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Everything posted by mwn

  1. Some podcast synergy this week! A bevy of "speak on that"s in both Whooch and Hollywood Handbook, an extended Peter North reference in both Whooch and Uhh Yeah Dude, and proposing a "Starbucks lovers" song in both Twooch and Never Not Funny. Weird, wild stuff.
  2. Saturday the 13th?? That's the cursed day for technical troubles. That's the day when everyone has lockjaw on the telephone and the Skype towers are choked with VERY gross spiders. My thoughts and prayers will be with you and the show. Mr. Middleditch, in season 2 of Silicon Valley will there be any extended pieces about computing optimal rates of other sex activities, like fingerblasting? Everybody likes the dicks joke and it's very funny but it's time to be more inclusive.
  3. My NNF MVPs in no order: Dave Holmes, Scotty Auks, Janet Varney, PFT, and Rachel Quaintance. Bring the heat every time.
  4. I tried to change my name to "good king mwnceslas" seven or eight times but each time I accidentally typed it in one of my Yahoo! toolbars instead of in my profile and I was forced to give up
  5. This is post #121212, I hope this fact makes you happy / think about doing exercises in the military. I will proboblably not check in for post #123456 but that's the next one I'd have my eye on if my life wasn't jus' a regular puddle of mudd.
  6. The quote is in USD? For a .co.uk?? They can suck my USD (unusually small dick)
  7. it's about time something awful got its comeuppance. I hate it. also I'm going to change my avatar here to the one I have on something awful to synergize my brand.
  8. mwn

    Episode 325 — Musical Organs

    You bunch of cheaters. You bunch of fucking scum.
  9. mwn

    Episode 325 — Musical Organs

    This is my favorite Rory performance (out of dozens): Also, in harmonious accordance with Scott's weird age joke that guests never follow, Crescent actually WOULD be 57 if he was born in 1957. Assuming a pre-Dec b-day ofc.
  10. re: british huomour: everyone who likes improv and interviews should listen to this album by Peter Cook and Chris Morris, where Morris's interviewer consistently forces Peter Cook's character into insane corners and Cook pushes through em like a champ
  11. Forum consensus: Call-ins are fun Call-in episodes are bad Conclusion: I want Hayes and Sean to personally call me and we can just kick it, no recording
  12. Dear The Weez: What's up? What's up????
  13. I can only assume you used that one because http://www.important.website had already been taken by a certain handsome and funny guy wearin shades
  14. there are only 500 people in the world, tops. I believe in a gentler version of solipsism
  15. Andrew your name might as well be Simon because yopu're British and like to do drawrings
  16. mwn

    Best of 2014: Stump for favorite episodes here!

    301 (They're Twins, Jonah!) has Victor's podcast with the dentist, which made me laugh the hardest out of anything I heard all year. That's the only one I really want to highlight here.
  17. "Freeze. Hey everybody, I thought that guy was a frankenstein." made me laughie
  18. Sick Ross Sick Rick Sick Sick
  19. Dear writers, are you writing any hip, new-media-friendly pilots to fill the vacuum left by the tragic demise of Selfie?
  20. debating changing my title over there <--- to "cumfreak"
  21. Getta load of this prescriptivist over here! All appealin' to authority like language isn't a shared construct that is shaped by its users! Whatta galoot!