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Everything posted by SeveralCircles

  1. SeveralCircles

    EPISODE 356 — Heynong Man

    Even as a Canadian I would definitely still enjoy a "Big ups! to people of all stars and stripes" tee
  2. SeveralCircles

    EPISODE 112 — Jupiter Ascending

    Chaining Tatum is one of my favourite porn parodies
  3. SeveralCircles

    EPISODE 112 — Jupiter Ascending

    Really glad to hear Paul and Jason discuss that version of the Second Opinions theme, because to be honest I would not mind if that one were banished straight to hell. Someone made an amazing little short one with June and sparkly 80s music a while back... does that still exist?
  4. SeveralCircles

    EPISODE 111 — Hercules in New York: LIVE!

    OMMISSION I just want to add, while people are chiming in on whether Jason or June is TEH best, that ultimately Paul is my pick for the host the show can't live without, because it would literally disintegrate without him, and also because we all know Second Opinions is the best segment of any podcast ever, and he picks amazing material for that, so SO THERE. *drops keyboard*
  5. SeveralCircles

    EPISODE 111 — Hercules in New York: LIVE!

    It's old enough to be pre irony, right? I mean, sure, cheap B movies have been lazy and campy for a long time, but I imagine this was still a fairly ernest attempt (at getting Arnold Strong to not seem somehow too inhuman to play a nonhuman), so to me it still fits into the HDTGM... criteria? Especially since those criteria don't even exist. (But I also don't personally watch any of the movies.)
  6. SeveralCircles

    EPISODE 111 — Hercules in New York: LIVE!

    So when Jason said "don't do that" kinda early on, was he talking to someone in the audience who was, like, climbing on stage or something, or was I just too tired to understand that he was actually talking about someone in the movie?
  7. SeveralCircles

    EPISODE 111 — Hercules in New York: LIVE!

    You wacky Brits, talking about 'p', and spelling words like 'boght' and 'doble' with a 'u' LOL
  8. SeveralCircles

    EPISODE 111 — Hercules in New York: LIVE!

    Never heard anyone lose their minds more than this audience. "(Unknown consonant)OOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" *screams continue forever*
  9. SeveralCircles

    EPISODE 234 — Weedies

    Had to pop in for a quick name change after that.
  10. SeveralCircles

    Why did they change the theme song?

    Wait rappers don't still talk about "the" chronic 20 years later? :-O
  11. SeveralCircles

    Why did they change the theme song?

    PS It's always the backwards a-holes who are so sure they're standing up for good values who like to use "tard" in their arguments. Don't say the word ho, but meanwhile I'mma call you a r****d. Ho, sit down.
  12. SeveralCircles

    Why did they change the theme song?

    What a set of reasonable opinions this man has. Definitely time to change the theme song then I guess!
  13. Not even sure why, but I'm loving all the resets. "Guys, my guest today is blind..."
  14. SeveralCircles

    EPISODE 351 — CBB: The Movie

    Ummm people don't love Cameron Esposito? Ugh I should come to these forums even less frequently.
  15. SeveralCircles

    EPISODE 110 — The Island of Dr. Moreau

    I actually am really enjoying, after so much time without June, having a more intimate 3 person episode so she can get a lot more complete thoughts out. Feels like a nice balance after a dry spell of her unique perspective.
  16. SeveralCircles

    EPISODE 109.5 — MINISODE 109.5

    I strongly recommend NOT image-searching the phrase "Face-Off tattoo".
  17. SeveralCircles

    EPISODE 231.5 — 5/08/15 TWO CHARTED 170

    I don't think anyone misread the text of what you said. The issue is what you actually communicated. You seem to believe that following up something shitty with something tepidly positive cancels out the negative sentiment. Other people are letting you know that that's not actually how it works. Ultimately you still felt it necessary to communicate that you don't really like Armen, and on the episode about his friends death, it would have made more sense* to just keep that part to yourself. (*Sometimes it's okay to consider how other people might feel about what you write, instead of purely considering your right to write to it. This is definitely one of those times. Read the room, as they say.) EDIT: But then, you already know all this. Your only argument against that is to circle back to things you don't like about Armen. So you're obviously being a troll for some sort of self-satisfaction. But... really? Here? On an Earwolf podcast forum, and on THIS episode? That's just so sad.
  18. SeveralCircles

    EPISODE 231.5 — 5/08/15 TWO CHARTED 170

    Letting it go for this ONE EPISODE would have been so easy and so appreciated by many.
  19. SeveralCircles

    EPISODE 231 — Slow Dance Party

    Nope, pretty obviously an extreme example.
  20. SeveralCircles

    EPISODE 231 — Slow Dance Party

    PS If I burned down your house and cut your legs off and killed your mom your life would still go on. "_____'s life will go on" isn't an argument for doing something annoying/crappy/rude/whatever. It would be nice if the actual forum run by Earwolf for their shows could be less like a bitchy Reddit forum in any way possible. The internet isn't exactly short on places to "voice your opinion" if you have to find new unfunny ways to rag on something over and over and over.
  21. SeveralCircles

    EPISODE 231 — Slow Dance Party

    You've been expressing 1 opinion continuously for 7 pages of comments now. You're being extremely irritating. Did Armen actually do anything to you? Like I just don't understand this at all at this point.
  22. SeveralCircles

    EPISODE 231 — Slow Dance Party

    Meanwhile, love hearing June talking about basically anything.
  23. SeveralCircles

    EPISODE 231 — Slow Dance Party

    Yeah, i loved that episode where PJ+J just said 'Tiptoes sucks' into a microphone over and over for an hour. PS, People should really stop saying "I hate to say this, but _____" because you don't hate to say it. You love to state that something is bad, as though your opinion is objectively factual and relevant. Kulap will have her friend on her show if she wants, and as it's been pointed out, it's so so easy to just not listen if you don't like it. It wouldn't be so annoying for people to bitch about the guests they don't like if it was an exception, but it's basically every episode of everything.
  24. SeveralCircles

    Episode 109 - FACE OFF: LIVE!

    Ugh watching it right now on Netflix and all the face waterfalls are truly, truly upsetting.
  25. SeveralCircles

    Episode 109 - FACE OFF: LIVE!

    This is somewhat unrelated but FYI, Jason seems to be the spring break party DJ for a very shirtless Zac Efron in this movie (currently shooting). http://www.socialitelife.com/photos/zac-efron-and-robert-de-niro-go-shirtless-and-flex-for-dirty-grandpa/zac-efron-robert-de-niro-go-shirtless-for-flex-off-on-set-of-dirty-grandpa-28