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Everything posted by wakefresh

  1. You know there's a couple of outtakes where Estelle Getty alternately smacks, then caresses Stallone's ass.
  2. The most upsetting thing that happened in this episode is that we found out June spends her leisure time and hard-earned money watching Adam Sandler films. I think I feel ill...
  3. wakefresh

    Episode 137 — Kroll Show

    Get back to me after you've had an in-depth look into the history of Latin America and another powwow with your racist Boston pals, and then we can discuss this fuller.
  4. wakefresh

    Episode 136 — Black Metal

    Which is why anything you say about racism carries absolutely no weight whatsoever. You think racism is the same as when the jocks and popular kids picked on you in high school. Also, I didn't know that people who listen to the Cure are their own separate ethnicity now.
  5. wakefresh

    Episode 60 — Street Fighter

    June asking what a "street fighter" is the funniest part of the episode. In fact, it goes to the very silliness of the movie and how it had absolutely NOTHING to do with street fighting. Like someone else said, the movie should have been called Operation:Shadowloo.
  6. wakefresh

    The Big Hit (1998)

    Everything bad about this movie is erased by Lou Diamond Phillips' performance. Mastery.
  7. wakefresh

    Episode 139 — I Hate Everyone

    People using this excuse are the lamest assholes in the universe. Plus, why should I care what is informing your racism. I could care less whether you're a sociopath or just whole heartedly believe in white superiority. The impact on me is still the same.
  8. wakefresh

    Episode 136 — Black Metal

    I was totally being sarcastic. Stereotype the shit out of metal heads; they bring it upon themselves for congregating with racists.
  9. wakefresh

    Episode 137 — Kroll Show

    He's made two appearances on the show, the first time he is on is when he talks about this. But that's an arbitrary and confusing dividing line. Racists also take specific things about a group of people and parody them. Whether it is the Asian man doing laundry or Black gangsta rapper or the Latino dayworker, those are all held up for ridicule by racists. And on the other token, Kroll does this character, Bobby Bottleservice, where he is pretty much making fun of a Jersey Shore-type of person. That character is being held up to his audience for ridicule and by extension is saying something about that whole Jersey Shore lifestyle. No different than any other run-of-the-mill racist who does the same for the three tropes I spoke of above. He says something in the Nerdist podcast about Fabrize being so sassy because he had to grow up, being gay, in a tough neighborhood. Then he says something like, "Someone like him has had a tough go of it in life," in reverent tones. Well, Mr. Kroll if you believe that to be true, how making fun of that person supposed to make things easier on them? See, this is totally racist. I wonder what stupid reasons they made up to excuse this? Whatever it was, those bullshit excuses didn't stick because I've been listening to Comedy Death Ray since about summer of 2011 and haven't heard a repeat performance. (But they still bring back Lil Gary, smh) And what is obvious to you, is not obvious to everyone. What is obvious to me is that many of the alt comics don't appreciate anything from black culture, its all up for ridicule -- from the music to the religion to the slang. The only thing alt comics love from black people is Richard Pryor. Whenever someone asks them to list their favorite comedians, you will find they answer with 6 white guys, Richard Pryor, and no women. I don't even count that shit anymore. If you don't appreciate Robin Harris, Red Foxx, Eddie Murphy, Bernie Mac, Earthquake, or any of the other thousands of black comics who have come after, then you really don't appreciate Pryor at all. Its just some shit you say to make you seem like you're "in the know."
  10. wakefresh

    Episode 137 — Kroll Show

    What do you know about indios, and what makes that racist, Hyde? In your 20+ years of tete-a -tetes with Boston racists, did they bring this subject up?
  11. wakefresh

    Episode 136 — Black Metal

    You're a huge racist now, so I can only imagine how offensive you were in high school.
  12. wakefresh

