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Everything posted by wakefresh

  1. wakefresh

    Episode 241 β€” The Stallone Bros.

    I loved it when Scott called out Scheer for using the voice of another sibling of a famous person. Also, when are we gonna get a return of the retired broadcaster who worked with Alan Thicke on In The Thicke Of The Night?
  2. wakefresh

    Episode 70 β€” Gymkata: LIVE!

    The sound in this is very upfront -- from the footsteps to the huge, dramatic score.
  3. wakefresh

    Episode 70 β€” Gymkata: LIVE!

    Stop making me even more jealous!!!!
  4. You use Fred Hampton as an example, but he was killed by the same people who are trying to sweep Trayvon's killing under rug and minimize it. The same people who cheered the verdict are the very same people who wanted Hampton dead. Also, it seems like you would agree the root cause of both Hampton's death and Trayvon's were racist people acting within, or in concert, with racist institutions. So, the issues beneath Trayvon's death are very pertinent to both discussions.
  5. wakefresh

    DAREDEVIL (2003)

    Well, I do remember people being upset that Heath Ledger was going to play the Joker. There were alot of gay jokes going around as well, and now we all know how his performance was in the movie. People are getting too upset about this and in the end, they are going to go see it anyway, even if to look at it ironically.
  6. wakefresh

    DAREDEVIL (2003)

    PlanB was the guy that wrote the second opinion for Leperchaun in the Hood. Ben Affleck makes EVERYTHING better.
  7. wakefresh

    Episode 69.5 β€” Minisode 69.5

    TheStray had a great breakdown of the story behind why the movie was made. Kurt Thomas never got to go to the 1980 Olympics because of the U.S. boycott. Because of that he missed out on his window to get a gold medal. Apparently he was a big deal in the sport and still is -- I just saw that he does commentary on gymnastics events. Anyway, this movie was a way to cash in on his fame. He was going through a divorce and it was costing him money. I also think this movie was a recruiting film for the U.S. Gymnastics Association. I think they wanted to bring more boys into the program so they could start grooming the next Kurt Thomas. That's why the gymnast is the COOLEST GUY IN THE WORLD in this movie -- he gets the girl; saves his dad; saves the country; and extends U.S. dominance to another part of the world. Ya know, the multiverse theory states that universe splits off at decision points and that there are an infinite number of universes just like our own, but with things slightly changed. So, somewhere in the superposition of realities, Gymkata was the number #1 movie in America. It made Kurt Thomas into a movie star and inspired two young boys in New Orleans to drop football and get on the pommel horse. Those two boys, Eli and Peyton, took home the gold in Sydeny and Beijing, bringing in a new era of dominance for U.S. Gymnastics. And to even everything out, Paul Hamm holds the all-time rushing record for 3-time NFL champions, The Cleveland Browns, and is a shoe-in for the Hall of Fame.
  8. wakefresh

    Episode 223 β€” Perceptions of Cool

    The type of stereotypes that Andrew and Patrick spoke about in this episode are something that is used to box people and negate anything that they do. If there is this stereotype that Asians are good at math then it automatically negates anything that an Asian mathematician accomplishes. Because, of course, it was easy for Dr. Nguyen to solve this difficult problem because Asians are good at math. He really didn't have to "work" at it like the [insert other race] mathematicians. It goes the same for athletics. If the stereotype is that Black folks are good at sports, then it negates anything that they accomplish in that realm. Because, of course, it was easy for them to become good at this sport. They didn't have to "work" for it like the [insert other race] athletes. But what it also does is that it creates boundaries that society tells you are not supposed to go outside of. So that Asian kid with quick hands and feet who likes boxing is not allowed to explore that. He is given math books and told to solve for "x" even though he is a dummy when it comes to math. The Black kid that is uncoordinated and clumsy is still pushed into sports despite his obvious shortcomings. And even though he is a whiz at algebra, no one is going to support him in that endeavor because he is going outside of the box. People are not walking stereotypes because stereotypes are not true. They are fantasy. And if you're going to believe in fantasy, you might as well make it more entertaining than Black people do X and Asian people do Y and White people do Z. Throw in some dragons. Add some elves and mech robots.
  9. wakefresh

    Which movies have you seen/own?

