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Everything posted by wakefresh

  1. wakefresh

    Episode 155 — Death By Nerf

    No one in the NBA is just a kid who likes playing basketball, if that was the case, they would be happy playing pickup basketball on the weekend. The NBA is a business and I think people need to get off that "loyalty" B.S. when talking about Lebron/Cleveland. Was he never supposed to take advantage of free agency at all? He played there for the better part of a decade and brought them to the Finals, which is something that Cleveland's other favorite sons, Mark Price and Brad Doughterty, never did.
  2. wakefresh

    Episode 193 — Mash-Ups

    Hyde, I feel like you either hate all rap and love 'real' music like heavy metal and whatever the fuck Vampire Weekend does, or you love hip-hop but only the 'real' hip-hop made by Mac Miller, Macklemore, Eminem, Kreyashawn (you know where I'm going with this).
  3. wakefresh

    Episode 66 — Demolition Man: LIVE!

    Also, if you all ain't checked out Wyatt in Medicine for Melancholy, you should. It's a good movie and is on Netflix Instant.
  4. wakefresh

    Episode 66 — Demolition Man: LIVE!

    What I think was that it was supposed to be a comment on the tension between the Asian American and African American communities following the LA riots. I feel that I don't need to take socio-political statements from crazy ass action movies.
  5. wakefresh

    Episode 66 — Demolition Man: LIVE!

    There are a lot of people to blame for the "ching-chong" bit in this movie. From Snipes, to the director, to the editor, to the execs, to the marketing people...a whole bunch of people saw it and either laughed out loud or were like, "eh, its just Asians. Who cares?"
  6. wakefresh

    Episode 136 — Grand Poo-Ba

    That episode where Andy kills all of his characters on Comedy Bang Bang is THE FUNNIEST THING ON THIS SITE. I enjoy alot of stuff on Earwolf, but that episode is just the fucking best. Scott is funny. Jason is funny. And Andy is killing it.
  7. Beau is right. They have weddings at plantations where people were raped and killed and tortured all the time. You never hear about people getting married at a concentration camp in Europe.
  8. wakefresh

    Episode 189 — Cotton Picking Mind

    I 100% agree. He is one of the best guests that the show has had.
  9. wakefresh

    Episode 66 — Demolition Man: LIVE!

    I love that Paul's computer keeps getting messages from random people.
  10. wakefresh

    Episode 66 — Demolition Man: LIVE!

    June is spot on with her macro point about this movie...so if the choice is between a society with no violence and no access to green Jello and Playboys and a society with lots of violence and green Jello and Playboys, I would choose the former. And it seems like if they just relaxed the dietary restrictions, Leary would be cool with everything. But I did love this movie when I was a kid and still love it now, it is a perfect summer time movie. Also, it is best movie to wash your clothes to, take that as you will.
  11. wakefresh

    Episode 66 — Demolition Man: LIVE!

    This movie would have been 1000% better if they had left in the part about Bullock being his daughter and still have Stallone get with her. The French love a good incest sci-fi flick, so it would have done gangbusters over there.
  12. wakefresh

    Episode 190 — Asia On The Map

    The weirdest part about the pickup artists is that they only want to get with women as a way of validating themselves in front of other men. The sex and the women are incidental; its about being able to brag to other men and have social standing among them.
  13. wakefresh

    Episode 190 — Asia On The Map

    This is one of the best guests he's had so far on this program! I remember seeing this dude on Def Poetry Jam back in the day.
  14. wakefresh

    Episode 185 — Misrepresentation

    You only have to look at Resident Evil 5 to see how using black zombies can go very, very wrong.
  15. wakefresh

    Episode 184 — Paula Deen: Assumed Racist?

    But what would be the alternative? That they say she is clearly a racist and she still gets to keep her TV show, her endorsements, her merchandising deals? In that scenario there are no consequences and it might as well be Jim Crow times again, because racists who said and engaged in foul shit had no consequences either. I am still not getting your point on this. Do you believe she is a victim of the media? Is the media wrong in highlighting her racism? Are the companies fleeing from her morally wrong to do so? If most of the media is racist like you say then why do they even consider racism a "serious charge"? Who deemed it so? People of color obviously think it is a serious charge, but they don't run the media.
  16. wakefresh

    Episode 184 — Paula Deen: Assumed Racist?

    Well to hear her supporters and some others in the media tell it, it was very, very obvious that this woman was a racist from the very beginning. These people are very upset that it is coming out NOW that she's a raging racist when it was apparently some sort of open secret in media circles.
  17. wakefresh

    Episode 184 — Paula Deen: Assumed Racist?

    See, I sort of agree with you and I sort of don't. Paula Deen is an example of how everyone wants to sweep talk about race under the rug until it comes out in a huge and weird way. You said that "of course a lady like that is going to be super racist", like it was common knowledge. And to people with any sense, yes, it would not be surprising, but yet no one wanted to talk about her in that way while she building an empire on fatback and butter. I saw no article or op-ed about how this woman from Georgia was most likely racist because she came of age during Jim Crow. I heard nothing about she was probably racist because her great grandfather owned slaves. Nothing of the sort. The only thing I heard was how great she was, her struggle with diabetes, etc. I agree with you that there are a lot of racist people in the media, but I don't think that it is hypocritical for them to call a racist a racist. It was hypocritical of them to let it slide for so long. The fact that they are calling her out now is them doing the correct thing, the thing they should have done in the first place. Also, she's not getting shit for something she said in the 60s, she's getting shit for racist shit she said to her black employees now. That's why she's getting sued; not for something that happened 50 years ago, but for something that happened now.
  18. We have to ask Bruce Robinson Reid III about this. He is an actual scientist and may very well be in the planning stages of getting a museum, complete with lab and lasers, in Bisonopolis.
  19. Besser, in regards to Paula Deen, which was more racist: the fact that she wanted a plantation-themed wedding and tossed around the n-word regularly, or that in her interview with Matt Lauer she said people shouldn't be surprised she says the n-word because she's an old white lady from the South?
  20. wakefresh

    Episode 184 — Paula Deen: Assumed Racist?

    But guys, she said that it is 100% okay to stereotype old white people from the South in her interview with Matt Lauer. I was talking to a friend the other day and he hit the nail on the head in regards to this: the incident with Paula Deen is an example of how everyone knows that a person is racist but for whatever reason, it is bad form to talk about it. And when someone else points out a racist is being racist, they are shouted down and a heap of excuses are pulled out of everyone's ass for why it is not that bad.
  21. wakefresh

    Spring Breakers

    If Gucci Mane is in this, then I have to go see it. BLERGH!
  22. wakefresh

    Man of Steel (2013)

    I'm starting to come around to your line of thinking. In fact, now that I remember, Martha was looking very tired all of the time...tired or high out of her mind. Also, when the tornado was coming for him, I wish Costner had started to drink his own pee while petting a wolf. That would have been epic.
  23. I believe the reason is that the writers didn't have any good duck puns that went with pizza.
  24. wakefresh

    Man of Steel (2013)

    That was very odd to me as well. Why would you risk your life for the family dog? It would sad that the dog died, sure, but why would you risk your life for the dog's?
  25. Did Marvel own the Conan property or just license it? Robert Howard's estate was still publishing books in the 1950s and 1960s.