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Posts posted by kyoput

  1. I honestly did enjoy this movie. I'm a huge fan of over the top action movies and the Punisher in general. The movie is so close to the Marvel Comics series of the same name in tone and my question would be: What was the balance in delivering the experience from the comics and going your own way with it? I particularly enjoyed the scenes with the family of the agent he kills. It was a glimpse at the kind of person Frank Castle is. Crazy? Yes. But also a man with a strange code of honor he lives by and that involves not harming the innocent. Ever.

    As a comic book fan, I say job well done.

  2. Alternate Title: Gigli?

    And I've seen the movie. Wasn't great. Kinda stupid. But how is it one of the worst movies ever made?

    In a world where Skyline and Sweet home Alabama exist, there is no way this is the worst movie ever made. Not even close. Have you seen Shakespeare In Love? That movie is fucking terrible and they gave it an Oscar!

  3. Alternate Title: Gigli?

    And I've seen the movie. Wasn't great. Kinda stupid. But how is it one of the worst movies ever made?

    In a world where Skyline and Sweet home Alabama exist, there is no way this is the worst movie ever made. Not even close. Have you seen Shakespeare In Love? That movie is fucking terrible and they gave it an Oscar!

  4. This is the first movie they've done that I absolutely hate. I mean I was violently angry after watching this piece of shit. I remember when I finally thought "Thank GOD they're leaving the apartment . FINALLY!"

    Minutes later, "WTF?! We gonna go back in here and yell some more?" And the ending?! Holy shit! Did they run out of money? And they never explained WHY they were doing what they did. Was the goddamn comic book at the end suppose to be telling me that? I HATE this movie!
