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Posts posted by benk

  1. Holy hell, these are all amazing! Mostly I just love the amount of penises drawn here. RIP El Ryan.


    I too would love that Spirit Bear shirt. Also I wanted to like more stuff but my likes ran out. :( I wanted to like the other guy that had the same problem as me, but...

  2. A Fish Called Wanda


    Also, Shelby must have slept through Empire Strikes Back if she thinks Darth Vader never said "I am your father."

    I think she was referring to the fact that it is one of those famously misquoted lines. People often think he says "Luke, I am your father" when he actually says "No. I am your father." Small difference but I've heard it brought up before.


    I'd love to hear anything else these three did, or more Scott and Harris! Or more anything! Podcasts!

  3. To commemorate Comedy Bang Bang's two hundredth episode, I would like to present a 7 minute edit(or Supercut if you're in the biz) of all the instances in which our host Scotch Drinkerman or his guests mention the popular character Borat's less popular catchphrase "My Wife!"


    I may have missed a few and I didn't listen to any of the only-for-purchase live episodes,sorry. I don't know if those are real and I may have imagined them.


    I really hope the person who requested this hears it.(I did not request it.) If you don't like it when they do this bit on the show then maybe this isn't for you. If you DO like it when they say "My Wife!" on the show and still don't like the Supercut, then I've failed and am worthy of ridicule.


    Enjoy it!



    You are amazing. My favorite version of the "my wife" is when Scott just tries to slip it in in the background.


    Amazing episode, I couldn't stop laughing.

  4. I don't agree with the caller that the episode was in poor taste, but I do think he came across as even-handed and calm in the face of four comedians.


    I personally chose to skip the gun control episode when I saw it pop up. I purposefully didn't read the news or seek out info in any other way about it either. Maybe that makes me overly sensitive, but I can see where the caller was coming from. It's a personal thing, and I don't think it has anything to do with "righteous indignation." And, to speak to Colton Dunn's point, yes, I would be offended if I saw a painting of some kids being murdered going up the next day. It's just not something I want to look at.


    I'll go back and listen to the podcast at some point, because I love all the people on it. I just didn't need it right then, but I can see why they did it.

  5. guy gets chewed out by his new boss when he shows up to work high on his first day. it's not laugh out loud hilarious, but it's different that usual crazies. maybe it'll spark some improv ideas?


    i wasn't sure exactly where to start it since it's a really long video, but this might work.



    hey on second thought maybe don't play this one i'm worried it will just be terrible
