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Everything posted by wakefresh

  1. Thanks for the information! Can you start using EarBear as your pseudonym so that I know what tv episodes/movies to watch? I wanna support a fellow HDTGM fan.
  2. I like the one strike punishment. If that Australian had said he believes Jerry Sandusky did the right thing by those boys, he would have been kicked out, scourged, and erased from the annals of gaming announcers. The reason is that society has decided that they WILL NOT accept pro child abuse statements. That is a good thing. It will also be a good thing when people treat racism with the same amount of intolerance.
  3. I don't think I'm giving them enough credit. Corporate America influences our lives in profound ways, even people who like to think they are "in the know" or "hip" to what Corporate America are still under its control. I would disagree with you on some points. The Black Arts Movement is when Black America started to assert control over our representation. This is era of Amiri Baraka, Melvin Van Peeples, etc. And while the idea of being "authentically black" was there, I think it was framed in more of a political fashion. In the books and movies from this time, the sellouts were black people actively collaborating with the white power structure to take away newly fought rights, and in many instances, it was the guys on the corner who were doing the collaborating. And while the good guys in those films were also corner boys, they were corner boys at a crossroads -- meaning, they had a shady history but were trying to go straight, or were actively in that life and beginning to see the negative effects they were having on others. Also in those movies, there was always a sort of black power character that sort of leads them on the correct path. In the 90s, all of the political angle had been stripped away and it was merely listening to a type of music/wearing a brand of jeans/drinking a brand of soda that made you "authentically" black. It boiled down the essence of a racial group to brands you consumed. And that is absolutely crazy. Now, Uncle Tom's Cabin, I think, is a whole different dynamic. That was a white liberal creating a sympathetic narrative for a black cause that other white liberals could support. Considering the circumstances in which that book was written, I consider this a good thing. But the bad part about that was that it set in white liberal's minds, and the country's mind, that the only black person that was worth saving is one that totally submitted to the wishes of white people, and one that will do so with a smile.
  4. I get you. So, if Hogan is paying these guys via the production company that is making the movie AND they were just turning in scripts to him and not registering them, then they would have just got the money for the drafts. But the drafts don't have to be by the union rules do they? That's something that the production company and the agent would work out, right? This is very interesting, and sort of depressing. I mean, that's a scary proposition that you have to CONSTANTLY be out on the lookout for people who will steal your work right from underneath you. I have a friend that is a screenwriter in LA, and he talked about registering his spec scripts with the WGA, but I never heard him say anything about the drafts.
  5. wakefresh

    August Live Show at Largo

    Did you already get tickets? The Largo website says they are sold out.
  6. wakefresh

    Which movies have you seen/own?

    I'll bring the Mike's!
  7. I agree. I think there should be a little more involvement with the site, but it could be a timing issue, especially if they are trying to get someone connected to the movie to be on a particular episode.
  8. Ok, so if Hogan had gotten away with stealing the writing credit, they would have just gotten the studio pay for the drafts they turned in, which would have not been nowhere near as much as they would have gotten otherwise? Or would they have just been ass out? So, the takeaway for me from this story is that a writer should arbitrate everything they do so they can get some type of credit, correct?
  9. wakefresh

    The Rum Diary

    Ok, maybe that's him, Moberg. In book, the editor is always fucking with him because Moberg spends his money gambling and on prostitutes of all kinds. HST sort of looks down on him as well when he learns that Moberg is fucking transsexuals. The thing I love about this book is that the real HST is Sanderson -- down to the description, his attitude, and his relationship with women.
  10. wakefresh


