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Posts posted by SeveralCircles

  1. Cutting the man with boobs sketch from Review was a good call. The future will not look kindly on shows (like, say, Kroll Show) that are relatively progressive now, but actually spend a lot of time dwelling on how hilarious it is for women to be masculine or men to show feminine traits.


    Im not trying to open a sidebar convo hating on Nick Kroll, Andy Daly, anyone. Im just saying, as a gay man who is a bit more clued into trans rights issues than apparently the average straight man is, that yes, it might be better to just avoid the topic if you're really that clued out. In the future it will all seem a little bit like how your liberal grammy and grampy used to feel about "coloured folk". Not the worst, but really not the best either.

  2. Question:


    Why was Christopher Lambert ever a sex symbol?


    Male beauty appreciation isn't really my specialty, but I get why people liked Van Damme in the 80s. Was Lambert like a Britishname Complicated kinda wierd looking hot for people or was George Michael stubble so prized in the 80s that that's all you needed. I'm confused.


    What am I doing with my life.


    I had to google what he looks like but dude has TOTAL bang-eyes. His face is kind of odd and hard to reoncile, but his stare is basically full penetration. I might be Junior style man-pregnant right now.


    So I assume thats why.

    • Like 1

  3. I found it through the episode of 'I Was There Too' that Paul was on, to talk about 'Meet Dave'. I've been playing catch-up for years. The back catalogue was crucial to that (and if not for my determination to catch up all the way, I would have been annoying you all here years ago. Small blessings!). I'm just glad I caught up soon enough - I wasn't so lucky when it came to CBB...


    I started listening to Nerdist around episode 10 ish, and when those ten episodes were done I listened to the Comedy Death Ray that Chris hosted. Then later Earwolf existed, and put out this fun new podcast about bad movies...

    • Like 2


    I mean, I would never have tried CBB, Spont, IWTT, or any of the other shows on Earwolf if it wasn't for HDTGM first.


    Don't mean this as a weird brag, but it kinda blows my mind for someone to say they tried CBB after hearing HDTGM first. Back in my day Comedy Death Ray was practically the only game in town. I remember when HDTGM was knee high to a bird's eye, etc.

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  5. You are still stealing content that you don't think you should pay for, regardless of the way you look at it. That's really all it comes down to.



    You chose to overlook the part where he specifically says they are looking for a mutually beneficial solution. Are they unhappy with the paywall? Yes, but that's not the entire message. But whatever makes you feel like a hero for stickin' it to the suits (which has repeatedly shown your ignorance regarding how businesses actually run).



    This dude's not worth it, F-Rob

    • Like 1

  6. 90% of the time, during the live QnA, people get up there, say they have a question, and then make a statement.


    Tim Curry Guy isn't having that, though.


    "This isn't a question so much as it's a statement: would Kurt Russell be as famous without that hair?"


    Proving that nobody at the live shows knows what a question is, and I love it.

    • Like 3

  7. Okay. If you love it for the camp factor, that's one thing, but I'm totally not buying the "it's a brilliant meta commentary on the first film" argument. Carpenter is one of my favorite directors, and he's an expert at mixing camp with more serious themes to make excellence (most notably in They Live, but almost all of his films have a level of camp to them that makes them work for me).


    He just turned the camp up here, and it doesn't work for me as well as it does in, say, Big Trouble in Little China. Maybe it's because they took an established character and made him into something ridiculous. Maybe it's because Big Trouble in Little China recognizes its own silliness from the very first scene. Or maybe it's because Escape from New York is one of my all-time favorite movies that seeing a pale imitation rubs me the wrong way.


    Carpenter has said on several occasions that he feels LA is the more mature film, and I can't believe he and I are watching the same movie every time I hear or read that.


    I don't dislike this movie, and I think it's fun as a kind of silly camp movie. But it's definitely NOT a meta-comedy film.


    Also, someone way back at the beginning of the thread said the didn't think the effects were that bad, and I have to wonder if they were watching it on their phone or an old box tv or something. That helicopter was totally on par with this:




    Im pretty sure that at some point budget and editing wrestle all power away from the director's original vision (if there really was one) so the usual quality standards of that director may just not apply.

  8. No one is deciding for Earwolf what to set their prices at. Yeah some people are pissed, but fucking just let them be pissed and move along. Literally all of the other points you made are valid and I agree that people are overreacting but why are we even surprised at this point. But still the whole "It's cheap!" argument is flawed cause you don't get to decide what people can afford.


    Cheap is obviously an incendiary word. It can really be taken to mean different things. To me, it is objectively cheap in the sense that they aren't charging a lot compared to the costs involved and the number of people they have to pay out. I'm sure they set that number as low as they reasonably could. They aren't a conglomerate with a monopoly running at a 1000% profit.


    Whether it is cheap in relation to any particular persons budget is another matter. From that perspective I'm not trying to dictate to anyone whether 5 dollars should matter to their life or not. It's still a personal decision whether the paid tier is worthwhile or affordable as an upgrade from the remaining free tier.


    So I'm not looking to offend people, and I hope this isn't the next hugest flame war ever. But I do strongly believe that people who are mad about the paywall should really step back and try to examine whether it affects them negatively enough to actually be mad at Earwolf or the podcast or Midroll or anyone.


    Gonna leave my computer and stop cyber-raging for a while :-X

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  9. Just wanted to say I appreciate Paul's intro at the end. I do remember hearing about this, but since so much time had passed, I'd forgotten it was a thing. I just wondered why I didn't have access to any older, unsaved episodes.


    I don't think this is an issue of "paying for art". This show and others make money off the live shows and merch which I'm completely fine with. The ads can be annoying and excessive, but it's something I'm willing to put up with.


    My problem with this particular paywall is the same I always have. If I'm paying for Netflix,Amazon, HBO Go/Now,Showtime, Hulu, etc, am I going to want to add another sum for podcasts that used to be free? It's one thng to add it for something like the CBB livetours, or exclusive content, but to charge me to listen to the same thing I previously had access to seems excessive. And if the Howl app is anything like the woefully buggy See-So app, then I'm not really enthused about adding another expense.


    That said, I hope they get it worked out in a pleasing way.


    Now to listen to the current ep while I still can.



    Hulu used to be free, and now it's paid. That's how content usually works these days. Popularity first, money second (if you're lucky). PS Hosting back episodes of content costs money: servers, bandwidth, etc. The more episodes a podcast has the more it costs to save all those back episodes for your convenience.


    "I don't think this is an issue of "paying for art". This show and others make money off the live shows and merch which I'm completely fine with."


    I'm glad you're fine with the several thousand dollars they make a year off that; I bet it pays for a whole 1/8 of one engineer.

    The entire issue with paying for art is that people think they should be able to decide, with a completely uninformed and self-serving opinion, what is a reasonable way for the artists to charge. And that generally works out really poorly for the artists.


    Don't pay for the service if you don't want. Don't pay for Netflix if you don't want it. Don't expect those companies to just give you whatever you want for free because that is of course what you would prefer.

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