    That is an amazing list. You should get definitely get Shannon to sticky that link in the forum.
  10. If they have to do a Con Air/Face Off double feature. That's the only way to do those two movies, because I would say those are the most entertaining Nic Cage action movies. I can't believe that at one time, both DMX and Nic Cage were considered action movie stars.
  11. wakefresh

    Episode 142 β€” Bullshark

    When I was writing my comment, this clip is what played in my head. She looks so scared to see him. She's thinking, "The restraining order says you can't be this close to me."
  12. Yeah, one of those people who loves to define themselves as an outsider, even when they in a group of like-minded people, they still have to "stand out" in some sort of way. By the way, I love your Q in the Q and A section.
  13. wakefresh

    Episode 69.5 β€” Minisode 69.5

    Whoa! This movie is R-rated!!!?!?!?!?!? Ok, so I have to rethink my whole premise. Maybe it wasn't a propaganda film, but a vanity project for Kurt Thomas. Maybe he was insanely jealous of Mary Lou Retton and was like, "I'm gonna show that bitch how a REAL Olympic champion does it. I'm making a movie!"
  14. wakefresh

    Worst ADR

    That's the best. You can't look too hard at it and you can't look away because its women's asses on TV. That's Sabado Gigante! The little Spanish I know was gleamed from looking at the spokesmodel contest. It makes the spokesmodel contest on Showtime at the Apollo seem tame as hell.
  15. wakefresh

    Episode 142 β€” Bullshark

    I think about that myself alot. Like, I read that Tiffani Amber Theissen(sp?) doesn't want to do a reunion because she doesn't like Mr. Belding. Was he hitting on her while he was on the show? Post-18 was he like, "let's fuck!" and she was creeped out. Or was he like that the whole time? No one else seems to have a problem with him, its just her. Also, was Dustin Diamond an asshole as a kid too? Was that his way of compensating for being the butt of the joke all the time? Did he not have any sense of himself at all outside of "Screech"?
  16. wakefresh

    Episode 142 β€” Bullshark

    I wish I had the likes to like this a +1000 times.
  17. An "extremely conservative radical" is an oxymoron. It just sounds like he wants to keep this image of himself as a rebel and outsider, when in his heart of hearts, he's a very much for supporting the status quo.
  18. wakefresh

    Episode 69.5 β€” Minisode 69.5

    This movie is a propaganda film for the U.S. Gymnastics Association. I bet they were looking to get young kids interested in gymnastics and build up the program to battle against the Russians. Remember, this is at the height of the Eastern Bloc doped up athlete, and the U.S. was actually getting a run for its money at the Games (the Olympic kind, not the Parmistan kind). It explains so much about why the movie is the way it is: No cursing. That's why they cast a Playboy bunny as the love interest and there was no nudity. This movie would have been 100% better with a nice boob or ass shot. Also, this explains why the plot is so crazy. It doesn't have to make sense if the main audience is 6-8 year-olds. When the CIA guy is like "Military action is out of style," it doesn't make sense to anyone who has taken a U.S. History class, but to an elementary-aged child, it makes total sense All of the animals. Kids love animals. And they also try to make it seem like you can use your gymnastic skills to beat people up. That's why the pommel horse is in the Village of the Crazies because they wanted to make a connection between that piece of equipment and excitement. I wonder how many guys started doing gymnastics because of this movie.
  19. Is Vincent Gallo a conservative? In the video on the thread he keeps going on about left-wing politics, special interest groups, and compares being against the death penalty to communism.
  20. wakefresh

    Worst ADR

    THIS IS TRUE! You will not find a unattractive woman on Spanish TV. At all. Even the comedy shows are model catwalks. There is this one talk show, Gordo y Flaca (Fat Guy and Skinny Woman) and she is the least attractive of all of the women on Univision, and she is not ugly at all.
  21. wakefresh


    Or those shiny cufflinks he was wearing.
  22. wakefresh

    Episode 69.5 β€” Minisode 69.5

    It is sort of messed up that the biggest fight scene for the main character is against a bunch of people with mental illness. It would have been way better if he had beaten up Thorg instead of the crazy people getting him. I like this game: Gymkata sounds like a genre of porn that has to deal with gloryholes in gym bathrooms.
  23. wakefresh

    Episode 69.5 β€” Minisode 69.5

    If System of a Down counts as that RAWR RAWR music, then you may have seen that in my player around the same time.
  24. wakefresh

    Episode 69.5 β€” Minisode 69.5

    I think ripoff is a strong word. Equilibrium is what would come out if the writer was just told to read the Cliff Notes of Brave New World and Fahrenheit 451 and forced to watch nothing but Resident Evil movies. While watching the trailer I half-expected that crazy "RAWR RWAR RWAAAAR!" heavy-metal-like music to start playing.