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Everything posted by Mark1326657704

  1. Mark1326657704

    Episode 113 — Skanking Hayride

    Why do I get the feeling that now that Scott has shipped Ducca of to his own podcast, we'll never hear him on CBB again?
  2. Mark1326657704


    Caroline gets it!
  3. Mark1326657704

    I tried. I can't do it.

    I've listened to over half the episodes so far, and I've never heard a guest ask if they could join in. Many of them clearly DO join in, but there's a palpable lack of enthusiasm for it. It's very much, "well, I guess they expect me to do this shit."
  4. Mark1326657704


    Not trying to make you feel bad; I just don't see how you could possibly not get Camp.
  5. Mark1326657704

    I tried. I can't do it.

    I like the "summah" bit. Kulap's laughter used to bother me, too, but I got used to it. The only part of the show I can't stand is the "Nummmber One!" yelling business. Pointless and juvenile. You can almost always feel the guests disdain for it.
  6. Mark1326657704

    A rare miss for Earwolf

    I agree completely with Laura. I gave it three tries, but the constant over-talking and one-note characterization was too hard to overcome.
  7. Mark1326657704

    Are we going to get more?

    I laughed, Johnny.
  8. Mark1326657704


    I'm embarrassed for you.