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Everything posted by wakefresh

  1. wakefresh

    Flash Gordon (1980)

    This was a very weird movie. I watched this several times as a kid and even then couldn't make sense of it. I do remember loving the visuals because it did look cool... and as far as penis outlines go, this movie is the creme de la creme. While Sleepaway Camp had a variety of penis outlines, this just had one -- one that was prominently featured and was almost like another character in scenes.
  2. wakefresh

    Episode 140 — Scotty Boy, My Special Boy

    I name you Judas Sockerman! You betray all of us by not linking to the complete playlist.
  3. wakefresh

    Episode 140 — Scotty Boy, My Special Boy

    You're the most sensitive person about race on these forums. You're the guy who started a lame petition to get Yo! Is This Racist taken off of Earwolf because it dared say that some things that white people do are, in fact, racist. Not once, but two times! But ultimately, I don't think anyone should be taking your judgement on what is or what isn't racist considering a) you obviously don't know the definition and b ) believe a show dedicated to deconstructing racial attitudes is in fact racist against white people.
  4. wakefresh

    Episode 212 — Circle of Friends

    You're absolutely wrong. It is NOT racist to open up to people who you have not been friendly with previously; that's called "broadening your horizons."
  5. wakefresh

    Episode 67 — Sharknado

    But this time instead of Joe Pesci and Daniel Stern its a bunch of sharks that are trying to get in the house to chomp-a chomp-a on his ass.
  6. wakefresh

    Beverly Hills Chihuahua 3

    Excuse me, did I just read that right? You said the puppies were growing up and going to DOG SCHOOL? And did I read this correctly...there are DOG MODELS?!!?
  7. wakefresh


    Yeah, its Pitch Black without all of the interesting characters and story. It's basically a vehicle for Vin Diesel to be all badass for 90+ minutes.
  8. wakefresh

    Temptation - Tyler Perry

    If he got Cicely Tyson to play the woman post-infection, I'm going to die laughing.
  9. wakefresh

    HDTGM All-Stars

    Also, I gotta leave this on the board. One of my favorite wrestlers growing up, the Iron Shiek. [media=''] [/media]
  10. wakefresh

    HDTGM All-Stars

    Yeah, the life of a former pro wrestler is not good at all. Virgil, the Million Dollar Man's sidekick, does those independent circuit shows in high school gyms now. The funniest/saddest part was when the dude from ECW said they couldn't use Jake the Snake because negotiated his fee was a bag of crack rock and some beer.
  11. wakefresh

    HDTGM All-Stars

    Thanks, Dan. Good to be back
  12. wakefresh


    Yes, this movie really, really sucked. I tend to like a lot of movies and most of the time come away thinking that my time was well spent. This is one of the few movies where I was kicking myself of watching it. In that two hour span I could have read a book, worked on projects, finished leveling up in Fallout, any number of things. It was very bad. Also, this movie and the latest Fast and the Furious movies prove to me that Vin Diesel can never be vulnerable in any movie that he is doing. He ALWAYS has to have the last word and he ALWAYS has to be two steps ahead of everyone else. In this movie, Riddick (Vin) has superhuman awareness and always knows the outcome before anyone else. Oh, Riddick is captured and taken to jail? You would think that would be bad, right? Nope, Vin WANTED to be caught and has a 100% foolproof method of breaking out of jail. Just like in the FF6, when the Rock said he put a tracking device on the car. You would think that Dom (Vin) would be surprised? THERE ARE NO SURPRISES FOR DOM! He casually tosses the tracking device back to the Rock. He's like that kid that no one wanted to play with in the neighborhood because he kept ruining the games. Like, when you pretend the sidewalk is lava and everyone is doing their best not to walk on the concrete, this asshole just strolls up not giving a fuck. And when you say, "oh no! Vin, you're in the lava! Hurry, quick, jump out before you burn to death!" Vin replies, "oh, well, I have lava-proof boots on so, I'm ok." GO FUCK YOURSELF!
  13. wakefresh

    Temptation - Tyler Perry

    Please, let's not go through that again.
  14. wakefresh

    HDTGM All-Stars

    I'm with you. I haven't really paid attention to wrestling since the late 90s when Rocky Mavia was with the Nation of Domination. But it is really cool to me how they improv a whole fight, right there, live in front of an audience. And how if the fight is not that entertaining, there are ways for the people outside the ring to signal the wrestlers to tell them to wrap it up. I also like the history of wrestling. Apparently a good portion of the moves they have were originally used in traveling carnivals. The sideshows would have a "strongest man in the world" exhibit and he would challenge any of the locals to a wrestling match. To make sure the carnival guy had a leg up in winning, they used alot of the wrestling holds we see today to put fools down. So, I guess a Boston crab can do damage if you really apply pressure.
  15. wakefresh

