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Roy Ziegler

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Everything posted by Roy Ziegler

  1. Roy Ziegler

    Episode 123 — No Scoop for You

    @Brett A Pee-wee's Playhouse style secret word on CBB would be amazing.
  2. Roy Ziegler

    Episode 123 — No Scoop for You

    Freestyle Rap Battle needs to be a part of every show. I think Amy might have beaten Paul Rudd with her verse, seriously that was a thing of beauty. I love how both Amy and Paul's ended up completely nonsensical, but still managed to rhyme most of the time.
  3. Roy Ziegler

    Episode 60 — Bring the Raw Bone

    Rob was a delight, he should be on more podcasts, and I can't wait to see the Sklars on It's Always Sunny. Also how fast did he lose those 50 pounds?? Impressive stuff, I fully support comedic weight gain.
  4. Roy Ziegler

    Episode 60 — Bring the Raw Bone

    Rob was a delight, he should be on more podcasts, and I can't wait to see the Sklars on It's Always Sunny. Also how fast did he lose those 50 pounds?? Impressive stuff, I fully support comedic weight gain.
  5. Roy Ziegler

    Episode 41 — Teach Me How To Skittle

    I also cast my vote for a once a month appearance by Andy Kindler, I thought I'd have to wait a while before hearing him again on WC, so I was delighted to see him on again so soon. I guess some people don't like him, which baffles me, but he can be this show's Harris Wittels! That last section of the bonus chart where he makes fun of Adam Sandler and Robin Williams was a thing of beauty, I could listen to Kindler make fun of bad comedy for hours and hours and never get sick of it.
  6. Roy Ziegler

    Episode 41 — Teach Me How To Skittle

    I also cast my vote for a once a month appearance by Andy Kindler, I thought I'd have to wait a while before hearing him again on WC, so I was delighted to see him on again so soon. I guess some people don't like him, which baffles me, but he can be this show's Harris Wittels! That last section of the bonus chart where he makes fun of Adam Sandler and Robin Williams was a thing of beauty, I could listen to Kindler make fun of bad comedy for hours and hours and never get sick of it.
  7. Roy Ziegler

    Episode 120 — Farts and Procreation

    This episode is definitely in the top 3 greatest for me. Just amazing, so many great lines. CBB is at its best when all the guests are friends who have worked together.
  8. Roy Ziegler

    Best Howard quotes and questions

    Paul, Katy Perry?
  9. Roy Ziegler

    Episode 35 — Let\'s Get Outta Here

    I was disappointed to learn that Scottabot is a Jason Derulo apologist. I'm a huge dance music fan, and that song is kind of everything that's wrong with popular dance music today. He didn't "sample" Robin S.'s "Show Me Love" so much as he lifted the beat wholesale, added absolutely nothing to it, and called it his own. Usually when you take that much of a song, you call it a remix and give the original artist credit although even remixes add something to the song instead of simply looping the original beat, look at the Safari mix on the Ministry of Sound 2009 for instance. But that wasn't enough, he had to steal the melody to "Day-O" as well. So, the beat, the melody, and the chorus, were all stolen from other, superior artists. So what exactly did Derulo contribute to his own song? Because it doesn't seem like much. He's like a less-talented Girl Talk who charges for his music and tries to hide the fact that he doesn't actually create it (his other huge hit, "Whatcha Say", is another egregious example of this). I really hope he gets sued one of these days. Howard is right, dance music fans should be more discerning than just liking anything with a 4x4 beat. Luckily, I like the comedians I like based on their sense of humor, not their taste in music, otherwise I would probably hate almost all of them, and so I loved this episode, but I had to get that off my chest.
  10. Tom would definitely be great, especially since he's so knowledgeable about music. He'd be great on SBC too since he's big into sports, but I'm guessing these are long-shots since he lives in Jersey. Maybe next time he comes to LA he could do a sweep of all the Earwolf podcasts. A man can dream...
  11. Roy Ziegler

    Episode 51 — This Is How We Do It

    Great episode! I love the traditional format of the show, but I'm glad to see you guys experimenting with other formats as well. It bugs me some times when podcasts are so strict about sticking to the established format, the worst is when a host will have a really good rhythm going with his guest(s), and then all of a sudden will just end the show because they're "out of time". It's like, come on, this isn't television! You guys make the rules and can change the rules at any time, so I'm always happy to hear when podcasters experiment and take advantage of the creative freedom they have. Randy and Jason, you guys are great interviewers, and I hope to see more episode-long interviews mixed in in the future.
  12. Roy Ziegler

    Episode 113 — Skanking Hayride

    4 million bank accounts. Sleight of paw. David Doggerfield. So many great one liners in this episode, the whole section after the dog revolution reveal was gold. Woofin' a woof woof! Woofin' a woof woof!
  13. Roy Ziegler

    Episode 50 — The Beauty Episode

  14. Roy Ziegler

    I tried. I can't do it.

