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Everything posted by mwn

  1. mwn


    The last time I heard anyone mention Sanka at all was at the end of that "Yatta!" flash animation from 2002. I think references from that are good, too. Ash gala wonderful. Easy rider salad the mall.
  2. This was a rollercoaster of a read. I'm happy it clicked for you in the end!
  3. Oh, am I too late to write a fake intro? It was going to be about repeatedly throwing frisbees to Carlos Alazraqui, who has regressed to thinking he is the Taco Bell dog again after a devastating salvia trip. He keeps trying to catch the frisbees in his mouth but he's all tangled up in half-shed robes and falling all over the place. But, I'm too late to write it. So, instead: fuck a mug. klein bottles are the punk rock container for beverages
  4. This episode fuuuuuuucking owns.
  5. A person can never marry a horse because a horse's spirit can never be tied down. They are destined to roam, forever free, into the big sunset that only happens on the frontier. You can marry a lot of goats though, they are fucked up and like it when you marry a lot of them
  6. Apologies if I came off as hostile. I am merely consumed with impotent, aimless rage, constantly. On an unrelated note, I stubbed my toe and it hurts so I'm going to kill it as an example to the others.
  7. Breathless evangelism of The Media You Like is a good use of time and cool and not at all what was just lampooned in the T.G.I.G.O.T.G.OST podcast. Wait, is lampoons satire?
  8. [axl rose voice] where do we go now
  9. It's cold as hell here so I'm making hella hot toddies. Guys, I love the term "hot toddy" more than my hot wife, Toddy.
  10. oh yeah, you were the guy that made me hold his trophy
  11. Did they intend to leave in that bit about Garon's absence around 10 minutes in?
  12. I think the jiffy points guy1 is good at trolling. There are some fun little touches like the quad air quotes around ""performer"", saying Matt besser is the president of podcasts, using "shit we actually care about" to imply that A) everyone agrees with The Jiffster no one including him2 actually cares about the podcasts he's3 mad at... Lots of $$$, lots of crazy question marks, censoring "ass" but nothing else. Pretty good and incendiary post. I actually like it. And I bet that peeves jiffypep more than anything!!! 1 or lady 2 or her 3 or she
  13. Q. what is the cheapest possible price for an ad. I want to win the contest and spend $5 to make the boys say an ad for "my tinkle hurts", a fake product with a funny name
  14. Boston-area friends: sports is good, today. Today, Sports is Good.
  15. Dear Betsy, what is the loudest you have ever yelled (indoors)? Hope I got this one in under the wire.
  16. No thanks, I already get enough mail with pictures of children with cleft palates (from other unnamed sources). I don't need some charity coming in and throwing off the vibe.
  17. greggy is all about the ICP... the Indiscriminate Consumption of Potions
  18. I cat believe you sed that! tee hee hee !! This post is great BUT, what about "Mr. Lova Lova"? It has the same repetitive rhythm and also gives me warm feelings downstairs.
  19. imgur and other img hosting sites is blocked at my work but I'm imagining the pics are really, really good and I'm nodding at my desk and saying "really good" to my computer unmder my breath. (this is just a sound strategy for working in general because then everyone things you're doing great stuff over there)
  20. today's lesson is: animals are our friends and our human guts are our enemies. and you can take that one to the bank
  21. [wildly] CLICK ON THE BIG PIZZA
  22. for hangouts: I probably will never join (due to deficient mic/cam/humor/bedside manner) but my goog email is [edited out] just in case for J. Macallan: What are some good exercises that don't involve weights? I'm not sure if you're an authority on the subject but my body is a disaster right now and the only "dips" I know involve queso! Haha. I actually do know other dips though.
  23. Engineer Cody dropping an off-mic Baba Booey has forced me to craft this in honor