    Episode 67.5 — Minisode 67.5

    Damn, Paul was right about this movie ideally being for SOMEONE ELSE to mimic Stallone in the original Rocky. Instead, you have Rocky Balboa trying to make money in between fights with Apollo Creed by driving 18-wheelers and arm wrestling. I saw this when I was in 4th grade or so, and the movie was so popular that it started an arm wrestling ring in the lunch hall that all of the boys were involved in, either betting food on the outcomes, organizing matches, or actual arm wrestling. It was broken up when someone bet their Nintendo game on a match (he probably has a gambling addiction now) and lost. He went crying to the principle and that ended that.
  16. wakefresh

    Matt and Kanye

    Gawker has been doing a whole series on it. I guess someone leaked the full pilot and they've been showing it around.
  17. wakefresh

    Robot Jox (1989)

    Someone said earlier that this would be a good tie in with Pacific Rim coming out soon, I would also counter that it opens up a nice double feature of Atlantic Rim (the current rip off made by Thunder Levin) and Robot Jox. Very good material for a live show, if you ask me.
  18. wakefresh

    The Hand That Rocks The Cradle (1992)

    This was a good movie! But looking back on it there were a lot of crazy moments, the craziest being when the DeMornay(sp?) was breast feeding the other woman's baby. Also, there is a creepy gynecologist in this movie, guys.
  19. wakefresh

    Gothika (2003)

  20. wakefresh

    Temptation - Tyler Perry

    I'm not saying it wouldn't make a interesting episode, I was just commenting on Lee's statements. There was just something about it that rubbed me the wrong way. I hear a lot of bitterness in his voice and I believe it is because Perry did what Lee started out doing in the 80s but was 100x more successful than Lee. Spike still has to ask other people for money to make his movies, Perry went independent, stayed independent and now makes his own movies and TV shows. In an alternate reality, I would have loved to see what Lee would have done with Perry's financial power and deals. It would have been sweet. And you're right, its lack of diverse representation that leads to situations where Lee is saying that Perry's TV shows are putting back Black America. Because, shit, if Perry is the only representation that we get then it better be everything to everyone and a shining example of What Black Folks Can Do. That's a lot of pressure to work under. Neal Brennan talked about it on his podcast where Dave Chappelle made a joke and then on CNN there was a 10 minute news story on how Dave Chappelle told black folks not to do X and how that is very dangerous. It's like, damn, can't even make a joke if you're a black person of a certain level of fame. I only hope that if they do an ep on Temptation that they have a black guest or someone that knows black actors. Besides Paul, everyone else will be like, "that one did this and it was bonkers!"
  21. wakefresh

    Temptation - Tyler Perry

    They should totally get Cherly Underwood if they do Temptation. She is hilarious.
  22. wakefresh

    Temptation - Tyler Perry

    Its hard to compare to anything that is mainstream (read: white) because the context is so different. TheStray said it in another comment that right now, Perry is THE black director in Hollywood by virtue of their being no other representation. I think a part -- I don't know how big of a part, I can only speak for myself -- of the reason for the success of the movies is because there are so few images of black people at the movie theater that people are happy that we are being represented and come out in support. So, its sort of getting an audience that wouldn't have come otherwise. It would be like if the American Pie movies were the ONLY white movies getting made with a majority white cast and white leads. Then you would have a semblance of the same sort of dynamic that drives audiences to Perry movies.
  23. wakefresh

    Temptation - Tyler Perry

    Ok, so Spike Lee has some points, yes, but I think this is bit of upturned-nose syndrome going on in Lee's comments. White folks tend to think that black people are this mass of humanity and that every black person automatically loves every other black person. But there is classism in the black community just like there is classism in the white community, and it definitely comes to a head when something that middle-class blacks hate becomes popular. W.E.B DuBois hated, absolutely hated Jazz and Blues music. That music, being made by sharecroppers and illiterate laborers, was not the "face" that newly freed black people should be putting out to the world. He would rather have had black composers writing classical music or creating operas that relate to the Black experience in America. For example, DuBois was a fan of Countee Cullen -- who wrote poems in traditional European forms, but with African themes -- and didn't understand what the deal was with Langston Hughes because Hughes wrote poetry inspired by the free-flowing nature of jazz. He felt Hughes and the bluesmen were setting back black people in this country. He was right about a lot of thing, but this is something where he was mistaken. Larry Leon Hamlin is the coordinator of the Black Theatre Festival and he's been shitting on Perry for a long time. He's from that same black middle class and feels that the plays were setting back black theater. I think Perry's movies/plays are ok; they're not the best, and they're not the worst, but they are not of Birdemic/Tiptoes quality. Lee invoking buffoonery? C'mon man, was he being a buffoon and setting back black folks with those Mars Blackmon commercials? Should black people never be animated and lively at any time? People act like Perry's movies are the reason why racism exists or some shit. It is not that crucial.
  24. wakefresh

    Episode 37 — Magna Carta...Holy Shots Fired!

    "Shoddy sophistication" is how I would describe 99.9% of indie rock lyrics. It's just madlibs.
  25. wakefresh

    Episode 66 — Demolition Man: LIVE!

    Not embarrassing at all. I like this movie, but it is funny to hear the gang's take on it.