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Roy Ziegler

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Everything posted by Roy Ziegler

  1. Roy Ziegler

    Episode 84 — Podcuddle

    I've always found that the best way to build a stable, meaningful relationship is to first trick a girl into having sex with you. Then, instead of doing something pussy like taking them out for a nice dinner, disguise your alcoholism and cheapness by getting drunk and going shopping, but don't buy that bitch anything! If you do you're pussy and she won't want to s your d. Did I mention that I am 46 and not in fact 16? Never growing up is awesome! Now if you'll excuse me, there is a huge, empty black void inside me that I need to try in vain to fill with drugs, alcohol, and sex.
  2. Roy Ziegler

    Episode 84.5 — 7/13/2012 TWO CHARTED 23

    I started reading the Tokyo Rose Wikipedia entry right exactly as Howard read it out loud, and for a split second it was like my internal monologue had become Howard Kremer. Then I got into reading all about the Tokyo Rose woman and how she was convicted of treason and pardoned 30 years later because she was actually subtly subverting the Japanese war effort the whole time and the US coerced witnesses to lie about what she said on air. That's nuts!
  3. Roy Ziegler

    Episode 166 — Farts and Procreation 2

    there are no words. sweet jesus its so beautiful you can get him to show him your dick.
  4. Roy Ziegler

    Episode 102 — Comedy Jazz

    duncan trussell is like a gift humanity gave itself. this internal subjective observer appreciates and assigns value to the internal subjective observations of the duncan construct.
  5. Roy Ziegler

    Episode 59 — Human Energy

    I don't think anyone is expecting these guys to be their professors or for them to teach us about topics with 100% factual accuracy. But that doesn't mean we should only ever comment on how funny the show is and never on on the topics being discussed. They are clearly interested in this stuff as are we, so why can't we discuss it and point out when they get stuff wrong? As long as everyone is being cordial I see no problem with it. The hosts can learn things from the listeners just as we can learn things from the expert guests they have on the show, and learning is always a good thing.
  6. Roy Ziegler

    Episode 82.5 — 6/29/2012 TWO CHARTED 21

    When Howard said that he had willed something into existence that should not be, I immediately bought the album off Amazon. I don't know what it is about his Have a Summah stuff that makes me love it so much, I think in these irony-saturated times I'm just a sucker for good old fashioned sincerity, and there don't seem to be many things more sincere than Howard's love of Summah. Maybe Andrew WK's love of partying. Actually, Andrew would make a great Summah guest on Who Charted?, his enthusiasm for life would really gel with Howard's enthusiasm for Summah, I think. Make it happen guys!
  7. Roy Ziegler

    Episode 8 — Gelmania VIII: LIVE!

    Gelman breaking while saying/yelling, "And that's what the fuck this is, baby! It's alternative comedy, it's not about the joke!" caught me so off-guard and was so deliciously meta. IT'S WHAT'S BETWEEN THE JOKES BABY, YEAH! IT'S ABOUT THE TRUTH BETWEEN THE JOKES BABY, YEAH YEAH YEAH YEAH YEAH, BABY!
  8. Roy Ziegler

    Episode 154 — Finger Guns

    Wompler on CBB? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tRVCVisFkZM
  9. Roy Ziegler

    Episode 153 — Jing It Or Ding It!

    I think Jing it or Ding it should come back but with more options. Really, the more options the better. Jing it, Ring it, Ding it, or Sing it?
  10. Roy Ziegler

    Episode 88 — Hurdler Backpack

    Great episode, I love how into SNL Randy and Jason are and I always love getting some inside baseball SNL talk when they have a cast member on the show. I totally agree that Taran is one of the breakout stars of the current cast, he and Bobby Moynihan (who you guys also need to get on the show) just kill it every week. I'm also glad the whole Kings of Catchphrase Comedy non-controversy has been resolved.
  11. Roy Ziegler

    Episode 84 — Ally McVeal

    I agree with what you guys said about the tiny hands stuff on SNL, but the thing with Fred Armison playing twin standups in the Kings of Catchphrase Comedy sketch I totally saw as a loving parody. I doubt the average SNL viewer knows who the Sklar bros are, so I don't think the joke was to make fun of you guys the same way that the sketch made fun of Dane Cook and Larry the Cable Guy. To me, it felt like an SNL writer just snuck that in there for the comedy nerds.
  12. Roy Ziegler

