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Everything posted by wakefresh

  1. wakefresh

    Episode 117 — Is Everyone Racist?

    Then you assumed wrong.
  2. wakefresh

    Episode 116 — Chinky Eyes

    Oh yeah, I don't believe that for a second.
  3. wakefresh

    Episode 58.5 - Minisode 58.5

    I wonder why they didn't do a Dr. Who ep with the Spice Girls? Would Eccelsson have thrown a fit?
  4. wakefresh

    Episode 58.5 - Minisode 58.5

    I in college when the Spice Girls were real big. The only ones I liked were Scary and Sporty. I thought Scary looked the best out of all of them and she had some talent (they would let her sing verses and do the bridge) and Sporty, even though she was rocking the silver toofus, she was pretty. And she was the best singer out all of them.
  5. wakefresh

    Episode 117 — Is Everyone Racist?

    I didn't say you were. I merely pointed out that you don't know what you are talking about.
  6. So, how can you "agree" that radio is segregated when you say at the end of the sentence that it doesn't apply to radio as a whole? Either your hometown "alt" station is the norm and Andrew and myself are just making shit up, or your station is an anomaly in an industry that overall leans towards segregating music by race.
  7. The alternative station in my city doesn't.
  8. Radio is very segregated. That's why its a dying medium. BTW, I like this girl. I give her full permission to punch Kesha in the pussy.
  9. wakefresh

    Episode 117 — Is Everyone Racist?

    If you knew anything about the tweet you would have known that there were people, prominent people, defending the tweet. It sounds like you don't know as much as you think...about the situation overall or how the Onion tweet came to exist in the first place.
  10. wakefresh

    Episode 116 — Chinky Eyes

    The underlying assumption of your argument is wrong. Mainly, this: The reality in which black people aren't called out for things does not exist here. Maybe you're on some Marvel Ultimates shit and you're getting your timelines crossed. In this reality, black people are always getting called out by the majority for any and everything. Not only do they get called out, but that action is attributed to every single black person living. Mike Vick abused some dogs and now every single black person also does this. Some black people in one county in California voted against Prop 8 and now every single black person hates gay people. No, the premise that somehow black people get a "pass" on their behavior is inaccurate and that there is a special onus to make sure THEY don't do wrong is bullshit. So while you and your friends, and the media (made up overwhelming of white people) and the opinion makers (also made up overwhelmingly of white people) keep a hawkish eye on the actions of the black community, things like the Westboro Baptist Church pop up. You end up having a Tea Party caucus who pass racist ass laws. So, even while you "don't think" black people are more [insert negative attribute here], the practical outcome of your belief reinforces the idea that they actually are more [insert negative attribute here] because all of your focus is on what black people are doing, while (incorrectly) assuming that someone else is going to call out member of the majority for [insert negative attribute].
  11. wakefresh

    Episode 117 — Is Everyone Racist?

    So, even though you don't know how The Onion runs their twitter feed, you are certain of how they run their twitter feed, correct? Wouldn't it be nice have concrete answers to all of your guesses, or do you really not care how or why someone thought calling a little girl a cunt is funny? And as far as there is no discussion to be had, reality doesn't bear that out now does it? If it was never a discussion to be had of the appropiateness of the calling a little girl a cunt, then the tweet wouldn't exist. But apparently there is a discussion that needs to be had because alot of people defended the tweet like Matt Kirshan and Joel Stein and the writers at Thing X. They feel that is very fine and ok to call a little girl a cunt if it is in the Pursuit of Comedy. Some of them even think that is very funny. I would've liked to know what take this guest would take.
  12. wakefresh

    Episode 116 — Chinky Eyes

    But those white racists aren't strawmen plucked from thin air. They actually exist. So, is your answer to ignore them while pointing the finger at the rapper? Those white racists still have privilege and can still have a larger stage than any rapper. How else can you explain the existence of a Tea Party caucus in Congress right now.
  13. wakefresh

    Episode 58.5 - Minisode 58.5

    She got rid of the toofus!!!!!!
  14. wakefresh

    Last Ounce of Courage

    The neo-cons can pump out some propaganda, can't they?
  15. wakefresh

    InAPPropriate Comedy (2013)

    You need explosions. There has to be explosions or no one will watch it. Also, let's have one black character in the story that gets killed off randomly.
  16. wakefresh

    Episode 118 — Offensive Party

    We never had this when I was in school. We gave our parties pun/jokey names like the "Omega's present The Pajama Jammy Jam part II" or "The Alphas present Cut Somethin' "
  17. wakefresh

    Episode 116 — Chinky Eyes

    I got it from this: "So whatever. And when a rapper with hundreds of thousands or millions of fans says "chinky eyes" it's far less harmful than when some anonymous white trailer park dweller does. I checked my Sociology textbook and this totally works out."
  18. wakefresh

    Episode 116 — Chinky Eyes

    I don't get your response. Are you saying it is cool for white people to use racial slurs as long as they are poor?
  19. wakefresh

    Episode 117 — Is Everyone Racist?

    It's relevant because he used to work at the Onion and can shed some light into how this "joke" even made it on to Twitter. It is not clear that it was the work of only two or three people within the organization. You can't say that because no one knows who put the tweet out there. Also, I didn't know that once someone issues an apology that there should never be any conversation on it ever again. Is that a New No No that you just pulled out of your butt?
  20. wakefresh

    Episode 58.5 - Minisode 58.5

    I used to call Mel C. "Toofus Spice" because she had a fake tooth like Jerome the Playa from Martin.
  21. wakefresh

    Episode 117 — Is Everyone Racist?

    I wish Andrew would ask this guy about the "joke" the Onion made about Quvenzhane Wallis at the Oscars.
  22. wakefresh

    Episode 117 — Is Everyone Racist?

    Andrew should have also noted that the people who say everyone is racist are usually the ones that are quick to downplay the racial aspects of any situation. So, in their minds, everyone racist but no one's actions and words are racist. Logical fail!
  23. wakefresh

    Episode 116 — Chinky Eyes

    But it is problematic that rappers use it as slang.
  24. wakefresh

    Episode 116 — Chinky Eyes

    I feel like the caller was one of those assholes who like to point something out in the Black community and then use that to justify his previous and continued negative treatment of them.
  25. wakefresh

    Episode 58.5 - Minisode 58.5

    I don't use fractions, but my friends who partake in recreational drugs have found knowledge of the metric system invaluable.