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Posts posted by wakefresh


    No it was Casey Novak (Diane Neal) who was on both regular Law and Order and SVU. Another thing I loved about this show was how all of the main detectives minus Munch begin to reveal that they have been molested or attacked. Their stories change so many times it makes me wonder if the characters are making it up in order to get information from people, which is fucked up, or that it has happened so many times to them that they are basically dick magnets, which is just as fucked up.


    Even more fucked up is when these marathons come on USA the ads joke about how these cops don't care about civil rights as long as it gets the job done, and the announcer says this in a way as if he's announcing a children's show. I mean, fuck laws and rights, right?


    That's why I hate Stabler. He always goes in and beats people up, even if they are the wrong person, and nothing ever happens to him. If I got to write the series finale of SVU, he would die a slow, horrible death.


    And yes, everyone on the show has been either molested or raped. The only person they don't go into the past details about is Ice T. He's never there but for three or four lines or when there is a racial element to the plot. Actually, the only eps that were about him were the ones with Ludacris playing the evil genius baby killer. But other that, you don't know shit about Finn. You don't even know where the hell he was born or what he did prior to joining the police.

  2. I don't watch any Law & Order (Although I really wish I did), but it might interest you all that there was a recent episode where Paula Deen kills Trayvon Martin. How do you even PITCH that?


    Yeah, I read they were working on that awhile ago. I think it just aired or something. Ice T sure has mellowed out in his old age because if I got that script at the table read, I would be punching everyone in the mouth.

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    It could be a doc. called "Why don't you want more??!??!"


    But seriously, this is cool. I remember reading an article a loooong time ago about how hard it was for Black Thought growing up in in Philly (his story is really crazy) and he said something like hooking up with Ahmir/starting up the roots kept him from going insane because he and questlove just buried themselves in the music and spent all their time performing etc etc. Questlove is zen, and I would watch anything with him on it.


    They used to say that Bushwick Bill was the spiritual core of the Ghetto Boys, and I think Questlove is the spiritual core of not only the Roots but all good music.

  4. In fact, even as the character bleeds out from a gunshot Wahlberg calls him homophobic slurs! This guy goes to his grave being called gay.


    Way to go Marky Mark! This movie so boring to me. The only character I liked was Tyrese, and even though I like Andre3K, he's not the best actor in any stretch. He did ok, and I think he played to his real life personality. Way better movie debut than mumbling Nas had in Belly.

  5. I love the Law & Orders and CSIs for their comedic spots. Similar to how Commando was a movie based almost on one-liners, these shows are the same with some fast science thrown in. It's why I love NCIS so much as it points out those tropes while having some of its own. Every L&O and CSI episode starts with random joe finding a body, cut to start of investigation and "too soon" one-liner, then lead to half assed science/investigation and the ultimate reveal. As for actors appearing in the shows again, the biggest one was the redheaded DA who was originally on the show as a ringleader of angry women who would torture men.


    OH YEAH! That was Alex, I think. She's a blonde, isn't she. That was on the where the rich, successful women raped a male stripper and they were like, "he wanted it!!!" So heavy handed.


    SVU in particular likes to get on a moral high-horse about shit as well. I remember one episode where this Latino kid, seven

    years old, ends up shooting a black girl at his school with a gun he found. They begin investigating because there is an underlying reason for how he got the gun. After seeing that he was trying to kill a guy who he watched killed someone with the gun prior, they let the kid off and the mom of the dead girl is fine with it. Then the Latino kid is killed by a random black kid out of revenge making the whole morality tale worthless.


    Then there was the Michael Jackson episode where a famous toy maker, who looks like Jimmy Fallon, is charged with molesting a kid at one of his themed costumed parties. Then another kid comes out and says the same thing. It's then revealed the girl's mom, played by Shirley from Laverne & Shirley, was making it up in order to get a payoff from from the molester to pay for her daughters cancer treatment. The detectives basically giver her a "fuck you and your cancer kid speech" because she ruined the investigation and then said "we are just gonna wait for him to molest again."


    I will always remember one ep where they had Mischa Barton playing a hooker. So, she is important in this case about a guy who goes around killing hookers. To get info on Mischa they talk to a little black girl, about 12 years old, who is also a hooker. Stabler says something about being disgusted that there are children on the street, blah, blah. But as soon as they get the info from this little girl, THEY LEAVE HER RIGHT IN THE CONDITIONS THAT THEY SAID WHERE SO DISGUSTING. They never call back and say, "hey, we're going to get this little girl out of a life of prostitution." They just leave her there so they can focus on Mischa Barton and SAVING HER INSTEAD! My mind is exploding right now just thinking about it, as evidenced by the all caps.


    And I guess that's why I really stopped watching it. The legal hoops they jump through for some people and the way they say, "there's nothing we can do. its the law" for others. Like there is no reason why that little boy didn't deserve to be charged. He killed someone. There was one where the teenager was doing camshows molesting his little brother. They didn't charge him because "he had been through enough already." WHAT THE FUCK!!!


