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Everything posted by wakefresh

  1. wakefresh

    Episode 136 — Black Metal

    Your comment is why I love coming to Earwolf, and why I love that this show in particular is on Earwolf. So, let's break down the stupid ideas you have roaming in your post. The podcast is a starting point for discussions about racism, which all too often are ignored by "left-liberal hipsters", right wing conservatives, and oblivious white folks. Ignoring minorities is something that white folks of any political stripes and can get behind. What research is suitable for telling white people is not okay for them to use the n-word? What academic study should Andrew cite when saying that blackface is not cool? If the life experience of being a minority in a racist society is enough to answer those questions, why does he need copious amounts of research for others? Is it because he can't name the bass player in band Skullfuckery? Who gives a shit when he's talking about that scene as a whole? People can't tell me the difference in compiling bytecode on an ARM processor as opposed to x86, but people still have opinions about computers, nevertheless. I'm not flipping anything around; I'm explaining the reason why you all are so butthurt by this ep. Does it suck to be generalized in a negative way, you bet! But that's been the experience of minorities in this country since it began. You all just got a little taste of it thrown your way. If you don't like it, then maybe next time a PoC shares a story of a racist experience they had, don't get all shitty towards them and try to make it seem like this "racism" stuff is all in their head. But by the responses, I doubt that any of you will do that and you will continue give fuck all about anything that happens to PoC in this country or around the world.
  2. wakefresh

    Episode 136 — Black Metal

    It's what douchenozzles do when someone confronts them about racism or sexism.
  3. wakefresh

    Episode 136 — Black Metal

    I understood you perfectly well. You got your diapers in a bunch because I didn't use the exact same phrasing as you did when summarizing. Don't let these metalheads gas you up; you were wrong then, like you are wrong now.
  4. wakefresh

    Episode 136 — Black Metal

    This is a classic whitesplaining/mansplaing move. They get hung up on the fact that you didn't use the EXACT SAME WORDS that they did when summarizing their crazy point of view. I'm not falling into that shit. If you don't know how summaries work, blame your elementary school teachers.
  5. wakefresh

    Episode 136 — Black Metal

    Earwolf posters and racist hypocrites are not an mutually exclusive group. Have you looked at any of the other threads in this forum? Have you witnessed people deny/minimize/ignore any racial implications of a situation? If the answer is yes, then you know exactly what I'm talking about. In the same way, you don't have to individually pick out and name every racist black metal person when I'm talking about racism in that scene, I don't have to individually pick out and name every single wack ass Earwolf poster.
  6. wakefresh

    Episode 136 — Black Metal

    Two things: 1) In thread you're talking about, you originally argued that a rapper saying something homophobic was way worse than a poor white guy. My counter to that was if poor white people didn't have a voice in this country, there would be no Tea Party Caucus in Congress right now, and in fact, those poor white people are voting in laws that are way more homophobic than a lyric. 2) When he says things like this, he is obviously joking, as seen by the many white guests he has on his show.
  7. wakefresh

    Episode 136 — Black Metal

    Whoa, take a look through any of the topics on this forum and you will find examples. Don't act like a white person denying that racism exist is the same as the search for Bigfoot.
  8. wakefresh

    Episode 136 — Black Metal

    It is so much better if they just accept things the way the are and downplay the effects of racism in every facet of their life.
  9. wakefresh

    Episode 136 — Black Metal

    No, I have one argument that makes perfect sense. People who try to silence/derail/minimize others for speaking out about racism and racist stereotypes don't get to complain when the power of stereotyping is turned on them.
  10. wakefresh

    Episode 137 — Kroll Show

    Well, if you view sexism in the same way you view racism, I'm sure you'll make up an excuse for why THOSE lyrics aren't problematic.
  11. wakefresh

    Episode 136 — Black Metal

    You say this like it is a bygone conclusion that he isn't. You don't know Brian Posehn in his personal life; you're not going to dinner parties at his house. You don't know him at all.
  12. wakefresh

    Episode 136 — Black Metal

    So, let me get this straight, this open, embracing community of leftists had a problem with a black woman going to shows and hanging out? And this is not supposed to be racist....just because?
  13. wakefresh

