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Everything posted by wakefresh

  1. wakefresh

    Episode 64 — After Earth

    Its after the girl has successfully engaged the crazy dude about the ad. He says, people are looking for me, so I'll tell you a place to meet. All three -- the douchebag, the geeky kid, and the girl -- roll up in the Escalde. She tells them to get out because the douchebag had already messed up when he tried to talk to the crazy dude. And they are about to get out until they see.....dun dun DUNNNNNNN.... two black guys talking to each other. Then both the douchebag and the geeky kid cringe and shake and hold themselves. The douchebag is like, "fuck that!" So, because those two can't bend down far enough and were making a big scene about getting out of the car near black people, the girl says to the crazy guy that she was followed and they will have to meet up again some other time. End scene.
  2. wakefresh

    The Scarlet Letter (1995)

    What the hell was that? Is the black girl supposed to be fucking the robin like Demi is fucking Gary Oldman? Why was she making "bedroom eyes" at the bird? Also, why are they fucking on top of the grain that is going to be in their bread? You know what I don't want in my bread, Gary Oldman's jizz.
  3. wakefresh

    Basic (2003)

    The beret is necessary. He's supposed to be an Army Ranger CO and they don't wear caps like the other, regular soldiers on base. The "cape" was a black poncho, and he wears it when they're in the field... but there is no reason for him to be wearing it on base on a sunny day.
  4. wakefresh

    Episode 64 — After Earth

    Wildlings in Space
  5. wakefresh

    The Internship

    Nope. That b.s. doesn't fly at all. For a couple of reasons: 1) There are people who would call a black child all sorts of horrible names. There is definitive proof that the person who wrote the tweet is one of those people because we're talking about it now. Another hipster favorite, Vice Magazine, until recently employed an outright racist. Giving two shits about the feelings of minorities is not a prerequisite for employment at either place. 2) Why did The Onion only feel comfortable calling Quevenzhane this name? The same "joke" was there to be had when Abigail Breslin was at the Oscars? The same joke was to be had when Chole Moretz was doing award shows? Why only make the joke at the expense of a little black girl? The amount of pissed out people would have been 10 times as high had they made that joke about a little, blonde white girl. 3) There were many different competing versions of a rationalization to explain what happened; all of them were bullshit, including the one you just posted. Some people thought that it was a continuation of a "joke" that Seth McFarlane started in one of his stupid songs. Others thought that it was a commentary on the fact that she was correcting people on they should pronounce her name or how some thought she was acting "haughty". All of these conflicting interpretations mean that there was no clear "joke". All the The Onion did was call a little girl a cunt and then leave it up to the reader to interpret what was behind it. You can't just call people names and then expect everyone to only attribute only the best and most noble qualities/motives to you. That's fucking bullshit. That's making a joke in the way Rush Limbaugh was when he called that Georgetown law student a slut. That's make a joke in the way Ann Coulter does when she says she wants to kill all Muslims or convert them to Christianity. They weren't really making a joke, they were just being assholes.
  6. wakefresh

    Episode 64 — After Earth

    I'm glad he turned down Django Unchained. Jamie Foxx killed it in the role and I can't imagine a better actor. Well, maybe Bookeem Woodbine, but I don't even think he acts anymore.
  7. wakefresh

    Episode 64 — After Earth

    Yes! A more realistic father-son bonding film meets "The Grey" would have been great! But I do agree with June in that they had a good nugget for a movie with this film (sci-fi craziness and all) but the stuff about not choosing fear and Will Smith acting like a robot was weird and made no sense. And the part about Will blaming Jaden for the sister's death is ABSOLUTELY BONKERS!
  8. wakefresh

    Episode 64 — After Earth

    All of them sound like weird names you would give anime characters. But Will Smith's character was named Cypher, in honor of the ancient cyphers that his great-great-great-great-great grandmother used to wreck.
  9. wakefresh

    Episode 63 — Fast & Furious 6

    I wanted to go see After Earth but my usual movie going partner didn't want no part of it. But did say he was up for seeing Fast and Furious again. I wanted to get out of the house, so I agreed. The audience was great and there was this little old lady in the row with us. When Vin Diesel snatched Michelle Rodriguez out of the air and landed on a car, that little old lady yelled out, "What the hell?!" That little outburst made my day.
  10. wakefresh

