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Posts posted by jughead

  1. Holy crap, don't even get me started on trying to get my 3 1/2 year old daughter awake and dressed in the morning. Its pretty much an epic meltdown every morning. It kind of makes me realize why Dave pays his kids to get out of bed! Chris is right though, you can go the "here are 3 options" route or the "This is what you are wearing" route and in either scenario you could be looking at a scream fest especially that early in the morning.

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  2. wow, it seems like with each guest this show gets better an better. MC Nocando just gained a new fan, and I'm sure even more with the other dads that listen to this. Its funny how, regardless of the guest, you hear the same reoccurring themes which to me makes me feel that we all go through the same things no matter what class level you are or what your net worth is.


    One thing to be aware of now that Arden is getting closer to being a toddler is that sleep schedules will change. Nocando is right though and I think I said this before, put her down and leave. She will cry for a few minutes but she will 99% of the time go to sleep. If she is not feeling well or maybe her daily routine got interrupted, that other 1% could happen but other than that it should work. The rule of thumb that we live by is once she is in the crib, she stays in the crib. Even if she is fussing keep her in the crib and rub or pat her back, don't take her out. Even though she can't reason, she can still manipulate and if she gets used to you taking her out of the crib to comfort her she will continue to do it.


    Amazing episode Jeff!

  3. Good to hear some Neon Indian on the podcast! Their first album (Psychic Chasms) was amazing! I'm sure Cash's method to get into gyms would work most of the time, but how dumb would you look if they didn't let you in and asked for your membership card. Probably say something like ,"oh yea, I forgot it in the car" and then just leave.

  4. The show can't end Jeff, dad's everywhere need this. I mean how would current or even future dad's comprehend what they are in for if they didn't here Eban's perfectly critiqued notion of how we are born into selfishness and how this relates to his experience with his kids. The show should go on with or without Dave. I think we can all agree that we love Dave, but to me it's more interesting to hear other dad's and their experiences. I think it helps to get multiple point of views on subjects that we all contemplate every day as dads. Maybe you could get an intern to do the bookings? I don't know, but it would be a shame to end it now. I was already looking forward to hearing your most likely change of opinion, once Arden starts walking and talking, on certain subjects.


    One last thing, Eban is dead on about reasoning with your children. Throw reason out the window during arguments with them because it will only get you worked up and serves no purpose. For example, my 3 1/2 year old daughter knows that every week day she has to get up and get dressed to go to school. Even though she knows that this is the case and understands it, it doesn't mean she will do this without throwing a temper tantrum.......every time!

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  5. Such an amazing episode. My 2 girls are the exact same ages as Frank's girls and it is a strain even though they are both "healthy" (although it is amazing how often kids get sick) that I couldn't even imagine if one of them had similar issues. I just wanted to thank Frank for coming on the show and telling his story and sounding like a pro! Also you still have a few months before Arden will start saying possibly a handful of words so I wouldn't worry too much at this point.

  6. I'm not sure if I agree or disagree with Dave's method, but my kids aren't even close to that age yet so it's difficult to give an opinion. One thing I know for sure is no amount of allowance or negotiations can get a 3 year old out of bed if they do not want to as Jeff will soon find out.

  7. Joel pretty much has the fatherhood thing broken down to a science. I would have to agree with all of the points he made, except for the fact that its too late to have another one. You definatley don't know who your kid is until they get around all of the other kids. You immediately see who the leaders will be and who the followers will be.


    Also, for some reason any time I hear the name Lazlo I immediately think Hollyfeld. Does anyone else do the same? (if you get the reference)

  8. Thanks for the shout out Jeff! I truly love this podcast and its fun to listen to you go through the same things that I have gone through twice now. There were so many different topics that you covered during this episode that I could probably write a whole essay here responding to them so I'll try to keep this as short as possible


    sleeping - my advice is to get the child out of your room as soon as possible and into their own room even though she is still in a crib. I know inyour situation that is hard having only on bedroom but that is the ideal way to handle it. Since I've been though this twice now I would say that as your daughter gets closer to 10-12 months its better to let her fall asleep on her own rather than rock her to sleep. I learned this the hard way because I did not do this with my oldest and now that she is 3 1/2 it takes more time to get her to go to sleep. With the 1 year old, we started putting her in her crib, turning the light off, and closing the door and leaving. It may sound harsh, but after a couple of days you will see that she will go right to sleep. The first couple days are tough though with the crying but she will slowly cry less and less until no more crying at all.


    Disconnected - The first year of fatherhood is tough concerning this issue. There will be times where she will totally engage with you and there will be times when she won't. It has nothing to do with actions you have taken nor anything that you have done. She will naturally be more connected to the mother for obvious reasons. Don't let this get you discouraged. You will see, once she starts getting closer to a year you will start to notice that she will go back and forth between you and your wife for attention and you will learn to not take it personally. She has no concept of how long you are working or how long you are not there. Her mind just says, "that is a famailar face or object" and she will act accordingly.


    I think with the first child you have so much fear that certain things you may do frighten or scare the child, but you have to understand that their mind isn't able to comprehend those things until they get closer to about 1 1/2 years old. My advice is that whatever you do be consistent, especially between what you and your wife choose as actions for the child. If you don't they will learn to manipulate that dynamic and that is a problem to which I know to much about.


    Thats enough from me, great episode guys!

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  9. I think this was the signature episode so far. It seems like we learn something new about Jeff every week, first a street tough, then divorced. It's also good to hear from Ethan again as well as I was born in '78 and grew up all the same technology, or lack there of.