    Yeah, I hate laughter too. Also, sunshine and rainbows can fuck right off.
  15. Roy Ziegler

    Episode 10 - Fate

    You guys touched on some really interesting stuff when you started talking about free will and genetic determinism, I think it was David who mentioned the idea that life is just a huge equation playing itself out, which is a good way of putting it, however I would've liked to see you guys explore that stuff more. Fate in the supernatural sense is not interesting to me because it seems so patently absurd, especially, as you guys talked about, when you look at the "fates" of the less fortunate and impoverished, but fate in the sense of determinism is extremely interesting and you can make a much more compelling argument for it. I'd like to see you guys do a full episode on free will, it may seem obvious that free will exists just by the intuitive feeling you have that you are controlling your actions, but the more you analyze it, the harder it becomes to rationalize, while at the same time, a world in which free will does not exist doesn't make much sense either. Also, I don't know if Nick Kroll knows this, but his idea about how the poor/unfortunate need religion is pretty much a paraphrasing of Nietzsche's theory of how religion and morality in general originated. His idea was that in the early days of civilization, there were civilizations that didn't have enough resources and so had to conquer other civilizations, and then there were the peaceful, balanced civilizations that got conquered. The conquered peoples had to rationalize the atrocities committed upon them, so they came up with the idea of good and evil, and labeled themselves as the righteous ones, and this developed into ideas about eternal rewards for those who were good"= and punishments for those who were evil, and eventually it turned into religion.
  16. Seconding Pardo, Jon Hamm, Nick Kroll, and the Sklars, not that into Hardwick but I do usually like him more when he's guesting on other podcasts instead of hosting his own. Basically any of the Earwolf regulars would be awesome, in particular I'd be interested to hear James Adomian not doing a character. Also, more musicians. Ted Leo, Ben Gibbard (through Howard's connection with Zooey Deschanel maybe? probably a long shot but I figure I'd throw it out there), Weird Al (you could do some impromtu song parodies of the chart toppers!), Andrew WK (another long shot, but he would be a great summah guest, that man has a summah all year long), pretty much anyone from the underground hip hop scene, etc.
  17. Roy Ziegler

    Episode 112 - Since You've Been Gone

    Wow, this was a top fiver I'd say, definitely in the top ten at least. For someone who's not in the indie/alt/underground comedy scene, Weird Al fits into the show amazingly well, I loved how he started the word association game yelling, "Pizza!" and then ended up telling a mini-story for each word. And PFT was top notch as always, ALW is probably my favorite character of his, and he did not disappoint. Also, that was the best WYR in a while, especially with the twist at the end. Al and Paul both play the game so well, it left me wishing there was a Would You Rather tournament of champions like Doug Benson is doing with the Leonard Maltin game.
  18. There were comments on this and all the other episodes from the old site, but they didn't transfer over to the new site, so it makes all the back catalogs look under-appreciated. Anyway, I totally agree with your comment. It's pretty clear that Reggie Watts is a musical genius, I'm continually amazed by his ability to make up a dubstep/soul/reggae/hip-hop/whatever song on the spot that sounds better than most songs by actual bands that make those genres of music. He's also pretty funny, he and PFT really made this episode, in my opinion, the greatest CDRR/CBB episode of all time.
  19. Roy Ziegler

    What guest do you want to see?

    Ever since Louie has come back on the air I've been thinking Louis C.K. would be a great CBB guest, not just because he's hilarious, but I'd also be very interested in the interview segment, I'd really like to know more about how the bread gets made on Louie and in his stand up.
  20. Roy Ziegler

    Episode 111 — Hi, How Are You?

    Oh man, I really hope the Brett Gelman Show is a real thing.
  21. I agree with the above two comments completely. The reason this podcast is so amazing is because Ducca can be so funny while being genuinely wise at the same time. I can't really thing of any other example of this in comedy, most character based humor is about the character having crazy, ridiculous views that the audience doesn't share in order to make fun of a certain type of person.
  22. Roy Ziegler

    Episode 29 — Rascal Flatt-lining

    Another great episode, I really like it when you guys have musicians on. Might I suggest Ted Leo as a future guest? (By the way, if anyone is interested in hearing the live on-air Four Loko party Aimee Mann was talking about, you can listen to it here: http://www.wfmu.org/flashplayer.php?version=2&show=38443&archive=65627 . It's a fascinating, hilarious descent into madness, it starts off as a regular Best Show with guests John Hodgman and John Roderick, by the halfway mark everyone is pretty buzzed, and by around the two hour mark Tom is fully black-out drunk.)
  23. Roy Ziegler

    Episode 23 — Where Is Sklarbro Country?

    I thought the whole thing about how podcasts are changing the comedy landscape was really interesting, as was the stuff about monetizing it. I think it's great for comedy in general that comedians can build these communities online that leads to genuine fans coming out to their shows instead of just random people who may or may not "get it", but it'd be even better if the podcasts themselves could become a revenue stream in their own right. Needless to say, I'll be donating to the new studio fund as soon as I am able.
  24. Roy Ziegler

    Best Howard quotes and questions

    "Is there any sound of a body organ you have used in any of your music?"
  25. Roy Ziegler

    Episode 8 - Evolution

    Great episode, I definitely think the best format for the show is to have a professor/expert there to drop the science while the gang provides the comedy. Also, I think it'd be interesting to do shows on current issue, an episode on obesity/nutrition as Stuart suggested would be great, as would an episode on the energy crisis, maybe even an economics episode.