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Everything posted by SeveralCircles

  1. SeveralCircles

    Episode 153 - Escape from L.A.: LIVE!

    "That was Gone Girl, bitch" I love D'Arcy.
  2. SeveralCircles

    Episode 153 - Escape from L.A.: LIVE!

    PS I work a little bit in the music industry, it hits close to home when people complain about the idea of having to spend ANY money on supporting artists that they are supposedly fans of. This idea that art should be free until you choose to donate is BS, and only is allowed to continue because people can and will steal content easily if it can come in a digital form. Which clearly applies even to comedy podcasts. But go ahead, fill a server with back episodes for the "hardcore" fans.
  3. SeveralCircles

    Episode 153 - Escape from L.A.: LIVE!

    PAYWALL PARTY I've definitely crankily complained about Howl before on Earwolf forums, so I won't pretend to be a white knight. But to me it is sad to see people so mad about the paywall. My reasons why if anyone cares: A) It IS cheap. You may not personally agree that it is cheap, but why in the arts are producers expected to let the consumer decide on their own whim what a fair price is for their work? Earwolf takes money to run, the hosts are barely paid and they're not exactly price gouging here to try to make some level of profit. Throwing them 5.00 a month that you can dip in and out of as you wish is a pretty low-cost way to support the company. B ) You can still listen to the newest episodes, and many others. So you may not be able to tell a friend to go listen to an episode from 3 years ago--is that really such a huge inconvenience? If you can't get them into the show via ANY of the episodes from the last 6 months, you can't actually get them into the show. I get that it's not OPTIMAL, but is it really that significant, or is just a point that can be latched onto? C)The surprise factor. Yeah, it kind of sucks there wasn't more warning this was about to actually happen. All of the deadlines and timelines with Howl have been blown; it's been a mess. But you were warned this was coming if you were listening to the Howl ads and announcements. And if you don't listen to the ads, how were they going to tell you? I had a ton of episodes saved months ago. If you don't, again I get that it's not ideal, but also maybe cut Earwolf a tiny bit of slack for giving you free stuff for years. They don't owe you much, if anything, and you probably owe them a little understanding. -- D) PS HDTGM probably has a lot of clout within Earwolf, so they probably will be able to dismantle the paywall system, and then Earwolf loses a major way to make any money. Hosts of less popular shows who don't have the income of these hosts may lose out. Seems sad to me.
  4. SeveralCircles

    Best of 2016 Pt. 1

    Side note: all Jessica McKenna needed to have on her resume before being invited on the podcast was her own tv show. Just so we know where the standards are.
  5. SeveralCircles

    Best of 2016 Pt. 1

  6. As a gay man I hope I can say this in a way that's not creepy... (and here now I will fail to do so) Casey's right: Danielle's body is amazing, and she really needs to bring it to the people a little more often. She's like a size -1, and I'm jealous. Anywho on to the episode...
  7. SeveralCircles

    CBB 2016 Australia Tour Best of

    Jared Fogel's Jeans stays stuck in my head.
  8. SeveralCircles

    Episode 459 - Giamatti Gives Thanks

    Im very curious to know if Huawei actually wants "hoo ah weh ee" as their Americanized pronunciation, or if Scotty just didnt learn how to say "Wah Way" and made a crazy guess
  9. Would someone get kicked out of a show for yelling "faggot"? Well people say it ON STAGE sometimes on Doug Loves Movies without any rebuke, so we kinda have a ways to go it turns out. ... (Sorry to work in my lingering resentment of DLM but its the example that popped into my head.)
  10. SeveralCircles


    This is the take on this that I didnt know I needed.
  11. SeveralCircles

    Episode 144 - Stealth

    Omg how is this godawful second opinions theme back from hell? Even jason said its unlistenable. It hurts my ears. I would never complain about the show like this but whoever does that side of the engineering can we please just delete that file already? Ffffffffffffffffffffffffff
  12. (Nevermind, not interested in a dogfood argument.)
  13. Now with extra Bowm Chicka Wah Wah
  14. SeveralCircles

    May 8 - Philadelphia, PA, Keswick Theatre

    (Need to stop pointing things out before finishing the episode)
  15. SeveralCircles

    Website Makeover!

    -For some reason it bothers me that Yo Is This Racist and QotD take over the main page so much--they're in the recent episodes list every day. Obviously this is because of their daily format, but they could have their episodes grouped together into a weekly roundup in the timeline. Don't know why I care, honestly. Just a thought. -I want to disagree with Kickpuncher (for maybe the first time? :-o!!!!!) and say that the colour scheme could probably use an update. The yellow and grey could be represented while looking a little brighter and friendlier, with more white and less charcoal. -Lastly, this has bothered me for months/years (again with no great justification, other than the fact that I am an interior designer): the shoe display over the grey sofa is probably cute in person in the office, but as a photo backdrop it makes no sense; the way so many Earwolf shows are visually translated to the world relies on that vignette, and the eyeline of most guest photos captures a big, awkward, empty space resulting in a messy composition. The centre of that headphone image could be filled in with shoes/objects, the photos could be taken from a different angle, the whole installation could be moved, or a thousand other solutions if somebody addressed the wall from the perspective of a photographer/stylist. That or just taking the CBB, HHB, WSGLL etc photos somewhere else. Hope that's helpful and not just annoying. :-/
  16. SeveralCircles

    May 7 - Boston, MA, Wilbur Theatre (7pm)

    Omg this episode is just so amazing. Not even finished yet but I'm so happy to a little more Frank Dorito weeeeeeee
  17. I wish I knew how to include spoiler tags. Instead I'll just say that PFT's (character's) reason for being in Canada made the room pretty much explode. I'll also say I'm so glad that we didn't get any of the typical Canadian guests, real or "real". Also-also: it's so fun to see the silent reactions at times. At one point the 3rd guest said something that made Lauren get up and have to do a lap around her stool. (hint: it was something about chocolate fountains...)
  18. SeveralCircles

    May 5 - Toronto, ON, Convocation Hall

    You got a signature from Scott "Bonobos" Culer?? No way!
  19. Like My Wife, Its Been, etc, Scotty is clearly cutting it off before it gets (more?) overplayed. Also imagine a full year's worth of that. That would be like 45 minutes of tags.
  20. SeveralCircles

    Episode 419 - The 7th Anniversary Show!

    Spoiler alert youre not getting your wish... (at least, not on Howl...)
  21. SeveralCircles

    Episode 419 - The 7th Anniversary Show!

    I expressed rather mild, but genuine, concern over the episode having 0 women out of 7 guests, and prefaced that by acknowledging that I was being a downer. (I personally hate the phrase 'trigger warning', which is why I rather clearly did not use it in a serious manner.) After posting that, I went back to see how many episodes recently were all men and was reminded that the show generally does include women and has a reasonably diverse cast. So admittedly I had probably been a bit fast to even raise the issue. (Of course by then the ball was already rolling straight into hell apparently.) At the same time, the bar the show has been jumping over is set pretty low; having a woman on on many episodes, and a majority of women on a rare few episodes, is not some radical accomplishment, and continuing to push to have more included isn't a bad thing. Also Lauren Lapkus is the Konami Code of podcasts. Anyway Im sure Scotty Aux reached out to various women who all coincidentally were unavailable, and life will move on. Except for a few people, who seem like they could die of a rage stroke at any moment. PS to the people fact checking my claim that Lauren was the only woman on the show. I said "in the past year." Please take a look again and I think you'll see that that statement was 100% fact and also so so obviously facetious.