    Episode 136 — Black Metal

    So, here's the thing with ep and this why all of you are so butthurt over it. Andrew is using the same standard that the mainstream culture judges other minorities by. Other minorities are ROUTINELY grouped together and held responsible for actions that they didn't commit. Every Muslim has a target on their back because of what a few people did. Every black person has a target on their back because of the actions of a few. Someone earlier made an analogy to people stereotyping gangsta rap, WHICH THEY ALREADY DO. Trayvon Martin's character was assasinated because he wore baggy jeans and listened to hip-hop. Apparently, this was enough for a LARGE segment of the population to feel that he was up to no good anyway and that Zimmerman did the world a favor by killing him. But what is funny, is that when the standard is applied to you, or to something that you like, then all of a sudden it becomes unfair. Then all of a sudden, the common sense saying, "one bad apple spoils the bunch," and "you are the company you keep" don't have any meaning. I'm not buying it and I'll tell you why. Every time a person of color says something is racist, there are always a large number of white people that will attempt to dissuade them from their position. They say things like "its in your head," "no one thinks like that," "you're being too sensitive," blah, blah, blah. But how can you, any of you who posted on this board, say that when Andrew is giving you the same mainstream treatment that has been given to minorities for decades? Its not really congruent, ya see? You can't really go around trying to downplay racism while at the same time bristling when those racist societal standards are turned on you.
  14. wakefresh

    Episode 136 — Black Metal

    That's impossible, because you don't find those things to be racist, and you would be the first to say someone is being "overly sensitive and "can't take a joke" if they called people on some of the shit that goes on around here. Don't trot it out now as way of making a point for your silly argument.
  15. wakefresh

    Episode 137 — Kroll Show

    This was a great episode! Particularly telling about white showrunner shooting down Shonda Rimes's critique of her work. Alot of white feminists think that any stride made that benefits white, middle-to-upper class women is a stride for ALL women, when that is not really the case at all.
  16. wakefresh

    Episode 137 — Kroll Show

    If you are incensed about misogyny in Hip Hop to the exclusion of other misogynistic genres (heavy metal, anyone?) then, yeah, you are a racist.
  17. I don't think they would do this movie because Danny McBride runs in the same circles as they do. And I think he was on Year One with June.
  18. wakefresh

    Episode 60.5 — Minisode 60.5

    The Arsenio Hall Show- remake sounds very funny. The best episodes of his talk show were towards the end, when Fox had told him they weren't going to pick up it again. That's when Arsenio said, "Fuck it!" and went straight gangsta on everyone. He had early Wu-Tang Clan doing performances and shit became very raw, very quickly. Legend is that he had Louis Farakhan on a show and midway through Fox pulled the plug. Literally, in the middle of a sentence, they just cut the the feed.
  19. wakefresh

    Episode 134 — Natural Hair

    You need to branch out and meet more racists then; get a fuller view of their ignorance.
  20. wakefresh

    Episode 134 — Natural Hair

    You don't have to be an expert at something to demean it. Lashing out is workplaces banning natural hairstyles. Smart people being denied promotions or even the chance to compete because of how their hair is styled. Lashing out is also seen when a racist person begins to describe "black" people as they know them -- their description will very soon dip into how "those people" wear their hair, how dirty it is, how ugly it is, etc.
  21. wakefresh

    Return to Oz (1985)

    Yeah, I think children's movies back then showed a fuller picture of what was in the real world. Some parts of it was good, some parts were bad/scary, and some were just down right weird/strange. I put the Dark Crystal, the Neverending Story, and the first Willie Wonka in the same category as this movie.
  22. wakefresh

    Episode 134 — Natural Hair

    I lived in Houston for awhile, and the Asian population there cracked me up. So, an overwhelming majority of the Vietnamese descent kids identified with black culture. They were into breakdancing and tagging. This also meant I had to verbally slap some of them down because they felt it was ok to call me the n-word because they had listened to all of UGK's albums. The kids of Korean and Chinese descent identified with the preppy, white guy culture. They felt it was ok to call me the n-word because they heard their white friends do it.
  23. wakefresh

    Episode 134 — Natural Hair

    This topic was so good. Yes, there is this strange fascination and repulsion with black folks hair. Because on one hand white people look at the myriad ways that black people style their hair and are like, "whoa, that's cool!", but those same white people whole heartily buy into the myth of white supremacy so that means they obviously can't give credit where credit is due. They lash out and poke fun at our hairstyles. I mean, the mom from that reality show with 8 kids (Kate with Eight? I don't know the title) is basically rocking the T-Boz haircut that was popular when I was in high school. But once that hairstyle fades from the black culture, then it is safe for white people to pick it up and act like they created something new. And yeah, that chick that is wearing the Afro wig, she's an ignorant P.O.S.
  24. wakefresh

    Showgirls (1995)

    This movie does make you tired of seeing boobs, and that's an near impossible feat. But damned if they didn't do it. I too saw this as a teenager and was immediately bored. The Skinamax night-time movies like "Caged Heat" had more sexy going on than this.