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Posts posted by wakefresh

  1. Ahh, poor Boots Randolph, always relegated to "that Benny Hill music". That song is Yakety Sax, though you probably knew that. You can pick up his records in the cheap bins; they're fun to throw on at parties for a bit.


    Here's a neat one -- Cracklin' Sax, a variation on Yakety Sax.



    He and his estate are probably very happy. They get mechanical royalties each time the song is played, so they're making out pretty good. But I'm sure when a young Boots first picked up the saxophone, he wasn't thinking his largest hit would be because of a British comedian.

  2. Actually, most of the Disney games were consistently good, even on the NES. They understand the need to keep a brand's perceived quality high, unlike everyone who licensed a movie to LJN. Who thought that making a Nintendo game for kids out of Total Recall was a good idea? Or Friday The 13th? Or Nightmare On Elm Street? You gotta make the action figures, make the Underoos, make the cartoon (a Rambo cartoon, what the hell), make the shitty video game. It still happens to this day, but now most people have understand that almost all games licensed from movies are garbage.


    Since we're talking about movies porting over to other mediums, has anyone ever read the novelization of a movie? Not movie that is based on an already existing book or a book that is based in a world/reality from a popular movie (i.e, the Star Wars spinoff books), but a novelization of an original screenplay. Like, has anyone ever read the novel-versions of Die Hard or Back To The Future? I always wondered who would buy those? What purpose do they serve? You can see the movie, so why read a book about the movie?


    They tried that with the Matrix Online which did okay for a while but was soon deserted save for the most die hard Matrix fans. Aladdin was good because as it's been stated before Disney knew who its audience was.




    That game was hard as fuck when you got to the bone graveyard.


    I got on Matrix Online too late. For awhile, I didn't have a reliably fast internet connection, so online gaming or streaming was out of the question. The GTA multiplayer comes online next month and I'm gonna play the hell out of it.


    Interestingly enough, his 2nd wife was in The Fifth Element (she's the blue lady) and he apparently started up the affair with Jovovich on set. And just so everyone feels super uncomfortable, he married that same 2nd wife when she was 16 and he was 33. She claims Leon was inspired by their relationship (which started when she was 15). Now if you'll excuse me, I need to vomit.


    The damned French and their paraphilias.


    That has to be so fucking uncomfortable for everyone when you are having an affair with someone on set. I never see how those things start up anyway. It only takes about a month or so to shoot a movie. You mean to tell me that your relationship can't last being apart for four weeks?


    That's always been the biggest consistency in video games, if it's based on a movie it's probably shit. Especially in the late 80s-mid 90s when there were a lot of adaptations, most were in the so bad they're good category or just plain shit category. E.T., Friday the 13th, Hudson Hawk, and Toys were some of the worst ever made, though Friday the 13th is pretty funny to play nostalgically. Rarely were there games that were able to be good adaptation, but when they were they were fantastic, though that may be just in comparison to other adaptations. The early Jurassic Park Games, True Lies, and more recently the Riddick games and Jaws Unleashed were all really good.


    Toys: the game is just a nightmare machine. Oh and why is Robin Williams' character wearing Robin Wright's clothes?


    The Aladdin video game was a good Sega Genesis game. I thought The Matrix video game was pretty good too, but I think they spent a bunch of money on compressing the extra takes from Matrix:Reloaded instead of expanding the game. That game would have been great as a GTA-style sandbox.

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    Bang-on. Your post triggered all the memories.

    The years was probably 1980 and my parents and friends came home from an office party where, using this new corporate 'BetaMax' i think they had seen a video of a 1978 'Off The Wall' stand-up special featuring Robin Williams coked out of his mind.


    For some culturally specific reasons our parents could not stop fucking talking about ......."this guy.. this guy.. whats his name. .not the Threes Company guy but .. ya Robin Williams OH MY GADDD... this guy.. give him a cup and he goes off on it... he literally climbs the stage.. you can say anything and he can make it funny!! Its like he just makes it up as he goes along!!.. and the ENERGY!"


