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Malcolm Gmail Warner

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About Malcolm Gmail Warner

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  1. Malcolm Gmail Warner

    Episode 16 — Linguistics

    This episode is what Professor Blastoff should be. Dr. Cohen served as a excellent anchor, allowing the regular hosts to be funny, ask questions, and speculate. The show felt rooted in factual content without being pedantic. Please stick with this approach. Matt Besser and others said it best on the Earwolf Challenge, a podcast like this needs to deliver goods and offer something useful as well as funny. Good job.
  2. Malcolm Gmail Warner

    Premonition (2007)

    I'm so happy this forum was created. I think a HDTGM? movie should bemuse and enrage, and this is the only movie that made me viscerally angry after seeing it. Sandra Bullock stars as a boring person whose husband dies in a car accident, or does he? Who cares. Films like this that deliberately waste your time for no reason need to be raked over the coals.