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Posts posted by jadams1

  1. What is next for Adam Scott and Scott Aukerman?


    This has become my favorite podcast and I hope they continue in some fashion. I have loved listening to each U2 album in anticipation of the next podcast and love the chemistry between the two hosts.


    I would be all for an R.E.M. podcast or another band just to get into their catalog and have a reason to listen - it reminds me of high school when my friends and I would drive to Best Buy on Tuesday and excitedly buy the new releases of our favorite bands and listen to them all the way through.


    After listening to CBB for years, I know these fellas' opinions and musical tastes well-enough to enjoy being a fly on the wall of their musical conversations.


    I hadn't listened to U2 in a long while and am now really appreciating them again and the same goes for R.E.M. and several other bands. I would love to have a reason to go album by album through an artists careers (Neil Young, The Rolling Stones, The Beatles all come to mind).


    At any rate, I've appreciated the podcast and am so thankful it exists!

  2. I absolutely LOVE this idea and thank you thank you thank you for the pleasurable listening experience. I must state at this point that the best way to enter into PHISH is to go to a show! I think skipping through songs to get to little snippets completely misses the entire point and power of Phish. If you are going to try and "win someone over" through sitting down and listening ... you simply have to play songs in their entirety. I would suggest "Wading in the Velvet Sea," or "Dirt," or "Wasting," all of these are great songs musically and lyrically ... so Scott might like them. Other than that you can't re-produce going to college, making new friends who turn you onto Phish, or taking some substance for the first time with wonderful people and locking in that experience.