    I think he's in the same vein as Dennis Miller. Very early on, smart people latched on his act because he places famous people from politics and literature in absurd situations. Then people who were not so smart latched on to his act because it made them feel smarter.


    I really do think that his early standup was very funny but his act doesn't translate well to a lot of movies. Its so damned manic. It would have been interesting if he just did crazy ass adult cartoons instead of life-action movies, because animation is the only thing that can accurately reflect his crazy ass.

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  7. That would be episode 100. I could listen to her talk shit about Pete all day, she's the best.


    I think during sex I sound like that youtube video of the fat kid freaking out on the roller coaster.


    Bringing this back to Toys, time to fire up the emulator and play this piece of garbage:




    Damn! Why the hell would you make a video game out of this movie??!!!! You know what, nevermind, this probably would make a much better game than a movie, like a General Chaos-type of game with rubber ducks and jack-in-the-boxes.


    I bet if you do the Konami Code, you get a three minute, 16-bit cutscene of Robin Williams just riffing and twirling that red hat.

  8. I think I remember hearing that on one of her YMIW appearances with Pete Holmes. And yeah, it's super funny -- all the episodes she's been on are hilarious.


    But yeah, I've never heard of anyone calling out other names or had it happen to me. Come to think of it, who even says their partner's name during sex? That would be weird, wouldn't it? Am I weird? Everyone always says "oh yeah, babe" or whatever. "Fuck me harder, Nathaniel" would be a boner killer.


    Yeah, it was that one where she interviews Pete and talks about killing him by burying him alive. That was a good one. :)


    And I'm like you, I don't say names when having sex. I sound like Ric Flair though -- alot of woooos and yeahs being heard.

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  9. Unless the person with final cut is David Lynch.


    Jesus, that Tori Amos hip-hop song is fucking atrocious. And like Jason said, that would drive you insane! I worked at a Borders for about six months and their constant Jack Johnson nearly destroyed me; I can't even begin to think what Tori Amos would do.


    Colbie Callie(sp?) and Natasha Bedingfield fall into this category as well. I worked for a little bit at a American Eagle, and this was the shit that would make me angry.

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  10. Pet projects almost never work because the person whose pet it is is given almost complete control over the final product and are too in the woods to see that it sucks. Battlefield Earth, After Earth, and so many others are given the green light solely for those who are involved in the film rather than the substance, and they suffer because of it.


    That and an adherence to a cult....er, I mean, religion.


    Now touch window. And go back and touch the wall.

  11. this was one of the videos i rented the most as a kid. i think it was the art direction i was inspired by and it started my love of Joan Cusack. however, watching this movie now a few things caught my eye that must have went over my head when i was litte.


    Gambon's character was almosted fragged in Vietnam? that is a bit dark and i did not even think he would be sorta trapped in that make shift field hospital. i just thought he was recuperating there not trapped. I also completly forgot that he sent his wife to masquerade as another Jane Fonda which led her to be killed by the North Vietnamese. WTF?

    Robin William's sexual stuff - chiefly the puppet and his whole relationship with Robin was unsettling. i am pretty sure i just blocked the sex out of my mind as a kid.

    the happy worker song just reminded me of soviet propaganda.

    this move is just dark but it did deserve the oscar nomiations in art.


    I didn't watch this movie, but it sounds like they set up Joan Cusack as Robin Williams' girlfriend. But we later learn that she is robot that was built as a replacement mother for a young Robin Williams after his birth mother died...So why then did he end up fucking his step robot mother? That makes absolutely no sense at all.

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  12. If Joan Cusack is a robot in this movie, and Robin Williams had this robot since he was a young kid as a replacement for his mother (that's a weird thing, right?) and he ends up fucking his step-mother robot in the movie? That's strange. Very strange.


    And if this company had the technology to build life-like robots -- fuckable life-size, life-like robots -- then, why not transition into the hi tech field? Can you imagine how big a company could be if they made life-size, life-like robots...that are also fuckable? C'mon man, the money is in the sex robot market, not drones.

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