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Everything posted by wakefresh

  1. It only matters to the person who is doing the shit slinging. To the person on the receiving end, they still get face of shit either way.
  2. So then what about the context that the word is used by white people to dehumanize African Americans. Does that not fit into the "context" somehow?
  3. Intent means nothing. Impact is what matters. If you focus on the intent you are just privileging the person who said the slur's feelings over the person who the slur is meant to dehumanize. And yes, context does matter, it is a hateful word that has been used by mainly white people to berate African Americans. Somehow THAT context doesn't matter though.
  4. I think you're underselling the impact of "nope, look closer." It was very clear what you meant.
  5. That's why I said this is a debate between white people. It is a debate that centers on white people convincing other white people that X place is "hip and progressive." What really matters in a debate like this are the opinions of other white people, not the actual minorities living in X place. And there is a sort of classism going on as well, but I feel, in the end, shitting on minorities is something that white folks of all political and socio-economic strips can get behind.
  6. You haven't been reading this thread. Generalizations are bad, just as intolerable as racism. You were just being just as racist towards people who post "U Mad" gifs. Plus, you never had a point. You just wanted to post how you are SOOOOO not taking anything I say seriously. I suggest you go back to that mindstate because I sure as hell am not taking anything you say seriously at all.
  7. What are saying right now? What am I incapable of accepting? This was goobledly goop. The reason I mixed you up is because the reverse racism shit is thrown about by racist ass people. Usually when you point out some racist policy or practice. Because in their twisted minds, if you talk about racism and/or point out things that are racist in society right now, then you are the REAL RACIST. That's a dumb idea. A very stupid idea. Racist acts are racist. Pointing out such practices is a good thing because for a long time society just swept it under the rug. But I was fucking around with that Picklefucker guy when I made the "you see racism in everything" line. He's a grade A idiot and the reason I know this is because the very foundation that informs what he sees as racism is flawed. Someone generalizing your hometown is not as bad as institutional racism. Its not as bad as the things that spring from racism -- like lynchings, slavery, etc.
  8. The woman was the fucking worst guest. Well, second worst. The guy he had from the band who talked extra slow in a shitty Steven Wright impression was the WORST. She was just stupid.
  9. You're right! You're the one that said black people were racist against you because you liked metal music or some such bullshit. And also, you used the Newt Gingrich approved term "reverse racist" to describe people who point out racism.
  10. Nothing racist about it at all. Unless you're just one of those people that see race in everything.
  11. What's hard to understand? You said you were from Maine and live in Maine. So I put out an alternative explanation for why the hell you're so up in arms about this. Was I correct?
  12. Aren't you the guy that said if you see racism, then you are racist? I think that little nugget of stupidity was from you.
  13. Then convince your fellow racist and homophobic citizens to stop acting like idiots. Then you won't be lumped in with them. But hey, take heart in this -- you can always leave N.C. and no one will ever be the wiser. For other minorities, they'd have to change their skin color, their gender, or their sexual orientation to get away from their oppression. All you have to do is call a mover. So, understand when they look at your "grievances" about being "stereotyped" with an eyeroll.
  14. Oh, well, I guess then you're a guy who doesn't like any white person being labeled as racist, even if they deserve it.
  15. Bruce, it was horrible! When THEY said they were going to ignore me because I posted a gif....I felt invisible, unwanted, unloved. Now I truly know how the Native American feels.
  16. Haven't you been reading this thread??!!!!! You just made a generalization and generalizations are the underpinning to ALL RACISM!!!! What you just said was racist to people who like to post gifs.
  17. Ok people, ultimately sorts of debates are for white hipsters to hash out among themselves because they are trying to impress other hipsters about a) the place they came from or b ) the place they live now. That's why Besser and pretty much all of the people whining on this thread about "racism" in calling X place racist don't take into stock what the minority residents of said place have to say about anything. That's why Besser glossed over the housing segregation issue in Chicago real quick. The opinions of the actual victims of racism don't really matter in a "debate" like this, because this is about changing other white people's perceptions of X place, not actually changing what is happening in X place. That's why Chicago can still have 1940s style housing segregation and all of the supposedly "progressive" white folks don't do anything about it...because other white folks have convinced them that the town is not racist and everything is cool.
  18. Nope, that's pretty much what you said the first time. When people say Arkansas is racist, it is just as bad as racism.
  19. I'll tell you exactly where I got this idea from. Key parts highlighted below. If those progressive people don't outnumber the idiots then that means that your state government is made up racist assholes. It means you pass laws denying civil rights. Who cares that Cary is a open-mined place when it is a STATE POLICY to deny your humanity?
  20. And they have oppressed for centuries because of it.
  21. No, your argument is calling some a racist asshole is just as bad a participating in actual racism.
  22. I understood your stupid point. Saying that Alabama is racist is just as bad as actually being racist. It is a stupid point. It will always be stupid, no matter what you say. The reason it is stupid is because you don't know what the hell racism is. You think it is about generalizing someone and that is not even the tip of the iceberg. That's why you prop up the inane example I gave as 'racism on a small scale'. Or excuse me, you wouldn't call it 'racism', but it is just as bad as actual racism. Just as bad. Because, hey, it works on a generalization, and to idiots, generalizations are foundation of racism. Man, you did ever read about that time in history when EVERYONE from Arkansas was a slave. They actually branded the shape of the state on their foreheads so they couldn't hide. I actually think it happened before they started bring Africans to this country to be slaves. And no it doesn't matter what everyone you know says or does. You are not important. The opinions of you and your cronies don't mean shit when compared to 150 million other people who feel differently. You do know that there are states outside of Maine, correct?
  23. Well, we also learned from Besser that there is no racism in Chicago or Detroit either.