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Everything posted by SeveralCircles

  1. SeveralCircles

    Episode 134 — Bride of Chucky

    Tilly's Yes And work negates everything I've ever said about Paul Scheer, Nick Kroll, ANYBODY. Loved it.
  2. SeveralCircles

    Gelmania II

    The artwork is SO AWESOME.
  3. SeveralCircles

    Episode 96 — TACOS!

    I love that somewhere out there, at least one University has a degree program in Makin' Papah. I can sleep comfortably now.
  4. SeveralCircles

    Episode 133 — Fortunately Unfortunately

    Hey hey hey... save the plugs for the end of the comments, Cameron.
  5. SeveralCircles

    Episode 95 — Comic Books!

    Barely related: is it bad that I actually kind of thought the term was "pap shmear?" Maybe that's only the Jewish version.
  6. SeveralCircles

    Episode 43 — Earwolf Thanksgiving

    Probably my favourite Wolf Den. You guys shouldn't be so shy about discussing your own business - especially when you're being this upbeat and honest.
  7. SeveralCircles

    Episode 95 — Comic Books!

    LOL, what the hell is with the sudden hatemail explosion? I mean, really Chris, what possible value could that comment have? Do you email tv producers to say "hey, I don't watch this show!"? Anyway, I also in no way believe in astrology, but this is Totes LA, not Professor Blastoff. It was still just a fun podcast episode with like 4 minutes of astrology content and several handfuls of LA industry dirt (and a little Aukerlap e-true hollywood story). You guys definitely need to get on Who Charted some time - Andy might be one of the few guests to actually like (or just not hate?) a Billboard Top 40.
  8. SeveralCircles

    Live, non-funny, musical guests: I'm not on board.

    Is that Birthday Cheques remix contest still open? Was it ever a contest?
  9. SeveralCircles

    Episode 133 — Fortunately Unfortunately

    Well Tom I'll just have to take your word for that - I seem to have misplaced my Time Belt. Meanwhile I'm glad we finally solved The Mystery of the Lost Contest Winner. Alex: If only they sold hot dogs in packs of twelve there wouldn't have to be so many wasted hot dog... PUNS... EDIT: SWISH!
  10. SeveralCircles

    Episode 133 — Fortunately Unfortunately

    I dunno... most of the catchphrases have been awesome, but unless there's some improbably complicated, multiple-year-spanning backstory I'm missing this one seemed like just an everyday greeting.
  11. SeveralCircles

    How can we improve the Earwolf.com forums?

    Whatever you do, I just hope you won't add the unnecessary features such as user sign-off line spaces that result in a lot of ugly gifs and ~~qUOtE QuoTE QUotE~~ being thrown around everywhere. The current forums are very pleasantly clean.
  12. SeveralCircles

    Earwolf podcast art in iTunes not downloading

    Yeah, I've had the same problem but kind of blamed my itunes. It seems like basically any podcast does this with every episode past the first one. It is quite annoying that "get album artwork" does nothing, though. Except, now that I think of it, I subscribe to Extra Hot Great, and they have a different image every week which is always loaded correctly.
  13. SeveralCircles

    Episode 132 — Occupy Thanksgiving

    PS Yes to more Wainboard.
  14. SeveralCircles

    Episode 132 — Occupy Thanksgiving

    Errrr... Ragnar, speaking of embarassing posts: Doug hasn't worked for Earwolf in kind of a while. I think you mean Dustin? - Meanwhile, why do people act like having to fastforward through a musical segment is a big deal? I've fastforwarded through some if it wasn't my style of music (both live and recorded), and lived to tell the tale. For the people who put the show together, getting to sit in on private studio sessions of their favourite artists is one of their biggest rewards, so asking them to stop is asking a lot. All this talk about breaking the momentum makes for a really thin argument when you look at it logically - the musical break is happening either way. If you really want to hear a Don't Stop Or We'll Die song, press pause on the episode and go play a song of your choosing.
  15. SeveralCircles

    Episode 132 — Occupy Thanksgiving

    Hmmmm. Is it just me, or is Scottard into a particular... demographic... of women? By which I mean comedic actresses. EDIT: Okay, obviously I should listen to full episodes before commenting. Hahaha.
  16. SeveralCircles

    Does anyone else think Eardrop should autoplay?

    Sean, I can't tell if you're kidding - Eardrop 2.0 is all over the everything. No full episodes yet (wait, it will eventually be in episode form, right?); for now individual drops can be heard at eardrop.fm during the beta testing and whatnot. Edit: Shahruz, that sounds like the perfect solution - if the site remembered me and had autoplay on, that is. And/or if links I clicked from my twitter app opened in an Eardrop app and the same thing happened. That should just take a couple hours to throw together, right?
  17. SeveralCircles

    Episode 131 — Honorary Mayor of Hollywood

    I luuuuurv the 543N1 poster. Fun times, Colin.
  18. SeveralCircles

    Episode 29 — Atheism

    Oh god. Blastronauts=yes.
  19. SeveralCircles

    Episode 29 — Atheism

    Marty, you seem tense. Can I recommend an experimental new therapy? ;-)
  20. SeveralCircles

    Episode 29 — Atheism

    (It did seem a bit odd for them to not even be aknowledging the crazy, crazy yelling when so many other shows have talked about planes and trucks I could never hear.)
  21. SeveralCircles

    Episode 29 — Atheism

    Dustin, I wasn't really complaining. I mean, I guess it would suck if every episode sounded like that, but I actually thought it was kind of fun/ny to sleuth out when this must have been recorded. (Which is sadly not even the nerdiest homework-procrastination activity I've engaged in this week.) Also, is it me, or did you release the first Robert Ikeisode after the second one? It seemed more like they'd all just "met" in that one.
  22. SeveralCircles

    Episode 29 — Atheism

    Are we by any chance hear a certain Mr. F Tompkins yelling in the background? You'd think the hundreds of feet of earth surrounding the hatch would be a little more sound proof. Anyway, an interesting clue to the nebulous production schedule...
  23. SeveralCircles

    Episode 130 — Tall Napoleon

    I love the casual tossing out of "some sort of dogpocalypse has happened", especially knowing that possibly nobody else in the room got it.
  24. SeveralCircles

    Episode 131 — Honorary Mayor of Hollywood

    Wowww. My grandfather was a radio personality for a while, and Chip Gardner sounds JUST LIKE HIM. Very... mixed-feelings-y.
  25. SeveralCircles

    Can Harris Wittels become a Co-Host.

    I'm sorry everyone, but Judge De Silva's decision has already been made. The 'no' stands. He didn't go through the registration process to make that one comment and then have it overturned.