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Roy Ziegler

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Everything posted by Roy Ziegler

  1. Roy Ziegler

    Episode 109 — The Andy Samberg Special

    This was one of my favorite episodes. I'm just so on board with the plane breaks and the long intro music for every game. Bro was such a perfect representation of every oblivious, too-in-to-weed stoner that anyone who smokes ends up having to be around way too often.
  2. Roy Ziegler

    Episode 46 — The Widow Maker

    First off, loved the episode, it was fantastic on so many levels, and it's greatness speaks for itself. However, I would like to give some constructive criticism if that's OK. When you have a guest like Stephen Tobolowsky who a. doesn't seem to appear on many podcasts (other than his own) and b. is delightful in every way and has a million amazing stories, I would say just ditch the regular format of SBC entirely. Bring him in for the first segment, and extend the second segment to fit in more of his stories instead of having a comedian do a character. That's not meant as a diss to Chip Pope, but I just really wanted to hear more from Stephen Tobolowsky. I did appreciate that you guys didn't try to force the conversation to be sports related, though.
  3. Roy Ziegler

    Episode 21 — Who Listens To Earwolf?

    I think comedy nerds are just people who see comedy as an art form, and therefore don't necessarily have a specific, narrow sense of humor but rather a broad range of kinds of humor they can find funny, because they are able to see the comedian's intention and execution of a joke. Rather than simply reacting to a joke with, "That's funny/not funny" based on their specific type of humor that they enjoy, comedy nerds are more analytical and respond to jokes with something like, "That was well done" or, "That was obvious and poorly delivered". It's very similar to being a music nerd. Music nerds don't describe themselves as having specific "taste" in regards to genre or style of music, they just see good and bad music, derivative or inventive, skilled or unskilled playing, etc.
  4. Roy Ziegler

    What guest do you want to see?

    Seconding Jon Benjamin. While you're at it, throw in Jon Glaser and have them do some characters.
  5. Roy Ziegler

    Episode 2 — Spring Into Spring

    I'm loving this show, I only wish they were longer. You guys have a hilarious back-and-forth, it kind of reminds me of Never Not funny, except if it were put in a machine that both travels back in time and reverses genders.
  6. Roy Ziegler

    Episode 107 — Maybe It's Maybelline

    Nick Kroll should start doing his own podcast. I'd love to hear his characters interact like PFT does in the Tomkast. Mulaney was hilarious also, but Kroll is definitely in the top 3 of comedians who do characters on CDR/CBB.
  7. Roy Ziegler

    Episode 6 — Ms. Hardtar's Dog

    Wow. I have no words. That was fucking genius.