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Greatbob Umber

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Posts posted by Greatbob Umber

  1. http://splitsider.com/2012/09/earwolf-launches-a-whole-bunch-of-new-podcasts/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+Splitsider+%28Splitsider%29


    I have waited patiently for months and months and months (three months, that's about right), and you just give this scoop to Splitsider over me? Just because they're well known and popular and much smarter for getting information out than a barely-noticed Earwolf forum thread? That hurts. Hurts rull bad.

    • Like 4

  2. The NYT piece on the upcoming (and likely awesome) Comedy Bang Bang television show, (http://www.nytimes.c...rlOBCPESDPkfyOg) mentions the following:


    "Since 2005 he has overseen a comedy showcase at the Los Angeles branch of the Upright Citizens Brigade, the breeding ground for network sitcom stars, whose founders include Ms. Poehler. And two years ago Mr. Aukerman started a homespun podcasting network called Earwolf, which has become a forum for audacious comedic anthropology. (In a forthcoming series called β€œNerd Poker,” for instance, comedians are recorded while playing Dungeons & Dragons.) For Comedy Central he also recently directed a TV version of β€œBetween Two Ferns,” the popular and offbeat Web interview show he created with Mr. Galifianakis and B. J. Porter, a longtime friend and collaborator."


    I am excited! Apparently Brian Posehn is hosting? Can we get some more information? Who's going to be on this show? Rotating guests? When does it start?

    • Like 1

  3. It's sad that we're down to the top three, and podcasts are STILL getting voted off based on themes that put them at a serious disadvantage and nobody seems to know exactly what the actual criteria is for which the podcasts should actually aim for. It would have been easy and fair and certainly more entertaining to say, "Hey, we're down to the final three, give us ten great minutes of whatever you all do BEST," but no.
    I still like the idea of the Earwolf Challenge, but this thing has been mismanaged and shoddily handled from the start. I'm not sure I'm going to bother with the finale. I don't know that I'm interested in who gets the yearlong podcast contract based on two minutes of content on who has the best outro.

  4. It's sad that we're down to the top three, and podcasts are STILL getting voted off based on themes that put them at a serious disadvantage and nobody seems to know exactly what the actual criteria is for which the podcasts should actually aim for. It would have been easy and fair and certainly more entertaining to say, "Hey, we're down to the final three, give us ten great minutes of whatever you all do BEST," but no.
    I still like the idea of the Earwolf Challenge, but this thing has been mismanaged and shoddily handled from the start. I'm not sure I'm going to bother with the finale. I don't know that I'm interested in who gets the yearlong podcast contract based on two minutes of content on who has the best outro.

  5. It's hard to make a case for the Totally Laime sketch to slide by, because it was an okay sketch badly performed. But it's harder to argue against the Fort getting eliminated because they ALSO had an okay sketch that was badly performed, and sketches are something they feature on their show regularly. I don't mind Totally Laime getting a pass this week, because it isn't the first during this run that a show has been given a pass for doing something badly their show doesn't feature. Sketch shows have been given a pass in previous challenge weeks due to having difficulty applying the theme, so to have a show that features sketches do less than fine on a sketch-specific challenge is certainly worthy of elimination.

    That being said, now that we're down to five podcasts, I'd really like to see challenges be more open-ended to sort of avoid this kind of debate. "Give us ten excellent minutes," is a challenge I would like to see. Maybe with a smooth segue in the middle to show that the podcast is capable of carrying itself effectively over an entire episode.

  6. I am just going to assume that the final challenge will be judged by Ulrich and Aukerman? It seems appropriate, and I think their judging makes the most sense as for what show (or multiple, depending on if you like more than one, who knows) goes on their website/podcast network. And at that point, I think "which is the best podcast for our network" is certainly a valid question. It might not make the difference between one podcast and another (especially if one podcast is clearly superior in the final challenge), but I don't think it's insulting (and certainly not meant to be) to mention if one podcast fits the feel and tone of what Earwolf provides or allows them to diversify their offerings, if that is the truth.

    No insult intended, but keep it up! I am intrigued to see which podcast wins!
