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Everything posted by wakefresh

  1. wakefresh

    Episode 167 — S.H.A.R.P.

    No cares about people born in Wales. I'll send you the memo if you haven't already received it.
  2. wakefresh

    Episode 63.5 — Minisode 63.5

    Yeah, that was a bit much... Have you seen "The Master"? After looking at that, I sort of wish I had no scruples because I can weave a good tale and have an active imagination. I could at least get 10 cult followers and pay off my student loans.
  3. wakefresh

    Episode 167 — S.H.A.R.P.

    Dude, if you live in the West, the the swastika is a symbol of death and hate. if you want go to a place where the swastika means something else, you get your ass out and move there so the the larger culture is in step with what you're doing. I really like dragons, but since I was born in the West, the symbol of a dragon is a symbol of evil. If I was born in Southeast Asia, the symbol of a dragon would be seen as good luck. You see how that works, Joshie? One symbol with two wildly different meanings. And it is a sort of cultural imperialism coming from a small group of skinheads who -- having been raised inside and living inside of Western culture -- try to dictate how other people should react to seeing a symbol that Western culture has associated with death and destruction for decades. Just S.H.A.R.P. exists, doesn't negate the millions of deaths and pain that swastika caused. As far as Buddhist "reclaiming" the symbol, there is nothing to reclaim if you are a part of or living inside of a culture that has centuries of religious meaning behind the symbol. But if you're a Buddhist living in Portland and are pissed that you can't hang a swastika on your front porch, the only way to solve that is to relocate to Cambodia. Because there is nothing you do that going to change or nullify all of the death/destruction associated with the symbol in the West.
  4. wakefresh

    Episode 167 — S.H.A.R.P.

    And then times changed, and the swastika now means something different. If you want to go return to a time when the swastika wasn't associated with one of the worst genocides on the European continent, then build a time machine.
  5. wakefresh

    Episode 63.5 — Minisode 63.5

    But remember, boxing is for indoor fighting only.
  6. wakefresh

    Episode 63.5 — Minisode 63.5

    *slams fist on table* THIS CONCLAVE IS OVER!
  7. He probably's just fucking around, man. I wouldn't take it to seriously.
  8. wakefresh

    Superman Returns (2006)

    Aaaaaand then he used that goodwill and clout to make Sucker Punch.
  9. wakefresh

    The Internship

    The Onion thinks calling a little black girl a cunt is high-minded satire. Their take on what is funny or not should be disregarded by anyone who has two brain cells to rub together.
  10. wakefresh

    Soul Man (1986)

    It's anti-racist in the ironic sense, meaning that it is actually very racist.
  11. wakefresh

    Soul Man (1986)

    This movie is fucking crazy! But to the person who said it was racist even for the 80s, you have to remember that you are talking about an era when Billy Crystal would wear blackface so that he could do a Sammy Davis Jr impression....and not one white person in the room would bat an eye.
  12. wakefresh

    The Golden Child (1986)

    Um, this is a good movie by Eddie Murphy. I swear, its like people are just adding movies just for the hell of it. If I see a thread on here about Coming to America then, I know this place is full of shit.
  13. wakefresh

    Episode 63.5 — Minisode 63.5

    Nepotism at its worst is Pauley Shore's whole career.
  14. wakefresh

    Episode 63.5 — Minisode 63.5

    I may go see this because I like Will Smith (Scientology nonsense and all) and am kinda rooting for Jaden to do good. I think he was ok in the Karate Kid remake though I feel a lot of "older" people -- folks in their late 20s to early 30s -- who remember the Ralph Maccicho(sp?) movies were shitting on the remake just because Hollywood was "ruining their childhood." I've come to realize that the remakes that Hollywood does are not for me or my generation. They are for the younger teens and young adults with people that THEY can relate to. Which is why I am very excited to see the adult crybabies go on when the new Star Wars film comes out. Because it will not be marketed to us, My generation already had its version of the Star War trilogy and it was "meh" at best. Let the younger people have theirs. But I digress, I don't think that there is anything wrong with Will using his clout in Hollywood to help his children become entertainers. I get the feeling he's the type of dad that no matter what you're interested in, he'll read up on it so that he can understand why you like and will spend the time to help you excel in it. Trey, his other son from a previous marriage, isn't in movies or entertainment, but you can be whatever he is into, Will is there encouraging, pushing, and helping him out with it. Like this dude,
  15. wakefresh

    Episode 166 — Tans & Sunburns

    This caller was the best. I'm gonna use that line he said, "no, black people are flame retardant."
  16. wakefresh

    Episode 160 — Rap & Karaoke

    You are only allowed to do karoke hip-hop songs if said song can be included in an Disney cartoon. So, that pretty much leaves Tone Loc's "Wild Thing" and Sugerhill Gang's "Rapper's Delight" as choices. Oh, that also leaves the pre-1995 Mc Hammer catalog, as well.
  17. Non-white people have always been in the South, and it was racist in the past as well. And white people are still the majority in former Confederate states.
  18. As a long time resident of the South, I am here to say that whatever few bastions of tolerance (which aren't really that tolerant at all) in the South, there are thousands of more towns and cities that ghettoize minorities and are havens for hate groups. No, it's not prejudiced at all to say the South is more racist, because it actually is. But I find this is more of an argument that is most had between two hipsters who want to prove how open-minded they are because they live in X instead of Y. If this question looms large in your mind when you think of racism, then you're a part of the problem, because this is not as important as actual people's lives being destroyed by systemic oppression.
  19. wakefresh

    Episode 160 — Rap & Karaoke

    You go to many karoke bars that have those two songs in the playlist, do you?
  20. wakefresh

    Episode 160 — Rap & Karaoke

    What makes you think Watch the Throne was a hip-pop album?
  21. wakefresh

    Episode 160 — Rap & Karaoke

    I disagree that hip-hop is integrated into pop music. Hip-hop is still sort of by itself in a corner, the same way punk is. And while there may be popular artists in both genre's, you're going to find as soon as you dip out of those couple of accessible acts, that it gets pretty weird and only appeals to long-time fans. So, there would be no reason to say the n-word on in hip-hop karoke because those pop accessible hip-hops don't use that. But the caller is talking about doing karoke to Kendrick Lamar and you might as well be saying you want to do karoke to The Dead Kennedys. Which is a dead giveaway that you don't know shit about either one.
  22. wakefresh

    Episode 160 — Rap & Karaoke

    Why did Offerman and Mullally choose the song in the first place? That makes no sense.
  23. wakefresh

    Episode 159 — Not Knowing Dads

    Best joke of the podcast: Ted Nugent, Kid Rock and Eminem being the warlords of Detroit. That had me laughing so loud in the cubicle.
  24. wakefresh

    Episode 63 — Fast & Furious 6

    Great breakdown. This was a success that no one saw coming and that goes to show you how Justin Lin is a masterful director. In a Nerdist article he breaks down the vision he had coming in and how hard it was to get everyone (the original cast) to come back and do another one, and also, how great it was that Vin Diesel decided to do the cameo at the end of Tokyo Drift. Apparently he revealed his plan to Vin and Vin was down for it. And yeah, I do think that Vin thought he was going to be a bigger action star than he is now. And he had three real good action movies under his belt, but he never popped. That's why I think he's so protective of the Dom and Riddick characters, because those are the only way he is gonna be in a big blockbuster movie as the lead. Paul Walker on the other hand...
  25. wakefresh

    Episode 63 — Fast & Furious 6

    Now that I know Justin Lin is behind all of this, I can't wait to see the next movie he takes on. I will be there, sir. I will be there. Oh, man, the FF7 can't come quick enough.