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Everything posted by wakefresh

  1. Andrew is right. This is just a code word for racists to say they want X country to be all white. Nothing more, nothing less.
  2. There are places in Eastern Europe where there is sex tourism but not to the extent of Thailand or Cambodia or the Phillipines. I think one of the reasons is that sex tourists don't see the people they are having sex with as people -- they're fuck toys. And its easier to dehumanize a person when you're raised in a racist culture that tells you they aren't worth shit to begin with. As horny and crazy as they are, I think they would take into account the feelings of someone who looked like them. The reason they're going off and fucking brown people in far off places is because there is absolutely no connection -- they won't speak the same language, won't have gone to the same places you have, won't have a home close to yours, and don't look anything like you. Even better yet, you can leverage white privilege to get even more shit that you want than in Estonia, where is sex is also cheap. Misogyny is there, but so is the racism, and I can't say which is more prevalent, but I know they are both there and mixing together in a pool of hatred.
  3. Misogyny and racism often intersect. It doesn't have to be a case of one over the other or one more than the other.
  4. wakefresh

    Man of Steel (2013)

    Fans of construction debris will also love this film because so much shit gets destroyed. Funeral directors will get a hard-on when thinking about how much they could have made if they were living in Metropolis.
  5. wakefresh

    Demolition Man

    I love that. My mom would crush on Wesley Snipes and watched just about everything he was in. I mean, she has all of the Blade DVDs individually and in a box set. Don't ask me why.
  6. wakefresh

    No Holds Barred (1989)

    I co-sign this recommendation and so do the superstars at the WWE. [media=''] [/media]
  7. wakefresh

    Demolition Man

    Your great grandmother is cool. I knew Wesley Snipes was the ish when I saw Unnecessary Roughness.
  8. Jason said that this movie probably lead to a lot of strange sexual fetishes for young people who watched it. Exhibit A:
  9. I kinda wish there had been a scene of duck-on-duck sex in this movie. I mean, you're kinda setting it up, if you chose to show duck boobies and duck soft-core porn.
  10. I like at the end of the movie, the person who made this writes, "Duck/human sex is illegal and wrong."
  11. Drugs and sexual tourism are why folks make trips to Thailand. Yes, that is a generalization. No, it isn't racist; drug abusers and perverts are not their own ethnicity.
  12. I so wish I could have seen June's face and her mic drop when they found the section where Howard attempts to fly. Did anyone happen to take a picture of that moment?
  13. I guess we've read different stuff then. The things I've read are usually from a white male's perspective. I haven't read too many where the protagonist is not white.
  15. In all fairness, you're not a scientist, so you don't REALLY know. Also, every computer program comes with a function to calculate interplanetary travel for the Dark Lords of the Universe. You would know this if you were a computer programmer.
  16. wakefresh

    Paul's Show Opening Lines

    I really liked the opening for "Leprechaun in the Hood" where he said it in the Leprechaun voice.
  17. Which social scientists disagree with this? The ones funded by the Brookings Institute or the ones that wrote "The Bell Curve."
  18. You should tell this to every white person who says that intent and context matter when dishing out the n-word.
  19. Andrew is right that in sci-fi the humans are always represented by white people, specifically white men. I love sci-fi, but this has always been a sore point with me. There are some authors out there who trying to broaden the scope of what a sci-fi "human" is by adding people of color, etc, but for the most part it is a genre dominated by white male characters. Also, this is going to be a long week. This guest reminds me of the other musician Andrew had on, the one who sounded like he took 20 sleeping pills and then decided to do the podcast.
  20. wakefresh

    Episode 64.5 — Minisode 64.5

    I like Demolition Man. I think its a great movie, but I am excited to hear how the gang is going to take in this movie. It's been awhile since I've seen Over The Top, but I do remember thinking, even as a kid, it was weird that this rich woman would marry a truck driver. As an adult I have the answer: he was laying some Serious Stallone Pipe to get woman of that class. It's the only logical reason.
  21. wakefresh

    Are foreign movies game?

    I wonder if the heavy hand of Yoko Ono played a part in his decision, or the copious amounts of drugs in his system. When you say Klien left the States to outlive the director, what do you mean? Was the director killed because of the movie? Oh yeah, the "forbidden love" theme is strong in French movies -- teacher/student, adult/teenager, gay people, interracial couples -- they eat that shit up.
  22. wakefresh

    Episode 64.5 — Minisode 64.5

    It would be so funny if it was The Happening.
  23. Calling someone the n-word is like punching them in the face AND kicking them in the nuts. Calling someone a cracker is like shoving someone. If there is an imbalance of power in relation to how racism effects people it is because there was an imbalance of power tilted toward one group in this country. It wasn't white people who had the negative effects of Jim Crow thrown at them daily. On the contrary, it was a great benefit to them -- they didn't have to compete against the best to get a job, they only had to compete against other white men; they had a population that they steal from at will and have the courts back them up whether or not they were aggressor in the case; and if things got bad for them (laid off, dirt poor, etc) they had a population that they could take their frustrations out on with impunity. So the problem is that 50+ years after Brown v Board of Education, we still institutions who continue practices based on ones developed during Jim Crow or in the backlash against desegregation. That's a real problem because it means real opportunity lost. Another problem is that we still have people who hold wrong-headed ideas developed during Jim Crow toward minorities. Because of the previous imbalance of power during Jim Crow you had a population that had access to capital and all of the benefits therein (better educations, jobs, etc). So in some instances, you could run into a person with wrong-headed ideas and that person is your superior or runs the company or runs the state legislature. When they make decisions based on these wrong-headed ideas, that means opportunity lost for minorities. Getting called cracker is not even on the same level, in fact, its not even listed on the levels. There's a poster on here called "anneymarie" who put it nicely: As a white woman, the worst thing about racism for me is someone might think I'm being racist when I'm not. But I am at least somewhat racist at least some of the time because racism is a part of our ridiculous society that I have to work on getting de-ingrained from myself. People of color have to worry about getting killed, at the worst, and earning enough money, at the very least. So I just find it hard to feel that bad about people's fear of being called racist or insults to their regions as major problems when "1 Black Man Is Killed Every 28 Hours by Police or Vigilantes."
  24. wakefresh

    Man of Steel (2013)

    I agree to an extent, but those movies don't follow the female gaze or there would be a lot more ass shots and gratuitous front nudity.* *Exception for the The Watchmen where blue dongers were swinging free.
  25. wakefresh

    Man of Steel (2013)

    Oh, damn, I didn't know that. It sounds like some Story of O type shit.