    Its so stupid and sanctimonious and clueless at the same time.

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  6. Alie & Georgia (Slumber Party podcast) talk about this all the time. Like why are all ghosts Victorian or from the Civil War? Shouldn't there be some 1980s ghosts by now? Patrick Swayze comes close, but no cigar. I guess Bill Cosby counts. But yeah, how about hippie or disco ghosts? And why would my grandmother be haunting me? She was a good Christian lady.



    ^props to seanotron


    Also, Shariq, you are like balls deep in SVU. Wow. I've never actually seen an episode, only vanilla Law & Order.


    Oh boy, I couldn't count how many hours I've spent scratching my belly looking at NCIS, SVU, Criminal Intent, and L&O eps. When I was working from home, they would have the shit on for three or four straight hours before the primetime lineups came on. TNT and USA program directors have the easiest job in television. Run 3 hours of Saved By the Bell or Seinfeld, followed by 4 hours of NCIS/SVU/CSI, followed by the nightly movie (TNT) or a couple of original programs, and then end the night with a block of King of Queen. I could do that in my spare time.



  7. On another note, Questlove is like the depressed musician's best friend. He goes to D'Angelo to try to get him to make music, and then goes to Fiona Apple to try to get her out of her funk. He needs to pay a visit to Jay Electronica, because Drake sort of took the spot that he supposed to be in, imho.

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  8. I found it: http://www.gq.com/en...w?currentPage=1


    D'Angelo felt tortured, Questlove says, by the pressure to give the audience what it wanted. Worried that he didn't look as cut as he did in the video, he'd delay shows to do stomach crunches. He'd often give in, peeling off his shirt, but he resented being reduced to that. Wasn't he an artist? Couldn't the audience hear the power of his music and value him for that?...


    "One time I got mad when a female threw money at me onstage, and that made me feel fucked-up, and I threw the money back at her," [D'Angelo] says. "I was like, 'I'm not a stripper.' "


    Yep, he was real torn up about that. He's basically a band geek that got ripped and then people wanted ripped D'Angelo instead of his music. I sort of liked the idea behind the video "Untitled", but it ended up biting him in the ass. He was objectified and it made him not want to do music anymore.


    Which makes it even more amazing the pressure that women are under. It is a matter of fact that they are going to be objectified no matter what they do and that their looks and music are going to be intrinsically tied to each other.

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  9. This reminds me, I was getting caught up on episodes of something I'd DVR'd and I had my TV on SyFy. They were running some "Ghost Hunters" marathon or something, and every half hour or so when the show I was watching ended, it'd stop and I'd immediately get "Wait! What was that? I heard something! Hello? I...I felt something...". EVERY time for like 6 hours.


    Have you always noticed that there is never any ghost activity during the day? All of those "ghost" shows are just people telling each other really creepy stories about a building they are going to into later that night. There was a comedian who said how come they never run into modern ghosts. Like, people who OD'ed while watching episodes of Alf in the 80s. It's always a ghost from the 18th or 19th century.

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    I prefer to make jokes at the beginning of "Law & Order" episodes, when some random bystander happens upon a corpse. Like some people are going through a hotel food cart scavenging, and they come upon a body: "We just found the meat!"


    Those characters are the best to play...those and the random people who will just give up information to keep the story going along. That would be a good way to get your SAG card and some of those residuals.


    Benson: "Hey, do you know this girl?"


    Me: "Maybe. I think she stays on the fourth floor."


    end of scene. sit back and collect the checks. :D


    I prefer to make jokes at the beginning of "Law & Order" episodes, when some random bystander happens upon a corpse. Like some people are going through a hotel food cart scavenging, and they come upon a body: "We just found the meat!"


    I also tried to put words to the theme song in SVU. That's real fun as well.


    "We're the police that get the....

    We're the police that get the...

    molesters, rapists, wife-beaters and sadists,

    weirdos, perverts, and all of those in the betweeeeeeeeeen"

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    That IS the other fun aspect of the show: "Yeah, 7 year-old sex-slave imprisoned since birth, blah blah blah, WHATEVER, but that one chick is the chick from that other thing, right? No, not that chick. The show I really hated and we barely watched. <sigh> No...it had that one guy in it. You KNOW the guy... Monk? Heh, Tony Shalhoub IS hilarious, but that's really unrelated. Are you serious? That's Tony Shalhoub in Monk! How do you not know this?"


    The most egregious is the redhead with the pixie cut. She was a teenage runaway in an episode in SVU and later became the partner to Vincent D'Anfrio(sp?) in Criminal Intent. That's a real success story -- from both the a crossover character standpoint and from the real-life actor's standpoint.

