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Everything posted by SeveralCircles

  1. SeveralCircles

    EPISODE 105 — Safe Haven

    PS Eliza Skinner is amazing.
  2. SeveralCircles

    EPISODE 105 — Safe Haven

    CORRECTION: Duhamel doesnt rhyme with "Paul", Paul. Its doo-MELL. PLEASE RESPECT YOUR FELLOW ACTORS. He's married to a dutchess for Pete's sake.
  3. SeveralCircles

    EPISODE 337 — The Ying and the Yankovic

    Joe Wengert is the Lauren Lapkus of boys. Think about it.
  4. SeveralCircles

    EPISODE 104 — ZARDOZ 2

    Flawless quote: "It's In N' Out, like a drive through window... at McDonalds." I'm in love already.
  5. SeveralCircles

    EPISODE 336 — NOT Farts and Procreation 4

    You haaaavvveee to be kiddding aiiiyeeeeeeee Edit: inarticulate I know but god this all still seems so crazy.
  6. SeveralCircles

    Thank You Harris

    I was just thinking recently that he hasnt been on CBB in too long. And now this is just so craaaazyyyyyy what do you even say?
  7. Omg "MILF Id Like to DILF".
  8. SeveralCircles

    Show us your Earwolf swag!!

    Hey, how's about a "C+" tee?
  9. SeveralCircles

    EPISODE 334 — The Dream Team

    Ummmm no Im pretty sure they played Would You Rather.
  10. SeveralCircles

    Episode 190 — Tig's Love Life Update

    and c) apparently "B )" is an emoticon.
  11. SeveralCircles

    Episode 190 — Tig's Love Life Update

    Whoaaaaaa I had no idea they were together, or that Stephanie was into girls (although why would I I guess). So, anyway, a) CRAZY, cute.
  12. SeveralCircles

    Episode 328 — Beatle Heaven

    You mean Paul Blart the mall blart?
  13. SeveralCircles

    Episode 328 — Beatle Heaven

    It would be like if I baked cookies every week, and every week someone had a different complaint about them but I still made them anyway for some reason, and then on occasion I made brownies instead and people said OMG WHY?? COOKIES ARE ENOUGH!!! And then when someone defended me people said things like "I'm sorry for having an opinion." And pretended that was a real apology. And THEN someone else did the same thing the next week cuz gotta let everyone know that brownies are objectively bad. That's the complete analogy.
  14. SeveralCircles

    Episode 328 — Beatle Heaven

    Scott definitely didn't book any of the bands because he felt the show needed it. He did it because he wanted to and the show, being released for free, might as well occasionally let him book someone he just wants to talk to. Sidebar: I will always remember the time I baked cookies for a small class in University once. One of the girls whined and told me I should make soft cookies because they're way better than hard cookies. I still think of that girl as being an a-hole, because that was a really a-holish thing to say. Not sure what just brought up that memory...
  15. SeveralCircles

    Episode 328 — Beatle Heaven

    Please don't conflate being unnecessarily rude with being opinionated. It's really not that hard to say "I like his older brother" without slamming this guy at the same time. Having an opinion doesn't require you to share it in a crappy way.
  16. SeveralCircles

    Episode 328 — Beatle Heaven

    http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m8g4cx7cNO1raa9aoo1_500.gif POW
  17. SeveralCircles

    Episode BO2014.2 — Best of 2014 Pt 2

    OMGGG If Horatio had appeared at the Toronto show I would have lost my goddamn mind.
  18. SeveralCircles

    Cyber Monday Sale in the Earwolf Store!!!

    ITS BE- ginning to look a lot like Earwolf.
  19. SeveralCircles

    Episode 315 — Sandwich Therapy

    Bread stacked like a black dack deedl-i-dee.
  20. SeveralCircles

    Episode 315 — Sandwich Therapy

    We'll see you next time onnnn... WHOOOO CHARTEDDDDD.
  21. SeveralCircles

    Episode 316 — In the Larp Run

    I just hate myself for still finding Dane Cook sexy. HATE.
  22. So glad to have A Visit From Hee-Hee-ll II
  23. SeveralCircles

    Episode 79 — Deck the Halls: LIVE!

    First C&F for a commercial read, possibly: "Audible has over 150,000 audiobooks - thats like a book a day for a year." What?
  24. SeveralCircles

    CBB Live Tour Episodes

    SPOILER ALERT the guest in Toronto knows the Barenaked Ladies... But how long as it been since s/he saw them?