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Posts posted by EvilBunnySanta

  1. someone is salty, the thought that every single thing said on a DISCUSSION board should always be praise is down right retarded. There are lots of trolls out there and people going way too far with their negative comments, but everyone hates those people and their opinions shouldn't be given any attention. Now if someone listens to the show and likes the show don't you think they have the right to voice their opinion on something they thought could improve/change? And your analogy of laughing or cheering at a show is just dumb, because if you voice that you don't like a joke during the show then you're just some jack ass heckler who is interrupting the show. It's more like someone left a suggestion box at the exit.

    I am playing devils advocate a bit though i haven't said anything bad about this show i've been for the most part loving it, but i do think an open discussion is good for a community to thrive.

  2. About the whole "troll" thing, i don't think everyone who makes a negative comment is out there to be an ass hole. The problem is is that it's so easy to voice your opinion, with just a couple clicks your talking directly to someone whether you realize it or not. And with the ease of voicing your opinion someone is bound to say "I don't like...". If everyone thought that you or your podcast or w/e is good and worth listening to then everyone would listen to your podcast. hell look at Marc Maron he has one of the greatest shows and is one of if not the most popular and he gets shit on left and right by random people. Point is you have to do what you do and do it the best you can, because if 90% of people hate you 10% of 300,000,000 is a lot of people who will complete adore what you do.

  3. ^holy cow long comment, but i must say with the past 2(i think its been 2) episodes being recent and up to date has made them extremely engaging. If this show does get another season it would greatly benefit the show to have all the episodes recent, it may be very hard to do, but i think in the end it would be worth it. Having them up to date gives it a true interactive feel, which i why i think shows like americans got talent x factor american idol and so on so engaging to those who watch. But to talk about the actual contest i really want LDDC to win I seriously cant get enough of hearing those little guys go at it.
