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Posts posted by Peter_Awesome

  1. I don't know what Taylor Lautner's career after Twilight will be like, but it can't be anything good judging by this movie. I think it's a bad omen. It has a lower rating than 88 Minutes on Rotten Tomatoes, and a critic even said "the only way to survive Abduction is under the influence of a controlled substance." Illegal drug endorsement! That must mean something, right?

    • Like 1

  2. One thing that wasn't mentioned which I thought was so obvious was:


    At the beginning, the bad guys ask for the alarm code, and they are told it's 7465. When the main bad guy goes to enter it, he says "7-4-6-5" as he's pressing the buttons, but he presses 7-4-6-6! It's such an obvious mistake!

  3. This movie is... I have no idea what to say about it. It's a great concept, and one that could bring a lot of discussion on the morality of gene splicing and so forth, but this movie goes to some very strange places. I feel like the general oddity of it outweighs any reason for recommending it. I would definitely like to hear what you guys would have to say about it.


    There are entirely too many possible drinking games from this.

    1. Drink every time she mentions wanting to just leave the hospital, even after having her arm and her leg chopped off.
    2. Take a drink for every tool the killer has that's made out of blue glass.
    3. Take a drink every time something yellow appears, ambient lighting excluded.
    4. Drink every time someone says, "Sometimes people get cut."
    5. Just take a fucking drink, please. You're gonna need it.

    And, to top it all off, take a drink for AskJeeves.com, as this may be the only film that actually shows use of it.

  5. I think this would be a perfect addition. I see nothing better than ripping into the Friday the 13th franchise for making the pile of garbage known as "Jason X". What could be better than "Jason Voorhees in space"! The film is rife with things to talk about, like the nearly-all Canadian/sci-fi franchise actors, the extreme nonchalance of most of the crew even at the face of a demented serial killer, and how everybody is fucking everybody. The only person who doesn't get fucked is Jason. And let's not forget such incredible quotes as:

    "Hey Slappy! I got a little something for ya."
    "Um, what's a bike?"
    and, of course...
    "...oh man."

    Continuity and scientific errors abound, this movie would make Roland Emmerich question what's going on.

    And, in closing, I give you this scene. It is quite amazing.

  6. I do enjoy this movie quite a bit. Although I must admit, it does drag between the "best of" moments you usually see on YouTube.

    One of my favorite things about this movie is that it was directed by Neil LaBute, an amazing film/theatre writer/director. "In The Company of Men" and "The Shape of Things" are two of my favorites that I've seen thus far, and I'm trying to see others. It always fascinated me how he got involved with this, and how amazingly bad it is given his other works. Then again, he directed "Lakeview Terrace" and the American version of "Death At a Funeral". What's even crazier is that he wrote the screenplay for "The Wicker Man" too! I've found no information regarding why he wrote it the way he did, if execs or editors in Hollywood somehow fucked it up from the original screenplay, or anything about his involvement. Maybe he's embarrassed, which I wouldn't blame him for.

    Neil directing definitely explains why Aaron Eckhart makes a cameo. Aaron Eckhart has been the leading man in a lot of LaBute's films (the ones he's penned).

    He mainly works in theatre, so maybe it's just something about film that gets him all crazy. I wish I knew. Don't judge Neil LaBute, though. His plays are really great.