    Episode 64 — After Earth

    LOL, that interview cracked me so much because you can see in Tavis' eyes, he's like, "Whaaaaaaa?" I also I like to believe that in the breaks, he called up Cornell West and they had a joke or two at Will's expense.
  11. wakefresh

    Episode 64 — After Earth

    Guys, I think I've found the ancient matriarch of the House Raige (Rage) ... Former Death Row rapper and Virginia native, Lady of Rage
  12. wakefresh

    Episode 64 — After Earth

    Oh no!!! That clip of Will Smith on Tavis Smiley is the greatest! Tavis is like, "What the hell is this man saying to me right now?!!?!! http://youtu.be/JQodPufvdok
  13. wakefresh

    Episode 64 — After Earth

    Naw, that's not a coincidence. The main plot is the White House is being attacked. One is starring the dude from "300" and the other is starring Jamie Foxx as the President.
  14. wakefresh

    Episode 64 — After Earth

    Have you ever had the chance to hear him speak? He came to my college during sophomore year and we expected him to talk about African Americans in movies and how we are portrayed in movies and maybe give some insight onto why it is we always have to be the bad guys. (Case in point, there is a movie called "Safety Not Guaranteed" that does this shit. There is a scene where the main characters are asked to stand -- just stand -- in a place where there are two black people talking. Just two black folks minding their own damn business. The characters FREAK THE FUCK OUT and act as if you were asking them to stand in a pit of snakes!) But all he did was talk about his career and the movies he's made and tell us how we can buy those movies. Also, the Q and A section was just actors handing him their headshots and resumes. It was atrocious.
  15. wakefresh

    Episode 64 — After Earth

    PFT killed when he made the reference to "The Master." "You decide for yourself whether it is not on you. Now go over and touch the wall and then walk back and touch the window."
  16. wakefresh

    Episode 64 — After Earth

    I just wanna share this photo of Spike Lee at the premiere. He's like, "Fuck this movie. I'm just here to try to get Will attached to my next project." http://www.imdb.com/media/rm3003295488/tt1815862
  17. wakefresh

    Episode 64 — After Earth

    I don't think June was incorrect in her facetime assessment. Will Smith actually can blow out the candles through a video because he's reached OT Level 8. He can also walk on water.
  18. wakefresh

    Episode 64 — After Earth

    I wanted to go see this movie last weekend, but didn't have anyone to go with. No one wanted to go see this, but I think I'll go see by myself, fuck it. So, what I'm curious about is why isn't Will Smith putting Jaden in teen movies? Or movies targeted toward teens, like the Karate Kid. Unless, Jaden is trying to be known as a sci-fi actor? Is that a thing?
  19. wakefresh

    Episode 64 — After Earth

    This year it seems to be a preoccupation with blowing up the White House and taking the President hostage. There are several shitty movies that have that as a main theme.
  20. wakefresh

    Episode 169 — Too Young To Have Kids

    This dude is acting like 27-years-old is the same as 17-years-old. Usually, people are settling down in their late 20s and 30s. He's actually not too young to have kids. He's the about the right fucking age.
  21. wakefresh

    Basic (2003)

    This movie was awesome and it had a good twist at the end as well. Also, I think this is what made the Marvel writers base the new Nick Fury off of Sam Jackson. He was good in this shit.
  22. wakefresh

    Episode 63.5 — Minisode 63.5

    If we team we should totally do something like this. [media='']http://youtu.be/CWFnCq7o1c8[/media]
  23. wakefresh

    Episode 63.5 — Minisode 63.5

    The Lord of Light will ease all of your pain, my child, for a fee of $400.
  24. wakefresh

    Episode 167 — S.H.A.R.P.

    No, we're referring to them as skinheads. Whatever in-group dynamics at play that makes Y skinhead want to look down on X skinhead is really not relevant. What is relevant is that skinheads want to dictate to other people how they should react, especially when they are heavily associated with hate groups. I don't have time to suss out whether you are a "bonehead" or a "skinhead" or a "crackhead" because if I make a mistake, I will end up getting hurt. My physical body is at danger, and I'm not going to extend political correctness to people who dress like Neo-Nazis.
  25. wakefresh

    Episode 168 — Black Republicans

    Shitting on people of color is a favorite pastime of both liberals and conservatives.