    Episode 136 — Black Metal

    The problem with you is you're just an idiot.
  13. wakefresh

    Episode 136 — Black Metal

    This statement, coming from you, is like a child molester calling someone a pervert. It has no impact when you're the one throwing it around. You know the reason that I "see race in everything" is because your racist father, your racist grandfather, and your racist great grandfather all worked real hard to make sure that race was a part of everything. They wanted race to be a part of whether you could get a job, race to determine where you live, race to determine even where you drank water out of a fountain. They LOVED that shit, and passed that love down to you. That's why I work real hard to dismantle the shit that they set up, and why you work real hard trying to make everyone think that its all make believe. "Pay no attention to the racist behind the curtain, people!"
  14. wakefresh

    Episode 137 — Kroll Show

    Did you even listen to the Nerdist podcast in which Kroll talks about the creation of his characters? Nope.
  15. wakefresh

    Episode 137 — Kroll Show

    What is the legacy of colonialism and adhering to European standards of beauty, Alex.
  16. wakefresh

    Episode 137 — Kroll Show

    He's a caricature of a Latino radio host. Just like Fabrize Fabrice is a caricature of a Latino gay man. The first time Kroll is on the Nerdist podcast he talks about this.
  17. wakefresh

    Episode 136 — Black Metal

    If there is anything I have learned in this thread is that you cannot make broad generalizations about black metal fans. They are neither racist or non-racist, they are neither Christian or non-Christian. They are too much of an individual for that.
  18. wakefresh

    Episode 136 — Black Metal

  19. wakefresh

    Episode 60.5 — Minisode 60.5

    Patrice had me rolling in this shit. But Face Off is a good popcorn movie, c'mon.
  20. wakefresh

    Episode 136 — Black Metal

    How exactly is it racist, Spirit Bear?
  21. wakefresh

    Episode 136 — Black Metal

    Oh, you didn't get the joke, Hyde? Oh well...
  22. wakefresh

    Episode 136 — Black Metal

    Totally valid comparison. You all expect Andrew to have this deep knowledge of black metal before he can have a "valid" opinion, just like someone should expect you to have deep knowledge of Darwin kernel before you can give an "valid" opinion on your Mac Air.
  23. wakefresh

    Episode 136 — Black Metal

    Yeah, "you all" refers to all the butthurt black metal fans. If you include yourself in this group, that means you. The last part was meant as a future advice when dealing with PoC.
  24. wakefresh

    Episode 136 — Black Metal

    Aren't you the one that told me to get my daishiki untwisted about the Onion calling a little girl a cunt?
  25. wakefresh

    Episode 136 — Black Metal

    Everybody! Hyde took time out from his daily talks with old school Boston racist to grace us with his presence. Give it up for the man, please. Someone (or a group of people) talking out of both sides of their mouth about an issue is also an old trick that assholes employ. Case in point, the Alien and Sedition Acts. This is where I know you're full of shit. Major news channel, Fox News, were bashing Trayvon Martin, a dead kid, because he smoked pot one time. Major news personalities (Sean Hannity) were insinuating that he had to be up to something, so it was probably a good thing that he was shot. Get one of those old school Boston racists you chat with to log you into his account on the Fox News forums. Oh yeah, the viewers were saying much, much worse. Hell, people were even selling Travyon Martin shooting targets. Imagine that. Making a shooting target out of the image of a child that died by the gun. But I'm crazy for thinking that my fellow countrymen would do violence upon me. Yeah, you can't possibly belief a word of what you wrote there. You just can't . LOL, white people question racism because they don't want to face up to the privilege they get just from their skin. Just like men don't want to talk about sexism because of the privilege they get from having a pair of balls. You're so damned ridiculous, trying to make every white person into a rational, truth-seeking individual. Please, if not all white people are racists, then let's not paint a brush that makes them all clones of Plato, haha. Oh, yes. Please Hyde, tell me what evidence, what authority, do minorities have to present/invoke for white people to take their claim of racial injustice seriously? I mean, what is this "thing" that will prove once and for all that shit is racist? Because, I'll tell ya what, decades of historical data don't mean shit to most white people. They say, "get over it" or "stop living in the past." Hell, decades of established social norms don't mean shit or you wouldn't see any blackface parties or blackface Halloween costumes. You let me know what that is, buddy, cause I have some folks interested. In terms of gravity, Andrew calling black metal fans racist doesn't even make the priority list. So, why are you so butthurt?