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Summer Shelton

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Posts posted by Summer Shelton

  1. I saw the original Easy Rider last year at a screening with Peter Fonda where he answered questions afterward. I did not see Easy Rider 2, but from your comments, I can see how it tried to fit itself in with the original. I don't know how recent you've seen the original, but it too is FULL of real time shots of motorcycle riding. Fonda himself said they had to shoot those scenes very slow because the camera couldn't be on something going too fast or it ended up too shaky. I bet the ratio of motorcycle riding to actual scenes is similar to the sequel.


    Weird that you mention the n-word because Fonda said it loud and proud several times in the Q&A. He said it in a way that he didn't know what that word meant when he was a kid because he lived a super cool Hollywood lifestyle.


    Also, you need to watch the original again. It is also full of senseless violence. And the characterization of people in small town America is just stupid. No one just gets killed for eating at a diner as a "long hair." And no way Nicholson could be in the sequel because he dies in the original too.


    The original is long, boring, and pointless and obviously shot from Fonda's weird prospective that everyone in Hollywood was super in the know and liberal, and if you stepped out of that bubble, people are psychopathic murderers. Ugh, sorry. I just hate Easy Rider and think that it should hold meaning for only people who were alive when it came out as some sort of nostalgia piece.

  2. I really enjoyed this episode! I've never been the biggest Jackass fan, so I was surprised at how much I enjoyed Steve-O. He sounds like a great guy and that he has really grown up. All the Howard connections were great. I really like it when people are positive and don't just decide to shit on everything. Admit that you love pop music and The Hunger Games if that's what you love. I do!

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  3. I was browsing Netflix for instant watch Christmas movies and came upon this gem: A Christmas Too Many. While I didn't watch the movie, it seems perfect for HDTGM. Netflix categorizes it as an "African-American comedy" while the only African American in the cast is Gary Coleman. First billed is Mikey Rooney along with Ruta Lee, Marla Maples, and Andrew Keegan and Clint Howard. The Amazon and Netflix comments all say it's the worst Christmas movie ever made, which only makes me want to check it out more!

  4. Summah here with your I Dream of Jeanie info: it was set in Cocoa Beach! As a kid I watched A LOT of Nick at Nite. And my "pretend time" consisted of my friend and I playing Jeanie and Samantha from Bewitched (I was Samantha. As an 8-year-old I already knew that I would never be dictated by a "master")

  5. I think everyone this week would have benefited from a little more refining of their sketches. I've never recorded a sketch, but I do a lot of writing and I think you need to almost do more "proofreading." Record a "draft" of your sketch, then take some time away from it, maybe a few hours, take a walk or something. Or better yet, have another set of ears listen to it. Then come back to it and you will be able to hear things you didn't hear before. Sometimes I look at a writing project and feel "this is my baby! It's amazing and I have to hand it in NOW. It's GENIUS." But then I make myself put it down for a while and when I come back I find tons of room for improvement. I think some of the "it sounds like you guys were reading from a script" or the "slow down" comments could have been avoided this way.
    LOVED Left Handed Radio's PA sketch!!