    Episode 65.5 — 3/2/2012 TWO CHARTED

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QnGrKkpltP0 I dunno guys, his logic seems pretty iron-clad.
  13. Roy Ziegler

    Episode 65.5 — 3/2/2012 TWO CHARTED

    Kulap, I'm pretty sure you can never make fun of Howard's pronunciation ever again, because you just pronounced "pseudo" as "soda" in this episode.
  14. Roy Ziegler

    Episode 65 — Dubstep on the Grass

    "The episode gets off to a good start, Adomian is game for just about any improv scenario Kremer throws at him, however the show hits a major snag when the three of them improvise a song about rape. It's more disturbing than funny, and it sours the tone of the rest of the episode, in which I'm pretty sure nothing else noteworthy or funny happened, but that may just be due to the fact that I am incredibly uptight and lose my ability to sense humor whenever my delicate sensibilities are even slightly offended."
  15. Roy Ziegler

    Episode 65 — Dubstep on the Grass

    James Adomian needs to have his own podcast where all the guests are his impressions of other UCB comedians with podcasts. His impression of Howard, and Howard's delight at how spot on it was, instantly became my favorite moment of Who Charted? and possibly of podcasts in general.
  16. Roy Ziegler

    Episode 145 — A Family Affair

    I'd been hoping to see Adomian get a crack at the freestyle rap battle since the segment debuted, and he did not disappoint. Busey's got some mad flow, and the way he integrated his acronyms into it was a thing of beauty.
  17. Roy Ziegler

    Episode 8 — Analyze Phish Episode 4

    I think all the alcohol might've worked against the ecstacy and the shrooms. If Scott wants to get all rambly and tripped out and hallucinate, I think he should avoid alcohol and stick to psychedelics. I'd say don't chance it with drugs obtained at the show next time, get Scott an eighth of shrooms or two hits of acid from a dealer Harris trusts beforehand and just stick to that, and maybe some weed. I don't think the show can end until Scott truly inhabits the mindset of the Phish fan.
  18. Roy Ziegler

    Episode 8 — Analyze Phish Episode 4

    Is there any chance you guys could put out the full, unedited recording from the Phish show (and all the pre- and post-gaming as well)? Because I would seriously listen to the whole thing.
  19. Roy Ziegler

    Episode 79 — Sloppy Lady Junk

    Tom Scharpling? That guy's a total dip munch. Seriously though, great episode, so glad that the Sklars and Kid Jersey have finally joined forces. Would love to see the Sklars on The Best Show! (obligatory Best Show plug: if anyone's looking to get into the show, I'd recommend starting with this episode from July 2009 wherein Tom and in-studio guest Paul F. Tompkins discuss the Gathering of the Juggalos: http://wfmu.org/flas...1&archive=54334 )
  20. Roy Ziegler

    Episode 60 — Dale! Dale! Dale!

    yeah i'm gonna miss the bonus chart. whenever i didn't want an episode to end, i always knew i had the bonus chart to fall back on. RIP bonus chart
  21. Roy Ziegler

    Episode 39 — Free For All: NTK

    That Spanish riddle was probably the most hilarious thing that's been on the show, and that's saying something. The part where Kyle slips in "autobus" subconsciously had me absolutely dying. Tig and David, you better step your game up, cuz Kyle has been winning these recent episodes handily.
  22. Roy Ziegler

    Episode 59 — A Real Asssscat!

    Dragon Boy Suede definitely needs to make a parody song of dance hip hop full of Besser Rolls and Kulaps. That was such a spot on observation, it really is crazy how homogenized popular music has gotten. For example, Tik Tok and California Girls are the exact same song: And they were both made by the same producer, Dr. Luke, whose made tons fo hit pop songs for other female artists like Britney Spears and Kelly Clarkson. A handful of these producers are now creating basically all popular music. That's nuts!
  23. Roy Ziegler

    Episode 4 — Gelmania IV

    That fat meat eating Mr. America character had my DYING. Just those vegetable puns alone... Brett can fucking write like nobody's business. I'm so on board, I only wish they came out more often. And that outro I think brainwashed me, in a good way? Like, I could've listened to that go on for 10 more minutes.
  24. Roy Ziegler

    Episode 8 — Goon Fight

    Yeah, I would've guessed the place a cow would wear a skirt would be the sirloin area.