happy Thanksgiving!