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Everything posted by wakefresh

  1. wakefresh

    Episode 158 β€” Ancient Aliens

    This guest has the wrong energy for this podcast. He seems like he is very high or just took an Ambian.
  2. wakefresh

    Episode 158 β€” Ancient Aliens

    Andrew is on point with this. Alot of these alien whackadoos obsess about monuments in South America and Africa because there has been little academic research to contradict their stupid ideas. So in this environment their crazy beliefs actually can gain some foothold. Now, the reason there is so little academic research into pre-Columbian South American or pre-colonized Africa (barring Egypt) is because of the prevailing sense in academia that brown and black people are stupid. I mean, the Olmecs built statues with African faces on them, and there is no research into whether there were African traders visiting Central and South America before Columbus. Like, the question is not even entertained, much less given money to study. And the ancient alien nutjobs are disallowing for any human ingenuity to come from the populations of South American and Africa, etc when they posit that only aliens could have built the lasting testaments of these people's civilizations. None of them say that Issac Newton got the laws of thermodynamics from a being from another planet. Or that the Panethon was directed by Martians.
  3. wakefresh

    Summer Movie League. Year 2?

    What is this? I'm intrigued.
  4. Though it is funny when she told Hoffman and Huppert to go fuck themselves. I smiled at that.
  5. Damn, he's raging hard on her. I wonder if he was like that on the set of "Three Kings"? Cube would've lit his ass up.
  6. wakefresh

    Episode 62.5 β€” Minisode 62.5

    See, I kinda disagree that Birdemic was a good HDTGM film to review. The episode was funny as hell, but the movie was a complete shit stain. Like the fucking sound wasn't even working half of the time. When they review movies like that, it opens the door to crazy shit like "Death Bed: The bed that eats" and other obscure, z-list movies, which are ALL going to be bad because otherwise they wouldn't be z-list movies. It's more interesting, I think, when they go in on these big budget movies that failed miserably -- movies like Speed 2, or Barbwire, or Joyful Noise. The discussions around those movies are so much funnier because you're most likely talking about actors who were real good in other movies. So, you're really left to wonder, "why in the hell did they choose this as a project?"
  7. wakefresh

    Episode 62.5 β€” Minisode 62.5

    You guys really do need to calm down. You do understand that they these podcasts are not "fresh," in the sense that they are recorded the week they are released. I'm sure they have some in the can in case they get busy with other projects because now the show is more popular and they don't want to mess up the schedule. I do not think there is a conflict of interest in doing the movie or else it would have never been added to the website in the first place and other people would have been unable to add it as well. I really do think they are saving it for the live show so they can bring in the biggest audience possible. Because Largo (I assume it'll be there since that's where they did the last live show) will be packed to hear the gang dissect "The Happening." If they manage to get Zooey, that's an even bigger bonus. But I personally, would like them to get Eric Andre, the Sklars, or Hannibal Burress to be the guests. "The Happening" is a movie where you gotta bring out the comedic big guns, and I think they would take it easy if they had one of the cast members with them on stage.
  8. wakefresh

    Episode 62.5 β€” Minisode 62.5

    They may be saving it for the live show the 15th.
  9. wakefresh

    Star Trek: Into Darkness

    Are you fucking kidding me? Jesus, you win, Wien. You are Hipster King, henceforth.
  10. wakefresh

    Episode 62 β€” Joyful Noise

    Also, props to Mantzoukas for pointing out the white savior motif in this movie. They were trying to make it this interracial choir and church, but then they have it in this small town, and its incongruent with what people know about this country. If you're in a small town, you are not going to be see a variety of races and nationalities and definitely not in your church. If they wanted to go for that, they should have set it in a big Southern city and made the church one of those mega churches that are popular now. It would have made more sense.
  11. wakefresh

    Episode 62 β€” Joyful Noise

    Don't bring Shania into this crazy shit. Pass that one on to Jessica Simpson...or since they were all lip syncing, Ashlee Simpson.
  12. wakefresh

    Episode 154 β€” Suit Shopping

    Its gonna be a long week.
  13. Hyde, that's not your problem; you're white, for God's sake. As long as you didn't piss off someone that matters (i.e., another white person), then you're ok. Oh, by "white" I don't mean those pussy ass, liberal latte-drinking assholes; I mean real white people.
  14. Is there a reason why it can't be both?
  15. The only consultation you need is from your daily talks with Boston racists. Their wisdom is legendary.
  16. wakefresh

    Episode 172 β€” Piano Fingers!

    Naw, people were making fun of this guy, the same way they made fun of Antwan Dodson after his sister was almost raped. Because black people are funny and there is never not a reason not to laugh at them.
  17. The laws weren't universally unpopular; they just didn't sit well with an idiotic segment of voters, who happen to be armed to the teeth. People who are told daily that the government is going to enslave you by making you pay taxes, indoctrinate your children by making them learn science, and take away your freedom by making you undergo a background check before you buy a gun. No, they are going to start killing people soon.
  18. That's right, Hyde! Remember, the real racists are the Japanese people who don't like that joke. Why do they hate artistic expression?
  19. wakefresh

    Doctor Who: The Movie (1996)

    I think this would make a good episode because Karen Gilliam is gonna be on NTSF:SD:SUV(sp??) this season. This may be something that she can totally trash without it being a conflict of interest since it wasn't made the BBC.
  20. wakefresh

    Amos & Andrew (1993)

    Yeah, I saw this when it was in the theaters and fucking hated it.
  21. wakefresh

    Birdemic 2

    Like BB King said, "the trill is gone." Birdemic was crazy enough, no need review its gimpy sister.
  22. I have never seen any of the Godfather movies and don't really feel the need to. Like you said, I kinda know the beats of the story because everyone in pop culture references it in someway (although I would most likely get everything out of order ala )
  23. That's because the "externalities" argument is bullshit. These people see themselves as the last stand in the case the government becomes a "tyranny." But what will happen is that these "law abiding citizens" will change at as soon as they don't like a new law. They won't go through the legal channels to change it though; they'll just shoot you and become violent because they have guns and you don't. And the twisted thing is that they will forever feel totally justified in their violence because when the government does something they don't like, then it is tyranny. But when the government does something that someone else doesn't like, then those people are whining.
  24. wakefresh

    Episode 128 β€” Hashtag Morris

    The Rock is the shit! I think he called himself the "People's Champion" because he started out in that Nation of Domination group with Farooq aka Ron Simmons. (Sidenote: Ron Simmons is like 70 years old and he's in better shape than I will ever be in my life.) It was supposed to be a rip on the Black Panthers or black militants in general, so they were always the bad guys (listen to the Yo! Is this Racist podcast to get some insight on how racist and homophobic wrestling is) and one of the things that the Panthers did is open up grocery stores, clothing stores and called them "The People's Grocrey Store" or "The People's Boutique". The Nation of Islam would do something similar and name businesses they opened with a "your" prefix. So, a grocery store would be called "Your Grocery Store." But it was funny as he became a star in his own right, they added the Rock Bottom finishing move, b/c before his signature move was the People's Elbow.
  25. wakefresh

    Episode 147 β€” This Is How Not To Do It

    Tim Maia (pronounced "my eeyah") is the shit! He came to the U.S. when he was a teenager, fell in love with the soul music coming out of Detroit and reproduced it back in his native Brazil. Some of his songs definitely have more of a samba vibe than a funk one, but I love this song he made, the title translates to