    I love this movie! The uncle is a gangster. Everyone in the town is scared of his ass, so he can act out however he wants, because when the cops come, everyone will come down with amnesia. And I kinda liked the chase scene with the little girl. Because she was running away from the bad guys with guns, instead of like in Kickass where we are supposed to believe that a little 10-year-old is capable of beating grown men because Nic Cage shot her in the chest one time. No, you're little ass is supposed to run when grown men are chasing you with guns.
  11. For anyone in the Hollywood biz, can you answer this question: Berry said that him and his partner's writing fee went up considerably for this movie because Hogan was also helping them write it. Why is that? Why does Hogan's fee affect what two first time writers will get for the movie?
  12. The funniest part about this podcast was when Jason was taking jabs at Berry, especially at the end when Berry said something to the effect of "you know how you mess with someone but you don't want anyone else to know that you sleep with this person publicly?" "Oh, yeah, Berry. We all do that. We're all horrible people."
  13. He said in an earlier episode that he only choose ones that are several years old.
  14. And to point on Baron Vaughn's statement about not being "black enough". I think this is an idea that came of age in the early to mid 90s. This was when companies started seeing hip-hop has a marketing tool and actually began to sell images of blackness (wrapped in hip-hop) back to black youth. Remember when Sprite was the "black" soda? Remember those St. Ides commercials that were clearly marketed to teenagers and young adults? Suddenly "blackness" was based on what times you brought and what music you listened to, which lead me to cuss out quite a few white and Asian kids who thought they were "blacker" than me because they had a 12-pack of sugar water and the latest UGK album.
  15. Thank you for this episode. This should put to rest anyone who wants to dismiss Andrew's viewpoint because of a lack of "authority" (I'm looking at you, Hyde). When you are continually the only person of your race in a situation, you become very aware of what people around you are doing, saying, and acting towards you. The things he points out as being racist are very obvious, and when the topic is more nuanced, he gives an nuanced answer. Baron Vaugn is a good guest and this is gonna be a good week for this podcast.
  16. wakefresh

    Only God Forgives????

    I watched this and was kinda disappointed. I was expecting more violence, although the fight between the main character and that old man was real good. Also, this might as well have been a silent movie. The only one with any lines is the messed up mother.
  17. wakefresh

    That thing you do! (1996. Tom Hanks, Liv Tyler)

    Then that cuts out a lot of movies then. There are people that have 88 Minutes as their favorite movie.
  18. wakefresh

    The Rum Diary

    Who plays the Swedish dude that spends his paycheck screwing hookers and wooing transsexuals? He was the most entertaining character in the whole book.
  19. wakefresh

    Episode 212 — Circle of Friends

    I try to not focus on intent because I'm not a mind reader, I would suggest you do the same. I focus on actions. Her actions up until now have excluded any non-white people from getting to know her or her to know them. First step is to correct her actions so that there is a chance of discovery of shared interests. The thing you're talking about -- "trying to be down" -- is something that happens to some white people because those people are trying to live out their own "Dances With Wolves" moment with you. The dynamic at play there is a white person wanting to feel like they have "mastered" this other culture, so they can go brag to their white friends about it. Whether or not they have friends within that culture is incidental. It's all about proving to other white people that they "know the lingo" and can mix and mingle without drawing attention to themselves.
  20. wakefresh

    Episode 68.5 — Minisode 68.5

    Children's Hospital had the funniest line about the actor in these movies. "I watched many of my friends go on to movie stardom while year after year I was stuck at this TV show. I was originally offered Crocodile Dundee, but the show executives strictly enforced my contract. So now, many years later, my good friend Paul Hogan is a former millionaire."
  21. wakefresh

    Episode 140.5 — 08/9/13 TWO CHARTED 79

    If y'all haven't heard Kulap's episode of the JV Club, then you definitely should. Kulap went through some shit growing up!
  22. wakefresh

    Episode 140.5 — 08/9/13 TWO CHARTED 79

    Armen is the strangest man that I have ever heard speak. I can totally see him either being one of those odd, offbeat comedians who will make something real funny or the leader of a cult.
  23. wakefresh

    Episode 140 — Scotty Boy, My Special Boy

    No, I just listen to the podcasts as I find them. You know, like everyone else on the site. Also, I'm not the only one who found it problematic that he said it. So, if you're so very much against any talk about race, you should reply to TheNarnold's statement with the vitriol that you directed towards me.
  24. wakefresh

    Episode 140.5 — 08/9/13 TWO CHARTED 79

    It's Creepy Yesand.
  25. wakefresh

    The Rum Diary

    The only good book that HST ever wrote was Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail '72. That was the perfect mix of drug induced craziness but with real reporting mixed in. I recommend it for anyone who wants to a real inside look into how a presidential campaign is run.