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Everything posted by SeveralCircles

  1. SeveralCircles

    Episode 419 - The 7th Anniversary Show!

    Do you... Do you think someone thinks this?
  2. SeveralCircles

    Episode 419 - The 7th Anniversary Show!

    E) I didnt mean to make a sunglasses emoji but Im not against it.
  3. SeveralCircles

    Episode 419 - The 7th Anniversary Show!

    A) are you though? seems extreme. c) i only use tumblr for porn gifs but way to immediately bring up tumblr at the feintist feminist critique. d) ummmm whaaaaat
  4. SeveralCircles

    Episode 419 - The 7th Anniversary Show!

    Hmmmm actually I think if you look back youll see that Lauren Lapkus is the only woman who has been on the show in the past year.
  5. SeveralCircles

    Episode 419 - The 7th Anniversary Show!

    Party pooping alert!!!! Consider yourself trigger warned or whatever. Literally 7 guests who are all dudes? Bit of a shame. Like Im sure itll be great, but Im personally hoping a lady might make it in next year.
  6. SeveralCircles

    Episode 134 - Can't Stop the Music: LIVE!

    (Never mind, this has all been covered. Be nice people, people.)
  7. SeveralCircles

    Episode 280 - Movie Theater Pickle Sandwich

    Okay I know this is such a dangerous question to ask buuuuuut is Kulap pregnant???? ������������������������ (or maybe its just a flowy shirt for no reason)
  8. SeveralCircles

    Episode 134 - Can't Stop the Music: LIVE!

    Of all the films for June to miss out on... :-C
  9. SeveralCircles

    Episode 134 - Can't Stop the Music: LIVE!

    Lol worst argument for anything ever
  10. Im sorry but what was with the waiting 3 years for your 6th ball thing? What did I miss? (EDIT: I missed all of Game of Thrones.)
  11. SeveralCircles

    Earwolf and Wolfpop

    Definitely seemed odd that they were SO seperate as to not even be linked from the main page. Ill miss the hot pink, but Im sure this will be much simpler.
  12. SeveralCircles

    Episode 400 - The War on Surfing

    How how how how HOW is there not a Big Ups 2 PPL of All Stars and Stripes shirt? Even with the weak Canadian Dollar Id commit treason for that...
  13. SeveralCircles

    Episode 399 - Trump vs. Bernie

    I'm surprised this one is even this controversial. Gilly knew what he was doing when he really dug into the ancient-sitcom-references game and the other guests were down for it. If it's good enough for J-Ado it's good enough for me. However I will admit the fact that this was a bonusode week implies that Scotty Aux knew the two episodes might be a bit contrioversh...
  14. SeveralCircles

    Episode 398 - Prayer Orgy

    I've been WAITING for an episode where they just don't introduce the guest. Also I really hope False or True reoccurs and they use that same rockin' themesong.
  15. SeveralCircles

    Episode 397 - My Silly Moss Man

    WOW. SLAM on Scotty Auks. You just won't let up. :-S
  16. PS, (And I say this not to accuse anyone of thinking otherwise; I'm sure the... "panel"?... would agree:) It could be seen as distracting for a straight improvisor to enter as gay when this isn't intended as a critical detail, but I don't think many people would assume, if a gay improvisor started as a straight character, that "straightness" was somehow to be the focus of the scene. This basic character choice should be considered neutral either way, and it will be, eventually--just another option for giving two characters a fundamental relationship. Still, it wouldn't hurt for people to nudge it along.
  17. I've definitely noticed that I haven't heard Stephanie Allyne play a lesbian in a scene. But then, I don't actually listen to every I4H or the Wild Horses show on Howl so I'm admittedly basing this on very, very little (at least in her case). Still, it does seem like a lot of gay improvisors tend toward the safer choice of playing straight, while straight improvisors don't have much pressure to play gay, which results in fewer gay characters--except in cases where a snappy, lispy voice or lesbian manliness is meant to be funny in itself. I know just from being part of the gay community that gay women (to generalize a little) are often more conservative about sharing their personal life, and thus tend towards playing down that aspect of themselves even if they aren't closeted. Plus, nobody wants to be conspicuously only able to play gay, so that's one more reason to just be The Cool Chick about it. This being said, it would be easy though for a straight person to aim for gay and land on offensive, so in some cases it might be just as well left alone. (It is slightly annoying how often even very liberal comedians make the main focus of a character just a "funny" effeminate voice or a mannish appearance. I do wonder how well some parts of Kroll Show will hold up in, say, 30 years.) It's a bit of a mine field whether you go there or don't, so I certainly don't blame a straight man for sticking to what he knows. I think it highlights how integral sexuality actually is to a person's life that, as i believe Eugene touched upon, a character's race isn't always defined, but the sexuality often gets instantly defined by default. It's not always that easy to avoid sexuality in the parts of life that are interesting enough to want to show on stage.
  18. SeveralCircles

    My 2nd Opinions 80s Synth Theme

    Yeah I think shorter is always better with this sort of thing. Or virtually any music really. It felt like a natural ending point that it then went past. (at about 20 seconds) (I'm only bothering to say this because it's fundamentally good, but could use sharpening up, so I hope it doesn't feel rude.)
  19. SeveralCircles

    My 2nd Opinions 80s Synth Theme

    If you actually want feedback, I'd cut off about the last 10 seconds, and also tune the vocals, as some of the discordant notes are a little jarring.
  20. SeveralCircles

    Episode 127 - Kazaam: LIVE!

    Hey in case y'all didnt already know: Lauren Lapkus's boyfriend's sister does a QnA segment on The Wishing Well podcast, and they recently covered a lot of good information about genies and Kazaam specifically.
  21. SeveralCircles

    Episode 127 - Kazaam: LIVE!

    I spent (ie wasted) a lot of time today thinking about what I could wish for that could make sense in the real world, and it seems pretty tough. Even assuming the genie doesnt Monkey's Paw your wish into an ironic curse, it seems difficult to wish for material goods of any large value without it ruining your life. If Kazaam had actuallly produced a luxuy car for Max, how would he (or anyone else) explain to the IRS that he suddenly owns a vehicle with a 6 figure price tag, with no record of the transaction or the source of that income? You'd have to never get it insured (not that you could afford to anyway), never get caught in even a minor traffic incident that might lead someone to check your plates, and oh yeah not be a 10 to 12 year old child driving a baller-ass car. Imagine the disaster that would be wishing for money. Youd have to either get: direct deposit to a bank which would immediately flag your account; a stack of legitimate bills which would immediately be reported stolen; or bills with made up serial numbers whixh would essentially be counterfeit. Maybe if you wished for stacks of gold bullion you could hide it in a storage locker and slowly trade it in at a seedy Cash4Gold for a modest second income. Just dont expect to be able to explain that to your future spouse, let alone your financial planner. Suddenly a warehouse full of burritos seems like a reasonable option. It would still end up as national news but at least nobody would try to put you in jail for tax evasion.
  22. SeveralCircles

    Episode 127 - Kazaam: LIVE!

    OMISSION: "Kay Cannon" could have been Kazaam's rap name.
  23. SeveralCircles

    EPISODE 123.5 - MINISODE 123.5

    PS The corporate anti-hacker guy (Don't Call Me Eugene) is a great Nick Kroll character.
  24. SeveralCircles

    EPISODE 123.5 - MINISODE 123.5

    Just wanted to point out that the dumb loser kid hacker in this movie grew up to be this And then I think also dated Azealia Banks? So thats odd.
  25. SeveralCircles

    EPISODE 123 - Lifeforce

    You realize you simply pre-cognized this weeks Comedy Bang Bang...?