  13. The key is to wait until your GF or friend is super invested in the show. Wait for that moment when Benson says something like: "This guy raped and murdered everyone's grandmother...on live television. Sorry, I can't stand by and let him simply get away with this!"


    And then you drop: "You know what? This guy is coming off like a real jerk..."


    We're never super invested in SVU because we've seen about every last one of them. What we do now is try to pick out actors who have been in other episodes as different characters.


    "Hey, the woman that is playing the sadistic preschool teacher was the wife of the serial rapist who collected drivers licenses."

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  14. Yeah, I was on Janelle Monae from the get-go, but Adele is meanwhile cleaning up the press coverage and awards, blah blah blah. Blue eyed soul still gets on top.



    Yeah, didn't Erykah and D'Angelo kinda go off on vision quests or something for awhile there? I don't know about Badu except that she was off the radar, but I did see some crazy shit about D'Angelo although I'm pretty sure he's cleaned up now.


    And I'm with you on the music/partying/grown ass man tip. But as we know, Howie is defying that time waits for no man. Wouldn't have it any other way.


    ETA: Also, Sharon Jones is the fucking jam. That's some shit Howard should be listening to.


    From what I understand, Badu was raising her and Andre 3K's son. Broke up with him, and met Jay Electronica. I think they have a child together or are married or engaged or something. But all through that, she was releasing music, although it hasn't been as big as her first two albums.


    D'Angelo is depressed, on drugs, and lounging in his house. He was supposed to release a new album, but there was nothing released besides one song.


    And I totally agree, the Dap Kings are the shit!


    Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck. I am with this. Can we just collectively listen to Voodoo again and agree that it was way ahead of its time? Devil's Pie and Spanish Joint are on every R&B playlist I have. It seems like a lot of R&B now is just about churlish and impulsive behavior (lookin at you R. Kelly). It used to be about complex emotional relationships right? I think this "party" music shit is super tired and I'm only in my mid-twenties. Am I losing my mind inside this post? Probably.


    D has released two albums, "Voodoo" and "Brown Sugar," and each song on those two albums are good. None of them are skippable. He is literally a genius, but he is full blown into drugs and deeply depressed. He lives in a big house near Richmond, Virginia and plays instruments and smokes all day. It's very sad.


    There was talk that he was gonna release another album, and I remember hearing a leaked track, but I never heard anything else after that.

  16. Repeating a mistake doesn't make it right. My kid comes home in tears because he is ridiculed to death because he stutters...too sensitive? Let me give you some advice, get a heart!


    They don't see it as a mistake, so in their minds they haven't done anything wrong. I suggest you work on getting them to acknowledge that the accents are offensive and need to be stopped, or use other groups as analogies when you are trying to make your point.

  17. Those two must have a sister-like relationship, because that is hard to share a small space with someone -- even the bed! -- work together, and be friends. Especially after the doomed trip to Charleston. At some point didn't they just scream at each other, "GET THE FUCK OUTTA MY FACE!!!!"

  18. My favorite SVU eps are the ones where the writers want to make a social message about something other than sex crimes, so they hamstring a rape or molestation into what is really a diatribe about big pharmaceutical companies or newspaper publishers, or whatever.


    Stabler: "This guy just raped over 100 women and animals."


    Benson: "Why?"


    Stabler: "He says he took Cialis for erectile dysfunction and it made him extra horny."


    Benson: "Rape is not about sex." [insert rape stats from FBI crime report]


    Stabler: "Then he's probably lying!" [rages and beat the man in custody]


    Munch: [conspiracy theory about Cialis]


    Finn: "I'm going to give you the black perspective..."


    Hot Asst DA: "I'm going to give the rapist 30 days suspended sentence. The real criminals are the makers of Cialis. Why don't they have a warning on the box about this?"

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  19. From Ernie's IMDB page, it looks like he's a steady working actor, but yeah, he should have had more success coming off big roles in two really big movies, but that just goes to show you the dearth of parts for black actors and lack of access. But he was in Oz and in one of my favorite movies, Lackawanna Blues.

  20. Everything I hear on the radio is just "we gonna party" and "tonight we gonna do it" or variations on that theme. It's tiresome. And I don't know what non-Summah is like in LA but up here it's time to put away the dance music and play something more soulful. I wonder if Howard ever listens to older R&B like Sam Cooke or

    or whatnot; there's some real jams out there. I guess that's why I don't keep up too much with a lot of contemporary music; there's so much good shit that I'm still finding out about.


    Erykah Badu still doing her thing and there is this new girl, Janelle Monae, and she's like James Brown reincarnated. I wish D'Angelo would get off that stuff and make music, because he's real good. I dunno, I'm old, so I suppose I would be singing a different tune if I were in my teens or early 20s. A song about partying would be cool. But I'm a grown ass man.


    Remember when JDR was on, and they asked her what her pop song would be? Mine would be, "Just paid my bills! Hooray!"

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