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Everything posted by wakefresh

  1. This was a great ep! Any time you have this many great minds together, shit is gonna get real good.
  2. wakefresh

    Episode 143 — Chop-Suey Font

    Well, we weren't throwing out alternative names for fonts. I don't know where you got this idea that the thread was about naming fonts, or making new fonts to name. None of that is going on at all.
  3. Thank you, Lando. It was group effort -- Gabe, Shannon, and the intern who wrote the copy (forgot their name, sorry!) and myself all pulled together to make something real nice. Also, the people of who created all of the HDTGM memes get a shoutout as well. Their photos add a nice flair to the site.
  4. I hope the caller does realize that the U.S. military killed a whole bunch of Native Americans in the 1800s to the early 1900s. I wouldn't use them of proof that something isn't racist against Native Americans. Also, the U.S. military was desegregated by Harry Thurman in the 1940s, but because of the persistent effects of racism, blacks were rarely promoted to be officers and were regulated to positions that were similar to a quartermaster, the guys who make sure basic supplies like soap, clothes, and food is available to frontline troops.
  5. wakefresh

    Episode 143 — Chop-Suey Font

    It was not the specific font in itself or the phrase, "Fry Rice" that made this racist. It was putting them together, obviously to an allusion to Chinese takeout places and Asian people in general. Otherwise those two choices wouldn't go together. But people are calling it racist because the authors of the banner/sign intended for it to be read that way. "Fry Rice" means beat our opponents in one context, and "Fry Rice" is what those non-English speaking, Chinese people when you're order takeout food. They thought they were being clever when they mixed the two together, but they weren't. They were just being racist.
  6. wakefresh

    Episode 143 — Chop-Suey Font

    Of course, Hyde, we get it. Black people are the true racists and white people are totally innocent.
  7. Man of mystery, that one.
  8. Yeah, but they're not partners anymore. Like, St. Clair's partner is Lennon. They do writing together and performing together. Jason doesn't have a partner like that anymore, and it must have been a real good partnership because he was on something else where the host mentioned that it was weird not talking to him without St. Clair.
  9. He talked about one of the shows they used to do on the Totally Laime podcast. I think he said it was called "We Used To Go Together". I always wonder what happened between those two that they don't do projects together anymore. They were funny together on the HDTGM and the Womptacular. Is it a scheduling issue? Did they grow apart creatively? What gives?
  10. Is that a young Mantzoukas and St. Claire?
  11. There were two Victorian-era England magician movies that came out around the same time. One was with Christian Bale and Hugh Jackman and the other was with Ed Norton. The one with Bale/Jackman turned out to be an ok movie with a good twist at the end.
  12. What do you mean by play the "Woody Allen role"? Does she don a khaki-colored hat, coke bottle glasses and mumble a lot? Does she start a sexual relationship with her ex-wife's adopted child?
  13. That's amazing! I wonder why those two never did an action movie in their prime. It was fun seeing them in the Expendables, but let's face it, they're both old men now and its not nearly as fun to watch an old man do stunts and kick ass. For further examples, look to "Red" and the last Indiana Jones movie.
  14. wakefresh

    Double Team (1997)

    DOUBLE IMPACT is the quintessential JCVD action movie -- boobs, headbutts, and explosions. THIS is the movie the gang should be reviewing!!
  15. wakefresh

    R.I.P.D. (2013)

    Wolverine will make money because fanboys want to see their hero being all badass on IMAX screens. Those others look depressing. I haven't heard of a movie that I'm really raring to go see this summer. Even Ironman 3 just leaves like, "meh, if its a long weekend, and I have nothing to do". Like there is LITERALLY nothing that is coming out this summer that makes me want to open my wallet. It's the same shit -- superheroes, zombies, and aliens. Screenwriters: is there nothing else to write about besides this? Executives: are there no other intellectual properties to buy? Is it that hard to come up with an original idea?
  16. wakefresh

    The Big Hit (1998)

    I also found Bookeem Woodbine's discovery of masturbation kinda funny too...Actually, I think I liked this movie!
  17. wakefresh

    Karen Gillan!

    I hope they work in a lot of Dr. Who jokes for her episodes.
  18. I think we have a new logo for the show!!!
  19. wakefresh

    Episode 140 — Huckleberry Finn

    We had to read this when I was a junior. I was in Advanced Placement classes and people still made n-word jokes. Because I was the only black male in the class, a group of Indian kids started calling me "Nigger Jim." That's when I learned two things: 1) other non-white people will participate in racism just as quickly as whites and 2) that when I put my hips into an uppercut, I can really hurt someone.
  20. wakefresh

    Episode 139 — I Hate Everyone

    You're wrong. This idea is an outgrowth of the mid to late 90s when the conservative backlash to political correctness (i.e., "what do you mean I can't call them faggots?"). This idea was basically trying to manage people's reactions when someone would say some foul shit. Because how can you get mad, if he (usually was a guy) said foul shit about everyone? A parallel to this idea is that if you say foul shit about all groups, that means that you're really speaking the "truth" about the situation and refuse to be hampered by the "P.C. bullshit". This is the excuse that the South Park creators would often invoke.
  21. wakefresh

    Episode 137 — Kroll Show

    Seeing how it (re)launched the careers of Martin Lawerence, Chris Rock, Chris Tucker, Bernie Mac, I don't see why it needs to be shit upon. If anything SNL during this same period was complete garbage and losing it lunch to In Living Color. Why not pick on the people who thought Molly Shannon was funny? That's an apple to oranges comparison. Those movies were made by members of those respective communities (slackers, rock n roll fans, white dudes) and lovingly pokes fun at them. The guy we're talking about wasn't a member of that Def Jam scene, doesn't do "black" rooms, and has no connection whatsoever with the community he is mocking. The alternative is that you get buy-in from members of the community before you start mocking them. But for that to happen, it is going to be a long process of mingling, befriending, and working alongside non-white people. It's going to mean acknowledging the privilege they receive in relation to the rest of the community. Talking about racism in an honest way. White comics who aren't going to do that are just continuing America's already long standing tradition of inter-cultural humor. So, yeah, saying that you talk to the Indian guy about sports while he bags your groceries isn't going to count at all.
  22. wakefresh

    Episode 137 — Kroll Show

    Just because you have an appreciation of it, Kevin, doesn't mean that others do. The only white comic I've heard say -- nay lead off with a black comic making a big impact on him, was Paul Scheer. That's why I fuck with alot of this stuff he does. If there are others, please point me in their direction, I would like to support them as well. As far as the accents, I have to say, regardless of your intent as a performer, it is a dicey area that you probably should avoid. There is absolutely no way that you are not going to sound just like someone else, let's say a racist asshole, who is maliciously mocking the same group. The problem with interracial caricatures is that, like up until the late 1960s, the caricatures were one way -- white mocking non-whites -- and used to support the myth of white superiority. So, you have several centuries of racial humor being used to harm. All that does not just go away overnight. For that the interracial caricatures to work, you have to get a buy-in from the members of the community you are mocking. How do you get their buy-in? Look to Gary Owens, white comic that hosted Comicview for 2-3 years. He gets to make jokes that other white comics can't because he gets the benefit of the doubt that he's not being a racist asshole. He's married to a black woman, for one. He talks about the difficulties of being in an interracial relationship with honesty. Even though it is is his wife who has the money, power, and clout (her family is well off and everyone is Stanford educated), he knows that other white people (hell, and some black folks) will look on the outside and think that HE is the one that is raising her status. Talking about that stuff means that he "gets it."
  23. You need to check your ears. The episodes have been great.